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Something wrong with my cheese ?


Active member

Thanks for your replys.

Im using organic nutes and i checked my EC level last night and its only at 1.3.
Im Creating the water in 5L bottles.
Im using 20ml of Canna Flores and 20ml of the Canna Boost and a tiny bit of Canna Rhizatonic 1ml.
I then feed my plants 2 liters of water each.

Im already feeding the plants quite alot of nutrients im using the heavy feeding schedule of the bio canna website.

How much more do you think I should increase my feed ? Is this how I raise the E.C level ?

Sorry for all the questions.

You are correct. Thats Half strength Feed you have them on i think, which is more that addiquite buddy! or it should be at that stage(Check Canna UK website for mixing schedual). You are mixing the A+B seperately in your feeding solution i presume? First say 10ltres of water then add the 'A'(20mls) MIX well, then add the 'B'(20mls) mix well, add whatever additive(cannazym) then check/change PH if needed!. Are you using water that has stood for a minimum of 24 hours (bubbled is better)? I'm just tryin to see if there is a simple anwser to your problem!

(EDIT-Looks like the Terra range has just 1 Bottle & NO a+b formula to mix.) so its either you aint letting you water stand or the mix was not strong enough in the first place! which has caused the recent yellowing & lack of N) Does look like you need to just increase the feed a little.


Active member
I went and checked for you 2-3ml per litre for late Veg Stage. When Using Canna pro Plus Soil.
I have what Growell recommend on their Ultimate feed chart, first 2 weeks of Bloom they condone the use of 1.5ml Terra Vega + 1.5 ml Terra Flores per litre of water, then wk 3 of bloom switch to just the Terra Flores at 3-4 ml per litre, its always wise to use the lesser amout & watch your plants to see if they ask for more buddy.
What you are doing sounds correct so i'm wondering exactly how you use your water & how you mix your solution. it may just be as simple as they need that extra strength!
I wish you well.............Scroger'
Scorgerman thank you again for your replys.

Im using Canna's bio soil
And there schedule on heavy feeding.

If you click below
2.Tank size -5 liters
3.Schedule Types - Heavy Feeding.


So have i messed up if i should added vegging feed the first couple weeks into flowering ?
Also how do i tell when the plants are asking for more nutes ?
And another question if you dont mind me asking is the E.C levels.
Are these raised by nutrients ? Is 1.3 to low ?

Also i just add the nutes into my 5 litre bottles and shake really well.
Its how I have fed all my plants on all my grows.

Thanks guys :joint:


european ganja growers
just keep in mind this is a guide from canna,,,,,some strains will be more hungry than others= more nutes + other strains might need less = less nutes,...
just because your feeding at the strength, than dont mean there not hungry. this is why you allway (well i do) start of at half strangth and work your way up,,,this is all part of dialing in your grow....i bet thay come good bro

keep it green
Thanks for your reply.
Appricate the help as im a new grower only done 3 and never had these probs.

So im being told to feed more . what would you suggest ?
How much more should i add to the mix ?


european ganja growers
hear goes,,,eg. if canna say use 2ml per 2ltr of water, up your canna A/B to 2.5ml per 2 ltr......A first then B ,,then aything else you want to,,.......once youve mixed your nutes check the PH,,,,,then you should be ready to rock,
keep your eyes on new growth if it looks good then your on track,,,keep you eyes out to make sure you dont start burning them with to much nutes aswell,,,,,the more you grow the strain the more you will learn about what she need and wants,,,:yes:

keep it green


Active member
Foliar app is a good idea!

Foliar app is a good idea!

