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New Jersey just went to pot.


Guest 26753

The state assembly has approved a medical marijuana 48 to 14.

The bill now goes to state senate for its approval later today before the end of this lame duck session, and Gov. Corzine expected to sign it into law. If it passes, New Jersey would become the 14th state to operate an active medical marijuana program.

The legislature was in a marathon session Monday, and consider nearly 100 bills before shutting down on Tuesday.

Monday afternoon, a panel of people suffering from various debilitating diseases convened at the statehouse and urge them to make medical marijuana a reality in New Jersey.

Nearly a dozen supporters sang songs of love and healing at the end of a news pro-legalization conference at the Statehouse. Among those watching was John Ray Wilson, who just last month was convicted after being caught growing pot to treat his MS.

"We allow people to have morphine and codeine and oxycotin and who knows what else," said Charlotte Vandervalk, a Republican from Bergen County.

"It should be between a patient and her doctor," said Ralph Portuguez, referring to his wife Marta, 49, who suffers from ten chronic illnesses, including fibromyalgia (a painful nerve ending disease.)

"It would legitimize marijuana as a medicine in a way other states haven't," said Chris Goldstein of the Coalition for Medical Marijuana on the eve of the vote.

Goldstein explained that the bill calls for 6 non-profit dispensaries that would grow their own marijuana, not buy it from others.

But critics say any doctor could prescribe pot as a pain medicine under a revised version of the bill. In the original version, only a doctor with a specialty in your ailment could do so.

During the debate, Jim Holzapfel, a Republican from Ocean County, said "We're on a slippery slope quite honestly. We're handing out free needles, we're cutting back on Drug Free School Zones."

"It opens things up to too much fraud," complained Marty Lynch of the New Jersey Narcotics Officers Association.

The bill's detractors also fear the law will open to door for so-called "pot centers" that have been criticized in California, where medical marijuana is legal.



During the debate, Jim Holzapfel, a Republican from Ocean County, said "We're on a slippery slope quite honestly. We're handing out free needles, we're cutting back on Drug Free School Zones."
Hahahaha, Uhhh Slowing the spread of infectious disease, and shrinking the racist 'drug free school zones' (which were specifically created to make ALL of Patterson a 'drug free zone' - how has that worked out? At this point any park or subsidized housing unit is a 'drug free zone'. It just means double the penalties.)

"It opens things up to too much fraud," complained Marty Lynch of the New Jersey Narcotics Officers Association.
Great to hear that cops in Jersey are so concerned with fraud. It makes it harder to plant 'drugs' on people, thus cutting down on fraud. I wonder how many times Ol Marty has been called a fraud? (jersey thing :p)

I really hope that this doesn't stall. I have fam in Jersey with fibro, and they are more than open to growing their own meds.


i am so damned excited i cant watch/listen!!!!! i just want to know what the growing paramters will be. if i can just have the ability to help take care of some plants i would be fine with that.

omg, yo, omg its killin me!!!

big mike

Active member
passed the senate as well...

January 11, 2010 7:15 PM

A profound sigh of relief can be heard resonating deeply throughout our State this evening as it appears New Jersey’s sick and dying have finally won their right to legally access the immense benefit of medical marijuana. The full New Jersey State Legislature has just passed the Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act A804/S119 permitting and regulating the state-wide use of marijuana as medicine.

Governor Corzine has previously expressed his intent to sign the bill into law once passed. Subsequently, today’s long-awaited victory represents New Jersey’s pivotal step towards a more rational marijuana policy.

Congratulations to all who have worked so hard to make it happen!

Check back soon at www.normlnj.org for updates to this developing story.

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