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The Law Per Plant?


A few people have metioned to me you just get a warning for growing one plant, so this means no criminal record right?
Whats constitutes a criminal charge?
3 plants?

I spent a good £700 on my grow so its professional quality, would that be a deciding factor?

Also, just having a search, i saw one guy in somerset got done for one plant, he only got a warning, but they destroyed his grow equipment!

Im only growing one plant, first timer
As much as i do love it, and i do, i doubt i wanna live in the UK for the rest of my life, so a criminal record is a no-no
If i know for a solid fact that i can not get a criminal record from growing one plant, then i can stop freaking out :hide:


number of plants, set-up and size of plants/room all contribute

a friend of mine got caught with a (as in 1) 400 watt hps, with 10 tiny cuts under it and got a slap on the wrist (caution). this was in his wardrobe. 1st timer

if they were full size i doubt they would have gone that easy on him


^ That guy posted a video of his grow on youtube with his real name, got snitched on and even with all the public attention that received he only got a small fine. I doubt it's worth the polices time and effort to charge some anonymous grower for one plant.


ICMag Donor
Some kid we knew got slammed with x20 clones once in veg/flower once,, nothing happened,,! Much depends on "contextual evidence" (scales n baggies) and previous (a life of crime),, :canabis:

The law is confusing on the subject ,, last year (a few back) it was de-crimbo to blaze a fat one in Lambeth ?!? since we dont read papers or watch tv,, then we often think the laws still the same (stupid),, :joint:

Grow for personal and explain that to any that test,, erb is a plant!


Does caution mean he gets a criminal record for 5 years?

When i got cautioned when i was 16 for having six joints on me, it stayed on a record for 5 years, or until i was 18, whichever was longest, so i had a record until 21

How about destroying equipment?
I think i'd cry!

lost in a sea

they do take yield into account though........so it depends on your area as to how the police use the guidelines........if you live somewhere extra hot on growers then.....for example, one big fat 15+ ouncer that you have vegged for four months to get it up to size,in a 30+ litre pot, may still be just a caution, or maybe not!!!

thats the line, around 10-15 oz, i think.....but either way all of your grow equipment goes to them.....gone.....no doubt about it....... its almost impossible to prove its (lights etc) not for growing weed in courts now, and i think they can confiscate it if you just get cautioned.

as for numbers, i think anymore than three/four and your probably gonna get done by most of the police forces around the uk, but it still depends on the yield your gonna get though....and the sophistication of your equipment/setup...

ie multiple box's == grow factory(in the courts/popo's eyes, nearly always).....really good chance of some form of prosecution..

as Doc says scales/baggies = no chance!! in the courts your done for....

even nutes helps convict people....

imo the best thing about this stance by the police on the subject is that---- if you plant out 10 decent outdoor plants....and lets say, you got caught tending one....then it should just be a caution.....so if you plant em well away from each other you can get away with losing that one girl.....

but that would just be a bonus bit of fun, imo.... i dont think doing one plant indoors is worth it, over 4 plants indoors , you will on average generally get the same shit from the police either way, so have four if your worried about it.....

mind you having said all that, i think having no previous for growing, gets most people off the hook, no matter what size grow op, still lose your equipment though....they keep tabs on you after, and if you get caught again with more than one plant, its probably 100% likely you'l get time.....

nothing would ever stop me unless they brought back the death penalty!!

one day im gonna be some crazy old man, so old im hopefully kinda above prosecution!! then go wandering around planting seedlings everywhere, and handing out fistfulls of seeds to strangers in the hope they will grow em out...

the law is stupid....and as soon as the asshole soul-less lawyers stop pandering to the asshole soul-less politician's, who in turn have a knee jerk reaction every time the media stirrs up some bullshit..........

all the newspapers are owned by brain washing business men! our now surprisingly fascist BBC, who have become so mind controlling in the last decade since labour came in! the bunch of back stabbing fuckers, did a demolishion job on this country, not worth picking the pieces up! ....education....education....education.....got them in to power, the education system is so fucked now after 12 years of those bastards, its practically gonna cause a future apartite between rich and poor areas/people in this country.....

not to mention the other networks, & murdock acting through sky and channel 5 to fuck with us.....de-educate the nation, there must be a whole 5 facts in a documentory on sky, i know its for americans, and their multiple choice educated population, but still why do people pay for so much of so little....

it still all comes back to the LAWYERS and judges getting bought out to make any old law to help capitolism fuck us up more and more...........when i was a kid....all i ever heard was things like...."theres no room in hell! its all full up with lawyers HaHa".....everyone hated lawyers in the past and for good reasons! but these days the whole media is so fucking obsessively managed, that its rare to hear anyone saying anything bad about law's, or the govt, or the media its self.....no feedback on the law....no opinions....this is all going down the 1984(george orwell) root....

the whole lot is a big pile of bullshit, propped up by toffee nose tossers that think they have some sort of god given right to rule just because their antecedents were in power.....and most are all distantly related because their antecedents were all inbred loosers that couldnt survive a day of hard work! and without their special schools, like Eton, most would be dumber than an average council estate dweller....just posh sounding puppets...selling us all down the river....

:rant: :rant: :rant::rant: :rant: :rant:


i dont think doing one plant indoors is worth it, over 4 plants indoors , you will on average generally get the same shit from the police either way, so have four if your worried about it.....

I sea what your saying & i actually started out with 4 plants, but they were getting too big, im growing blue cheese so its really bushy and with more than one plant in there they're pressed against each other/the tent walls so the light doesnt penetrate all around

I feel like its nice to just have one & give it enough space to branch out, it was hard killing off 3 plants though, shame i didnt have anyone to pass em on to...


I feel like its nice to just have one & give it enough space to branch out, it was hard killing off 3 plants though, shame i didnt have anyone to pass em on to...

try and find a local couple of guys off here. us herb mans are generally a good bunch. (apart from the guy that did a bank job, but now grows out to keep him out of trouble...hehe )

you could always give 1 away for future return :huggg:


a man round the corner got caught with 4 plants in a hydro system and got away with a £100 fine and they took his equipment. This was maybe 2 years ago. Recently a theres been about a couple of thai house grows caught with thousends of plants and they get a good few years

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Was busted with 18 Afghani's late into flowering back in '98. 2,000watt of HPS. NFT tanks x 3. Got a 50 quid fine and 54 quid for court costs. BUT no scales or any other drug. The fact I don't drink alcohol or did any other drugs went in my favour, and I said I couldn't help myself with all the grow shops and cannabis seeds being sold everywhere....I mean I'm just not streetwise etc.........throw it back at em. Oh the dibbles were complete gentlemen and took my black binliner full of past bud trimmings...about a kilo or so's worth and kept it for themselves helped...oh and a thousand odd seeds of a cross I made meself.

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