Hey Highlander,
I thought it was an A+B formula, but it looks like a one part the Canna Bio Flores, i had to delete a whole post. I agree to start with half strength nute formula when using soil, in hydro it would be 1/4 or 1/8th strength even. I would not say to increase the dose of what Canna recommend at all dude unless of course the plants asked for it. if Canna say 2ml thats usually a real good place to start imo. The Bio Canna Boost is ONLY suitable for use with the Canna Bio Nutes so i presume you know this & are using them nutes. If not then you'll be using the Canna Terra range. but im pretty sure you'll be on the stuff that facilitates the Bio-Boost! Seeing as the fucking price of the stuff brings a tear to my eye.
BTW HL, i was advising a foliar app because it really would hit the root of the problem and noticable improvements would surly be seen in a couple of days, i never said it would turn the damaged leaves magically back green and lush again, i was advising to foliar as it would certainly help to green up the leaves that are just starting to show the deficiency & would help to stop the progression of it expressing in the leaves a lot quicker than just raising the EC, IMO a foliar wolud be just fine in this stage of growth, i dont see no big buds dude! a foliar app to help now is fine advice imvho dudes!
Yeah dude EC ( electro conductivity ) AKA-'CF' ( conductivity factor ) measures feed strength,
AKA-'TDS' (Total Dissolved Solids),AKA - PPM's ( Parts per millionth ),- they are all the same thing just different values/ or expressions, ie tenths, hundreds, thousands/450ppm's, EC-0.9, CF-9 etc, they are just different ways of measuring the same strength of salts in solution, but given in a different value. You could do with reading up on this dude as its quite interesting & could help you alot to understand the science/chemistry behind growing MJ! Do a search on TDS, EC/CF, Nutrient Salt Measurement.
Yeah i would agree with HL to increase to 2.5ml now maybe 3 ml at this Stage. I'll go check some charts now,brb. yeah either may do according to my chart. She does look like she has been starving a little, maybe she is a little pig with the nutes ah, you'll soon suss her out. Good luck with it all dude . i'll be about watching "!Peace.................Scroger':dance013:



Active member
Scorgerman thank you again for your replys.

Im using Canna's bio soil
And there schedule on heavy feeding.

If you click below
2.Tank size -5 liters
3.Schedule Types - Heavy Feeding.


So have i messed up if i should added vegging feed the first couple weeks into flowering ?
Also how do i tell when the plants are asking for more nutes ? A.) By testing the run off for EC & PH & reading & charting what it is doing( i'll PM you a link if you like) Also you can tell because the plant will lighten up in colour for instance, there are several ways.
And another question if you dont mind me asking is the E.C levels.
Are these raised by nutrients ? Is 1.3 to low ? A.)YES-but, Depends on stage of growth & that paticular strain, like us MJ strains all have different requirments so 1.3 may not be low to a young plant.

Also i just add the nutes into my 5 litre bottles and shake really well.
Its how I have fed all my plants on all my grows. Let the water stand for 48 hours if possible before you use it to mix up your nute solution, and bubble it to add Oxygen and help rid it of Clorine which is harmfull to MJ, temps important too. 68-72f would be good!

Thanks guys :joint:

I would say simply yes because you can now clearly see they need that extra N, & the plant is cannablising itself to find the N it needs if you followed instructions from Canna, then a N suppliment would have been usefull too(maybe), I would certainly consider painting something like GreenMagic on to the leaves instead of spraying, making sure i use a wetting agent for penetration. I know yields will suffer if this is just left this way. raising the EC will fix things up nicely, but i would go that extra yard to try n help, if you do mix a foliar for painting on leaves dont make it too strong & try to see what others that have results use too. Use a slightly more Alkaline PH for foliar like 7.2 for example.!
Good Luck'..........Scroger'-..............Word!
Scrogerman , theHIGHlander
Both of you guys thanks so much.
Learning loads already.
So for my next grow I will keep a complete diary of what im doing.
When I next water I will raise the Nutrient solution a tad and check the run off.
Would you say 2 liters of water per plant is enough ? They are in 10 liter pots.

Scorgerman that would be great if you can pm me anything that helps.
The Bio Canna Boost is ONLY suitable for use with the Canna Bio Nutes so i presume you know this & are using them nutes. If not then you'll be using the Canna Terra range. but im pretty sure you'll be on the stuff that facilitates the Bio-Boost! Seeing as the fucking price of the stuff brings a tear to my eye.
Yeh ive got the right nutes thanks for checking. Also the price is not to bad down where I am.


