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Farmer Stealth in the "GREENHOUSE"

Well, time for another run. This will be my 3rd grow and first Diarie.

First grow was AK-48 (Nirvana), went OK but probably under fed, had a few light issues. Got a few O's but not enough, good smoke thou.
2nd grow got f#cked up from the start. Ran Blue Mystic and Cristal (Nirvana).
First I tried some larger pots, 4 gal. they didn't drain right, plants got root rot. Then a male snuck in and screwed the whole room. Then probably got over fed, oops. Plants ended up very sickly. Ah, the joys of being a nooby. LOL.

Well I got some new seeds and we gonna try to do a little better this time.
First off my room is a 5'x8' walk-in closet. I'm using a 3.5'x5' area for my grow area with a 600w hps/mh with 6" exhaust. I will use the pots from the second grow but I'm gonna drill some bigger holes in them. Also sealed the door better so no light leeks.

Time to introduce the stars of our show. Round 3 stars 'Super Lemon Haze' and 'Alaskan Ice', 5 each, all GreenHouse feminized. They were all soaked in distilled water for 3 days and planted 48 hrs ago. Current grow medium is Sphagnum peat moss and Miracle Grow perillite. 12oz cups under a 2 bulb 24" T5 in a 24"x12" tray with cover. Temps around 80-84 deg (night-day). 18-6 hours of light. The one thing I've been consistent about is Ph levels (around 5.8) but ONLY in my feedings, I don't have a soil Ph tester :noway:, yet. I will have one soon. The only nutes I've used before have been Humbolt nutes A-B, nothing else. Soil mix is Sphagnum peat moss, Miracle Grow perillite and vermiculite, ratio is 3-1-1.

So far, at 48 hrs, I have five Super Lemon Haze and five Alaskin Ice all showing there heads, :woohoo: Yea, I'm happy. 10 for 10, all ladies. A promising start.

I'm hoping to post my first pics tomorrow night, going to buy a new camera, but just a cheap one.

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, make sure your seats and tray tables are in there upright and locked position, Off we go. :smoker: Pull up a chair or a Beanbag and fire one up.

ANY and ALL suggestions, ideas, hints, guidance or good vibes will be greatly appreciated.
Well I didn't buy a camera, I got some rechargable lithium batteries for my old camera.
Hopefully in a few hours I can post some pics of my sprouts and the grow area.
Stay tuned y'all.
Well lets see if I can post a pic or two.
Not much to see, They just poped up around 48hrs ago.
Five on the left are Super Lemon Haze (Fem Green House seeds).
Five on the right are Alaskin Ice (Fem Green House seeds).


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Well that worked, heres a few more.
First two are the Super Lemon Haze, second two are the Alaskan Ice.


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tagging thread wanna see how those come out specifically curious about the super lemons not sure about the lime would assume it depends on the ph of soil. Good luck man and good karma.
Whats up Tex!

Whats the best way to check Ph levels in soil if ya don't have a soil tester pen? I always Ph my water at around 5.8. I've got the Ph tester that uses the drops and ya figure Ph by color. Is there a way I can use this to check soil Ph levels? I've heard that ya use lime to keep Ph levels down, or is it up, in a Sphagneamun peat moss-Pearllite mix.
I'm REALLY lookin forward to the Super Lemon Haze but I'm a little nervous about the Alaskan ice, after I ordered them I ran across some posts saying there kind of inconsistant. I hope not but if they do get screwy I'll just toss em'.
Anyway, thanks for stopin' in, your my first visitor. Pull up a chair and lets fire up a fat one!


honestly not tried that mix bud hopefully someone can post up that has more experience. I believe lime will buffer but again we can wait and see. That sounds about right for a neutral substrate far as the water goes but again I could be wrong lol. Inconsistant isnt always a bad things can get something unique to mother out never know. If you get one of the good phenos from what Ive heard its very nice stuff but was some bad reports ive ran across lately.
I just got done goin over 'Blazeones' soil mix.
I'm thinkin about doin his mix of Sphagnium peat, MC organic, bone and blood meal with dolimite lime. Sounds simple and its just ad water.


Active member
Water(with your normal nutes, whatever) the plant till the medium is soaked. Raise it up on something so it will drain. After about an hour, pour SLOWLY a little water until you have a little runoff. Check the pH of that. Should be about what's in your medium.
Thanks HAZY, I've wondered about that, I'll give that a try.

Any way I just checked the girls and had a slight mishap. I'll make a full post 2nite.
I dont know how or why but two of my super lemon haze bent totaly over right in the middel of there lil stocks, bummer. Got em proped up now, one I think is ok but I'm worried about the other. Its stock looks very week, thin. There only about 1.5"-2" high.
Dont know what caused it but I hope it dont happen agian.

I'll be postin some pics this weekend and I'm thinkin bout taking them from the T5 and movin them to the 600w mh.
Ya'll think 2 weeks is good to go to the 600?


Ive read alot of people that say you can put them under very intense HID light as early as seedling so I would think your fine to move them. How close was the T5?
I've got my T5 about 10" over the tops of my girls. (I like the sound of that, MY GIRLS. Hehe).
Anyway, I think when I get off work tonight I gonna get my main grow area squared away and get the 600 fired up and post a few pics.
See ya'll later.
A lil' update.
Think I'm gonna lose 4 of 5 Super Lemon Haze seedlings, sad. 1 never really started good, 1 started well but has shriveled up and 2 fell over, there stems are VERY slim, dont know why. But 1 is lookin' good.
The Alaskin Ice are doin a lil better. 1 was week from the start but still alive, 1 is ok and 3 are doin well but 1 looks like she wants to strech allready.
Finally moved em under the 600w MH at mid day today. 2 weeks under the T5 should be good.
Anyway, I'll post a pic or two tomarrow.
See ya'll.
Alright, time for an update. It has been awhile ain't it.

Houston, we have had a problem. :comfort: I over fed my girls (dee de deeeee) and burned them bad, I HATE USING FERTILIZERS! So I figured I'd try something totally different. Since this is only my third grow I thought I should try using Blazeoneups soil mix, mix once then just ad water. Even I can't fuck this up, (I hope, hehe). Well so far, so good.
Out of 10 girls only 2 have survived, 1 Super Lemon Haze and 1 Alaskan Ice. I popped 5 Kings Kush and got 3 so I now have 5 good plants.
The 3 on the right are Kings Kush, back left is the Alaskan Ice and the Super Lemon Haze is front left.
Heres a few garden shots, enjoy.


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Heres a few close ups of the Kings Kush. One is topped, one was a lil' runt but is comming on strong and one is going untopped.


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And last but not least the Super Lemon Haze.

FYI, I'll be fliping to 12/12 in about a week or two.

Thanks for checkin out my lil' garden of Zen, I'l be posting up new pics every week or so so stay tuned to see if a nooby can pull off a little "sumpin sumpin" :canabis:


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