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sick plantt ! HELP !



I had this plant outside on soil under a tree with verry low sun light ,my plant was like that healthy looking untill i started ussing some concetrate from schultz 10-15-10 plant food and put it under florecents !


after like one week ,my plant start looking yealoww and not soo healthy anymore!


today thats how my plant its looking !! help me





Hi Leo,
Took me awhile studying the first shot, but eventually I got around to all of them. That shouldn't be happening. Nothing wrong with the nutrients as long as it wasn't too strong...and the plants don't look burned.

So something is locking out the nutes. Your water, ph, wet soil...one of those would be my guess.

For now, I'd get some bottled water and give it a good flush. Ph the water if you have that capability.

What's that medium?
I'd probably hazard a guess at overwatering, its in a larger pot than the rest of them so probably doesnt need watering as often as the others do


HEY WHATS UP ET ? well i think I over feed that plantt !! I started with thos pellets tha you add water a good to start it off the seeds i gues lol and them placed them on those cups with some potting soil

do you think that plant will survive ? how would be the best way to flushh tha plant ? , because i allready kinda flushh it really good under the sink ,, i just got some ph stripes today that measure also alkalinity , total hardness , no2 , and no3 whats is the bets ph l levels ? is it safe to try to regulate the ph by adding lemon juice or baking soda ? my food plant solution recomend 7 drops per quart of water ,, is that enough seems like is too litle nutrients ?
im planing in build a ebb and flow systemm soom and buy me a hps lamp , theres a hydroponic store in my city , www.gthydroponics.com what would be good and cheap nutrients to start , easy to mix and good cost beneficts help me plizz !


It is possible that overfeeding caused a lockout, but if that were the case I'd expect leaf tip burning.

On ph management, a definite no on the bicarb. It contains too much sodium. And lemon juice is stop gap. Heard of people doing it and aspirin and vinegar...of those three, I'd use vinegar. But first you need to know if ph is a problem.

When you flush... collect some runoff water and check that ph. Soil should be below 7...like around 6.5ph.


thanxx for the help ima check teh ph level and ima let you know !

Sounds good...

One thing I forgot to mention is that ganja likes well draining soil. Better oxygen to the roots. To that end, many people put perlite into the soil...sometimes as much as like 25%. Also, ganja likes slightly acid soil. So you should take all that into consideration before the first up-potting.


Active member
ouch, Iron and Nitrogen at the same time. And there is some tip burn. Uhh, you can't see it in the first pic Evil. However that kind of distraction could be part of the problem.


what ya think its gonna happeed to her , im not going to water that plant for like 5 days ,, can i save her somehow ? what can i posibly do ?


Active member
I've been thinking about that plant. The top leaves are yellow with green veins and that's an iron def. Probably a little Manganese deficient too. pH over 6.8 will start locking out iron. Nitrogen will also volatize at high pH, meaning it goes away.
Your water is most likely high like 8.0 and those nutes don't bring it down enough. A bit of vinegar to bring it down to 6.0 - 6.5 might help.


hey hazzy !
what should i do to make sure that dont happens to the other ones ?

Hi Leo,
I think you were correct when you said you overfed. And Hazy convinced me to take another look. It's very obvious in the third pic that there's some mild tip burning. Classic nute burn.

You can flush, like I already suggested. That will wash out the excess nutrients and then ease way up with the nutes.

Chemical nutes pose more risk for nutrient burn.

How long does it take for those to dry out?

PS: Sorry...noticed that question was directed to Hazy. Just had a harvest and I'm afraid the killer weed has taken it's toll. So Hazy...what's your take?


I allready washed it once ! Im going to wait like 4 days untill the medium its completly dried and im going to wash it againn ! I Am in proccess off building a hydroponic systemm im not sure if i should build a ebb and flow or a drip sytemm , i allready started the seeds on soil , can i still place them inside a rockwool and work with the flow system ? or a drip system its a better option ?i really apreciate the help !! ! thank all yall !


One flush is enough. Just reduce nutrients level.

Messing with tiny seedlings is risky. With those seed plants you have a couple options.

When it's vegged enough, bare-root the plant by gently washing off the dirt. Then stick it in hydro system. Not ideal but it works. I've done entire trays using this method. Some delay from root shock.

Grow out the seeds plants on dirt, sex them and take cuttings for the grow. That will give you the usual clone advantage...plant is already mature, gender is already known. For some systems, clones are the only way to go.

PS: You could pull the little guys and wash the roots now...but the risk is greater with small plants.

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