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Exodus, The Parties.....


Ok, so I've been hearing alot about the Exodus collective because of the cheese and all that, but I would like to hear from people who went to the parties in the 90's. I used to go to every one as myself and my mates were well into it. The last one I went to was new year 1998/1999, but my favourites were always christmas day as they would start in the afternoon! Much better than getting pissed and watching crap TV! The new year party was a cellotape factory in dallow road industrial estate, and they had occupied the place since the christmas party! They inspired myself and a few of my mates to start doing parties too, just a great time, lots of really good memorys!!!


I was never in to that scene but was in to the late 80's early 90's rave scene in the Midlands like Amnesia in Coventry and Top Banana warehouse raves in Leicester .. ah the good ol' dayz .. :p


Active member
i went to exodus parties regularly.

some of the best parties i've ever been to.

summer was the best, at the parties in the quarrys.


i went to exodus parties regularly.

some of the best parties i've ever been to.

summer was the best, at the parties in the quarrys.

It was Heathem reach sand quarry or some shit, they were fucking sweet! I'd forgotten all about those until you mentioned it! I've heard they are doing parties again.... someone said the system was shite, I thought 'sounds like them'!! Hope it's true..... would love to relive my youth!!!


Active member
yeah they were some kickin' parties in that quarry, and clophill quarry too where the sand was orange, thus everyone came out the parties with an orange hue.

exodus are now leviticus, they're doing do's at the hat factory in luton, but they are working to do legal outdoor events though. we (was brains kan now we're unity tribe) are kinda on the same path. we just done our first outdoor legal party (in a free party style) last september, it went really well and had a seriously good vibe. we're just waiting for the weather to warm up again, then we'll be doing some more.

hey mr.bigbud get a couple more posts done so i can pm you. i'm in east anglia too, would be good to link up.


Easy Lovelightpower, Good to know someone is still 'in the loop', I'm posting like a good'un so won't be long!! You do parties too? In east anglia or no?! Your 1st outdoor do last year wasn't the 1 just outside Fawcet, cambs was it? I heard good things about that, and although it wasn't free it was very cheap (£10 including camping.... for the lightweights!).


Active member
we were doing parties illegally for a decade,
that was out first outdoor legal party.

was in norfolk, not camb.

good to know your still on it bro.
much respect.

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