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pineapple kush grow

I have 2 fine ladies going under a 400 hps, and there on day 34. Ones a Pineapple kush and the other a Fucking Incredible, and I have to say that the pineapple kush is looking amazing. I just came across something interesting while looking at them tonight. On the pineapple kush, I have a bud starting to grow out the center of a leaf. I have never seen or heard of this before. Has anyone else ever come across this? I just found it kinda strange.
Heres a few pics.


New member
I do pineapple kush it's a personal favorite...never have seen anything come out of the fans like that tho pretty cool man


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yes its quite common these leave-budlets....but in my experience they are more common in sativa dom strains.


bong ripped

ive seen pics of this same thing somewhere around here. ive read someone saying you can t.p. a single fan leaf and 12/12 it the entire time and a bud will grow from the base of the fan leaf just like your picture. great pictures though...very intersting
Yeah, Its just something i've never seen before, just wondered if it was something i did, or it just happens on its own. Nevertheless, its gonna be great. Had a power outage tonight, so they had a few extra hours of darkness today, but now were back on track.I dont think they will be shocked too much, but after a few days I bet it could cause some problems
I never really thought about how much we take power for granted untill we lose it. That could really wreck some grows I imagine, especially with hydro systems. I'll pray it doesnt happen too much more in the next few weeks.
I managed to snap a few shots tonight 5 minutes before my light came on. The first 3 are my pineapple kush, and the last one is the kush on the left and the fucking incredible on the right. The 2 fill my 2x4x5 tent right up....a bit too big, but im making due. At this point i cant even move them because there all intertwined and tied together so they dont burn. A few buds are past my light, but I cant do anything about that now. I will definetely take some more time one day and get some beter shots, but here we are: Day 39 HPS


New member
I had a hermie pop out of the fan leaf on a silver haze, I was pretty shocked to see it growing from the leaf too. But I guess plants are like humans, they can have mutants too :)
Yeah, it is kinda mutant, but awesome....thats the only mutant leaf i can find, but its a jungle in there right now and I cant turn them anymore. There is definetely a real unique sweet smell to it too, but I wouldnt say it smells like pineapple....the true test will be the taste.

Has anyone else grown Pineapple kush before??? If so, How many days did you let it go for, and what wattage of bulb did you use. Im on day 40 now, I think im going to fertilize for another 5 or 6 days, and then think about starting a flush....this is always the hardest part for me, trying to decide when the flush should start.....i think i started the last few flushes a week too early, but i guess that doesnt hurt.