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AB 390 passes!!!


Active member
BREAKING: Marijuana Legalization Approved by California Assembly Committee

Posted by Daniela Perdomo, AlterNet at 11:55 AM on January 12, 2010.

The State Assembly's Public Health Committee approved a bill that legalizes marijuana for all adults. It won't hit the debate floor anytime soon, but it's a step forward.

Members of the California State Assembly's Public Health Committee approved a bill that would remove marijuana from the state's criminal and civil codes and effectively legalize marijuana for all adults over 21.

The bill, AB 390, was written by Tom Ammiano, a Democrat from San Francisco. While it was not heard by the other committee -- Public Safety -- that must approve it in order for it to move forward through the legislative process, the fact that it was heard and approved by a committee at all is a win, according to Stephen Gutwillig, California state director of the Drug Policy Alliance.

“While actually passing a bill to tax and regulate marijuana may be a heavy lift in any state legislature right now, members of the Assembly today reflected the sentiment of a majority of Californians,” Gutwillig said. “Voters will get a chance to decide if California should tax and regulate marijuana at the ballot box in November."

Indeed, as I've written recently, Tax Cannabis 2010 has qualified for the California mid-term election in November. It will let the electorate decide what state legislators may be reluctant to.

Because the vast majority of medical marijuana laws have passed at the hands of voters rather than politicians, experts believe the California ballot initiative is the best chance for marijuana legalization here.

As I've written, Tax Cannabis faces many hurdles -- namely the fact that support for it is only in the lower to mid-fifties, according to polls -- but the fact that a group of legislators in Sacramento have given a bill similar to it a stamp of approval could normalize the idea of marijuana legalization for many hesitant Californians.



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
totally different world over there! we still have minimum mandatory sentences for growers here...



So did it pass? i thought i just read in that post that its going to b voted on in November?

If it did pass then whats the things i'm able to do now legally?

I'm in Cali even though alot of cops don't care bout the greens here alot still do so this is gunna b nice to b able to say ay ummmm u forget about AB390? hah

Can anyone list the Pros n Cons of this bill because i'm tryin to get started if its legal for me to grow i'm putting some out next week

EDIT: it doesn't say it passed it said it was aproved by a certain organization? i don't understand


Its always about money anyways but if this bill thats passed will keep me outa jail thats all i care about

I'm i the only one catching this? it didn't get passed it was approved and will b up for voting in Nov?


it still needs to pass the second committee by Friday. They also have the committees reversed in the article. It passed public safety today, and has to pass the health committee by Friday or it will be dead until it is reintroduced later in the year.

Again, THIS HAS NOT PASSED INTO LAW. It is a major hurdle but it HAS NOT passed into a law until it goes through the full process.


So did it pass? i thought i just read in that post that its going to b voted on in November?

If it did pass then whats the things i'm able to do now legally?

I'm in Cali even though alot of cops don't care bout the greens here alot still do so this is gunna b nice to b able to say ay ummmm u forget about AB390? hah

Can anyone list the Pros n Cons of this bill because i'm tryin to get started if its legal for me to grow i'm putting some out next week

EDIT: it doesn't say it passed it said it was aproved by a certain organization? i don't understand

Nothing has changed for the Citizens in California, this has a loooooong way to go yet. If you are unfamiliar with how this system works then read the following:



Hello everyone.. I have been despondent but this is too important to be butt-hurt over organic soil forum,

It has passed one committee and will go to another but there is a deadline of Friday the 15th for last years business.

A bill to legalize adult recreational use of marijuana - and allow the drug to be sold and taxed in California - cleared a key hurdle this morning, as the Assembly Public Safety Committee voted 4-3 to move it to the next step in the debate. But a Friday legislative deadline could mean the legislation will die before making it to the Assembly floor.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/01/12/BA191BH4AR.DTL&tsp=1#ixzz0cROFmLOJ

Assemblyman Tom Ammiano is reported to be ready to reintroduce this year.

So look at it as a warm up.

Please take time with this as I see incorrect reports on both sides.

It is moving forward.

To quote a commenter:

"The dank has landed."

"One small toke for man, one giant rip for mankind"

"I have a dream, that one day we will not be judged by the color of our weed, but by the content of our bongs."

Oh... wait, it's not legal yet. Back to work.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/01/12/BA191BH4AR.DTL&tsp=1#ixzz0cRXfFjCO


Just Call me Urkle!!
Ok so I just heard a clip on the news here in Sacramento saying that the bill to tax and legalize Marijuana passed and adults 21 and over are legal to grow smoke ect is this too good to be true? I thought AB390 was put away for a while and wasn't happening?? Is today that magical day in history?


Eugene Oregon
This is a big step in the right direction, what happens to medical patients?
Thats my question.. a lot of questions to be asked for sure, we will see what happens.


This is a big step in the right direction, what happens to medical patients?
Thats my question.. a lot of questions to be asked for sure, we will see what happens.

nothing because it hasn't even completed the first step a bill has to take to become law. It still has to pass one more committee, go through for 2/3 more re-reads, pass a vote, then go to the other house and do the same thing.

then it has to be signed by the gov's office. Even if it passed both committees this week, it would still be months off before it was ever law.


Active member
to all the ppl jumping up and down need to chill...we stil got more committies to agree with it...if they dont go thru with it we will have to wait till november election...it aint over yet folks


This is a big step in the right direction, what happens to medical patients?
Thats my question.. a lot of questions to be asked for sure, we will see what happens.

I believe both ab and tc are making efforts to avoid mmj so I hope there is a leave it alone attitude.

But I agree with you a step in the right direction and look at the free publicity over a single committee vote.

It has to get to the Governator so we have a ways to go.

I will feel better once it gets re-introduced for this years legislative business since the clock runs out for last year this next Friday.

In my mind, neither ab or tc are good enough so please folks lets support either and both now but we have to get up, stand up for 2012

We won't win the war with a single battle. We have to exercise our rights to ballot initiatives in 2012.


Is this really what every1 wants? i like the whole medical thing but it might be to accessible to get marijuana for kids that are younger. We have Jr High and High school kids throwing parties and drinking and now its going to be very easy for them to get marijuana. I honestly dont believe this is a step in the right direction. that is just my opinion and mine only.