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if you make bail...leaving the country...


it's always interesting to me to play the "what if shit goes down" scenario in my head. I have no idea how extradition and so fourth works. can someone link me to some 101 reading or give me scoop themselves? If I get popped with a garden I can't do the time for, what are my options? Can you simply drive to Canada and pick up a job, or will there be an international warrant of some kind? Will Canada or Mexico et al respect these extraditions?

Say you misread something or the cops pile it on to ya and you're looking at 20 to life. What do you do?

EDIT: Just to clarify, the only thing I'm running from is myself(DEEEEP, I know!). I was just asking theoretically.


cant stop wont stop
20-life?? i sure as hell wouldnt show up to the court date!!
i'd be harder to find than obama bin laden :biglaugh:

extradition?? canada might just do it, they did after all give up Emery - one of their own - to the US.. im sure you'd haveta get some under the table job .. who wants to be legal anyways?? :D


Active member
Well they have to figure out where you are before they can extradite you.
You better get your passport now if you don't have it already because you won't be able to get it after something happens.
If they REALLY want you, they might check on INTERPOL. The International Crime Police Organization. It costs them alot of money to extradite you (and waste their time on the man hunt) so they are not going to worry about the mid-average grower. Mid-average being under 50 pounds a month of marijuana.

If your pushing 1,000's of pounds a month, and they consider you a Drug Lord, that might be a different story! But if you were making that much money, you can erase yourself tomorrow. That's what money can do, get you the best lawyers and they'll never even know you existed!

You can't do this forever you know...........


ICMag Donor
I probably wouldn't ever be in this position.But if i had to run ,the last 2 places i would go would be Canada or Mexico.Cause thats the first place people think of to run to .I was always thinking updated passport,and far like Nepal ,Asia,India.Then theirs the recent story i saw about the kid who became a big time drug lord in Cali.

He killed a kid over drugs and needed to run .He went to Brazil,where apparently if you marry a girl their and have kid .They can't extridite you.He was their 2 years, married her,got her pregnant .She was just about to have the kid,and they tracked him down by watching the money wired to him by his family members from Cali.Got him ,brought him back .Gone for life ,almost made it ..


The reason I said Canada or Mexico is because it would seem to me to be a lot easier to be a passenger in the car of a border crossing than it would be to fly internationally anonymously, or under the radar. Maybe I'm wrong about that, just an assumption.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
well you answer your question with your name.. france

unless that is if you actually live there

Stoned Crow

The reason I said Canada or Mexico is because it would seem to me to be a lot easier to be a passenger in the car of a border crossing than it would be to fly internationally anonymously, or under the radar. Maybe I'm wrong about that, just an assumption.

If you allow it, it could happen.


gets some
Id be more worried about the bondsman that you just skipped out on than LEO. If you're looking at 20-life then your bond was probably $100K or more and the bondsman is going to want his money.


weed fiend
Id be more worried about the bondsman that you just skipped out on than LEO. If you're looking at 20-life then your bond was probably $100K or more and the bondsman is going to want his money.

Then you'd end up on an episode of Dog The Bimbo Hunter.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
why not get a passport, drivers license and everything with a huge ass beard and long hair. Then shave or shape that shit shorter and look totally different.

As far as where I would go if I had to deal with a 20 to life situation. The nearest bank to play my odds and go for the damn jackpot before getting out.


Yeah but actually surviving without speaking the language, having no contacts, no work permits, etc.

I like to think I have street smarts, but damn.


As long as you had sufficient getaway funds, you could survive in a foreign country long enough until you got settled in, found an under the table job, ect. It would be tough never being able to go home, but better than 20 in prison.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor

Read your states NORML laws and base your business structure around that. Risk vs reward. Weight vs leverage vs loyalty. Etc etc. We know the game. It sucks to fight within the system. Work within presumed and understood probationary standards.

People are less likely to talk if it's understood they are taken care of and the supply has been regulatd to an amount hopefully reasonable for defense in court. (IE. Work within first offense felony probation almost guaranteed realm). This is me. I'm a little peanut. I hail the boys who go big enough to supply me what I'm smoking right now. All one community!
We fight on. :artist:


Overkill is under-rated.
Fuuck, I love threads like this. I can't resist writing in them though I probably shouldn't.

Yeah, dig up your stash of cash, grab your passport and hope you have enough to charter a plane from Hawaii to Thailand (runs about $4-5K PER HOUR of flight.) Save up.

Make it to New Zealand and get a job. I dunno, need to do some more research I guess.

What countries don't have non-extradition treaties with the US?

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