Active member
Yeah Respect GHB & HL, & sorry for missunderstanding what you said. Highlander is giving very good advise there bro! I'll see what i can dig up on how to chart EC & ph to see what the plant requires etc. Check the run-off bro yes. Maybe check out the organic forums on IC for better advice as im more of a hydro grower tbh, but i know enough to have helped you. Your looking for run off of about 10-15% so if 2 litres is giving you this then cool. Some feed with no run off, but if i were you i would practice this way first, hope this helps. expect a PM!


New member
u have good help... but even if u did not increase your ec... increase your feedings. feed every water... sometimes less is more. ;)


Active member
This link sort of brings to light what you need to understand in the first post. the same would apply to soil grows, testing your run-off. I do recommend you read up on the subject on charting PH & EC, testing the run off in soil/organic grows,like coco for instance, same princables testing run-off etc. There's loads of info out there. This was not the link i had in mind but its a start and covers the concepts involved! When i find the one i was thinking of i'll forward it to you! hope i have put you on the right road!

Peace.....n G'Luck!...Scroger.


I forgot you need 50 posts to send & recieve PM's(private messages) So fk'it i'll post in your thread as i think it may be helpfull to some extent!


Active member
Good Move!

Good Move!

Cheers scrogerman.
I doing my research and been and got a foliar app

Yeah nice move, just go easy on the strength you mix it at, also make sure you use a slightly higher PH for foliar apps-PH 7.2-7.4 is ideal and the preffered Ph. Did you get a wetting agent for better penetration. If not, theres other simple things you can use like 1 tiny drop per gal of organic soap or even a mild detergent would be fine to use(just a tiny amount is effective). Better to use a wetting agent than not to, the leaves will absorbe the foliar app ingredients much better. Hope this helps buddy. G'Luck.

BTW- Which one did you get out of interest?. If its something i aint used like Green Magic then i'd like to know what you think of progress after just 1 week, so i'll stick around dude.
Hey scrogger.
I asked for green magic or something similar and he recomended something called forumelex. Im going to try it out and see what happens im not to sure if its the correct thing. I also bought something called superthrive he said it may also be able to help.
I hope this is the correct thing . Im worried about my plants
Also no wetting agent i comepletly forgot about that. eeek


Active member
Ok but its not like the GM, its a total plant start feed or baby feed in laymans terms. Yeah still a decent product to use a foliar so yeah good move & i'd be painting some on the leaves. I'd mix the stuff weak, maybe 1/3rd or 1/2 strength. Superthrive is a stress reliever containing vits & hormones, a fucking fantastic product that i swear by in the veg stage, i would not bother in bloom as ive read adverse effects using it in bloom, so dont bother with ST at this stage. I stop using it at 2 wks Bloom. But the formulex will be just fine & contains just what you need really, not quite as good as the GM but a sound product that i have used, so i know its good! Yeah remember you can use 1 drop per gal of organic soap or washing detergent, its such a small amount a drop a gal that you go no problem, read up on organic soap used as wetting agents for some recommended brand names as i cant remember 1 right now. Ive used fairy washing up liquid, 1 drop(just a drop) in 5 litres say, you wont even notice but it will help. Anyway Good luck to you & keep us posted.
Peace & Respect...................Scroger'


Active member
I could be crazy but I always thought at 6.5 PH it's harder for the plants to get the Nitrogen. I like to let the PH fluctuate between 5.9 and 6.5.


Active member
Snype, try reading the bloody thread, its only a couple of pages. We're talking about a foliar application which requires a more alkaline ph of around 7.0-7.4 for instance, ok buddy,
And anyway 5.9 is too low for soil & would be asking for trouble. soil ph is optimal in range between 6.3 to 6.8 ok buddy!

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