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Washington State has New Marijuana Legalization Initiative!


Active member
A group of activists has filed a new initiative in Washington State to legalize marijuana use, transportation and distribution. Nothing concerning marijuana would be illegal for adults except driving under its influence.

There are currently two more legalization/decriminalization laws up for a vote in Washington this year.

Notice how more and more news agencies are placing marijuana stories under the "Business" heading. This really helps legitimatize it in the minds of business people! :)



I read this news in today's P.I. Things are moving fast now. The full legalization initiative will have competing partial legalization bills to possibly dilute support.

My concern, there are competing bills and now our state government is debating some limited forms of legalization - with heavy government control.

I have zero trust in our state legislature to make responsible and informed decisions. I fear they will muck it up.

However, this is PROGRESS!


Well-known member
i'm getting tunnel carpal just from clicking on legal MJ laws/activities
this is really exploding nation wide, suspect this is not a coincidence
multiple states in the news distracts from too much negative attention on one state?


Active member
I'm beginning to think that once we reach a "tipping point" with legalization, many more states will jump on the bandwagon, not to be left out. Cause cannabis tourism is gonna be BIG wherever it's legal to smoke without a dr.'s recommendation.

I like Washington's take with this initiative. Similar to the CCI in California. Make everything legal, except for a few things like minors & driving.

Anyone find a link to the text for this initiative? I haven't found it yet.




A group of activists has filed a new initiative in Washington State to legalize marijuana use, transportation and distribution. Nothing concerning marijuana would be illegal for adults except driving under its influence...

This is a great article, and very encouraging for the 'ganja-community'.
This is what activists should be pursuing rather than limited medical legislation! It is fully legal in Massachusetts now and the general public can see that it did not bring fourth Armageddon. More success stories like these, and as you wrote earlier Skip, more and more states will jump on the Legalization bandwagon.
Stay Active Activists!:yay:


Feeling good is good enough.
I will follow this with great interest... Being a WA state MMJ and living abroad it makes the come back even more appealing...

But... we'll see what happens.

Space Ghost

it's almost time for me to move to bellingham and grow like a mo-fo without fear of govt fucklery


I love my life
Best one of the many state proposals so far, who knew WA (sate) would lead the way with freedom.

Peace, :joint:


plant pimp
That`s all people were talking about today at work. We will have it legal out here very soon. That will be great as far as legit businesses go! YAY for us!


This is a great article, and very encouraging for the 'ganja-community'.
This is what activists should be pursuing rather than limited medical legislation! It is fully legal in Massachusetts now and the general public can see that it did not bring fourth Armageddon. More success stories like these, and as you wrote earlier Skip, more and more states will jump on the Legalization bandwagon.
Stay Active Activists!:yay:

Link please to the full legalization passing in MA.



maybe not so "full"

maybe not so "full"

Link please to the full legalization passing in MA.

i hope your not trying to get me on a technicality here, i should have wrote "for all intents and purposes", because under one ounce is decriminalized.
link is over 1 year old but first result in the google:"Precisely 30 days after that meeting, it will no longer be a crime to possess less than one ounce of marijuana in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.".


Feeling good is good enough.
Yakima valley has great weather for Indicas!

Close to passes on the west side would be nice for high altitude Sativas...

I am going back so fast even a tweaker would say "damn"!!!

Really do miss PNW... Good beer too...LOL
It's the morning of Jan 13th. My time zone is two hours earlier than Washington state and I am putting out good karma for passage of HB 2401. I would love to see decriminalization actually put to a vote by the people instead of politicians. Washington could show the rest of the country the way. I will be moving there next year if this happens.I can only hope and send out good karma.

Respect bass


Caille Writes It is fully legal in Massachusetts now and the general public can see that it did not bring fourth Armageddon.

It's Legal to carry under an ounce and only given a fine of $100.00 hence It is NOT FULLY LEGAL to grow and being a MA resident I am a mj news reader/hound on laws and we still practice pilgrim laws and MA will never be a WA State or a Cali or Colarodo!!


I love my life
The east will never be the west just give in give up the blue blood and move out here where your weed quality speaks for itself ;)

Peace, :joint:


In today's paper:

Published: Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lawmakers to hear testimony on legalizing pot

Associated Press
OLYMPIA — Lawmakers are set to hold a public hearing on a measure to legalize and regulate marijuana.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Mary Lou Dickerson, D-Seattle, will be heard this afternoon before the House Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Committee.

Under the measure, marijuana would be sold in Washington state’s 160 state-run liquor stores. Customers 21 and older would pay a tax of 15 percent per gram. Lawmakers also will hear testimony on a bill to decriminalize possession of small amounts of pot.

Washington is one of four states where legalization bills have been introduced. And on Monday, activists filed a ballot initiative that would legalize all adult marijuana possession, manufacturing and sales.
