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A good camera....


heavy dank nugg

hey guys i have about 250 to spend on a new camera im looking for something that takes nice close ups and macros and is stoner friendly to figure out.was looking at nikon's coolpix p90 but its 400 bucks. any one suggest one that compares for a little less money.


New member
Yo man...ya i just got a Sony Cybershot, the 12.1 megapixel one....i got it for Christmas so i'm not sure of the actual price, i looked it up and im pretty sure it was only around 149.99...it takes NICE Macros, and is SUPER easy to use and extremely stoner friendly...check it out

pz man


The revolution will not be televised.....
HDN - Nikon makes a cheaper version of the Coolpix that comes in at $200. Read the reviews at Walmart and Bestbuy and it gets great reviews. It is the model below the one you are looking at. Good Luck!


Just my :2cents: ?
I've owned about 15 digital cameras over the years and if I were to buy one (again) for bud photography it would be a Canon Powershot S3IS, or any of the similar Powershot line (I had an S3 IS, A570, A640 and a few others).
They now make a Powershot SX110 IS (9 MP, way more than you'll need) and SX120 IS (10 MP version of above) now which both retail for $250, find it for $200 easy.
I'm recommending this line because they
a) have wonderful optics
b) are cheap
c) are VERY easy to use (unlike Nikons)
d) most PowerShots have a "SuperMacro" mode that can focus ONE CM from the lens. GREAT for trichs. What gets hard is properly lighting such shots ;)

heavy dank nugg

was just looking at cannon powershot sx 120 10 mp and 10 x optical zoom. for 199 at wallmart...I think im sold

heavy dank nugg

Just my :2cents: ?
I've owned about 15 digital cameras over the years and if I were to buy one (again) for bud photography it would be a Canon Powershot S3IS, or any of the similar Powershot line (I had an S3 IS, A570, A640 and a few others).
They now make a Powershot SX110 IS (9 MP, way more than you'll need) and SX120 IS (10 MP version of above) now which both retail for $250, find it for $200 easy.
I'm recommending this line because they
a) have wonderful optics
b) are cheap
c) are VERY easy to use (unlike Nikons)
d) most PowerShots have a "SuperMacro" mode that can focus ONE CM from the lens. GREAT for trichs. What gets hard is properly lighting such shots ;)

hey thanks for this info. take a look at my homepage in my albums all pics are done with a powershot A470. and i was ok with it...the sx120 should be similar with its functionality only providing better quality.....thats the thinking anyway.


pure dynamite
yeah man those IS are really really good and simple to operate at that price!!
(I used a Canon PowerShot S5 IS from a friend and was a great device)


I purchased a Canon S2IS on craigslist about a year ago for $60 and have been pretty happy with it. It has a 0mm minimum focus distance when in super macro mode, but like Helis said above, its hard to light the subject when shooting that close. If you haven't heard of it yet, check out www.dpreview.com - lots of helpful info there on cameras! (i usually check out the "Conclusion" section of the reviews to get a quick idea of how each camera performed in their hand-on tests)


the sx120 should be similar with its functionality only providing better quality.....thats the thinking anyway.
One thing I enjoy about Canon's line is that they keep their controls consistent... The operation for a S3IS, the smaller A series, the SD's (heard good things but have not tried) and even the EIOS series are all pretty much the same. They just add more buttons as you get more functions.

Glad this info helped some people out :huggg:

heavy dank nugg

I bought the cannon powershot sx120 is. 200 balloons...
nice looking camera lets hope i get it dialed in...If anyone has one and has some pointers,Im all ears

heres what i got from it so far 1st 2 ECSD 3rd lemon larry




ok correction 1st lemon larry 2 and 3 ECSD