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Lawyer Skewers Colorado Medical Marijuana Bill


Active member
Rob Corry, the lawyer who won the Centennial dispensary case, has now issued a line-by-line rebuttal of Senator Chris Romer's Regulate Medical Marijuana bill. In a letter to Romer, Corry states all his objections, and they are significant.

I really like this part of his response:
Rob Corry said:
(this bill) improperly delegates too much power and discretion to local authorities on an issue of statewide concern. Local governments have already demonstrated an extreme hostility to suffering patients and their needs, instead opting, ostrich-like, to try to hide from the future. Local governments, with some positive exceptions, have generally shown by their own arrogant and illegal actions (see Frasher v. City of Centennial, Arapahoe District Court 2009, which I litigated, successfully striking down an illegal local prohibition on medical marijuana) that they cannot be trusted to exercise any reasonable discretion on this issue. Of course locals should retain neutral zoning power as to location of businesses, but nothing more.

Read Article: http://blogs.westword.com/latestword/2010/01/rob_corrys_line-by-line_shredd.php

Read Bill Summary: http://blogs.westword.com/latestword/2009/12/read_the_latest_draft_of_senat.php

Read the entire bill: http://vvoice.vo.llnwd.net/e6/4193782.0.pdf
(warning: large .pdf file!)


Active member
Rob Corry, the lawyer who won the Centennial dispensary case, has now issued a line-by-line rebuttal of Senator Chris Romer's Regulate Medical Marijuana bill. In a letter to Romer, Corry states all his objections, and they are significant.

I really like this part of his response:

Read Article: http://blogs.westword.com/latestword/2010/01/rob_corrys_line-by-line_shredd.php

Read Bill Summary: http://blogs.westword.com/latestword/2009/12/read_the_latest_draft_of_senat.php

Read the entire bill: http://vvoice.vo.llnwd.net/e6/4193782.0.pdf
(warning: large .pdf file!)
Thanks Skip!

I, for one, totally appreciate your posting this stuff. Keep it coming! :D




Thanks for the heads up. I want to like Romer but it isn't happening. Corry seems to have nailed it, and frankly I like his sarcasm. But, I wonder if it serves our cause?


One day you will have to answer to the children of
The fact that Romer was looking to legitimize and regulate was alright.
The fact that he wanted to treat it like Alcohol in regards to zoning, legislation, policing powers, ect... was fine.
But he still wanted to also treat it as Medical Marijuana and make it even harder to get a license. That was baaaad.
He wanted to tax it, but he didn't want to give it the same protections and priveledges that Alcohol get.
It just won't work.

As he said it himself when he introduced the draft "I expect half of the dispensaries to go out of business."
So we know he just cares about the tax money, and probably doesn't care for the weed too much.

I only had time to read the 12 08 draft, 63pages and have not yet read the 12 30 draft which is 30 pages. But I hear the new draft is still taking it too far. I should be reading it tonight.

What we need is the introduction of legislation like AB 390. Cali is on to something here.

Kola Radical

They're trying to kill the only business in Colorado that is booming.

These mental midgets could fuck up an anvil with a feather.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Good to have defenders of cannabis (and more importantly, Justice) like Cory out there! Go CO!

One Love 731

Senior Member
That is a breath of fresh air. Anybody who is on Romers nuts obviously have not researched his political agenda or read the bill in question (I have). I see those who agree with him as an enemy to my cause. Karma, One Love


natural medicator
Thanks for posting Skip!
I read through the line by line and it was GREAT.
Good to see real lawyers who know their stuff and can communicate it in a professional manner.
Maybe I just liked it because I agreed with every rebuttal. However, I think the man makes many good points.
I really have to wonder though, how many more items are buried in 38 page bill. It seems from the introductory to the rebuttals, that there were many smaller points within the bill that were not covered in the spirit of keeping the rebuttal section relatively concise and to the point.

Again, I really appreciate you (Skip) getting info like this up.

be well


I've heard Corry speak but I've never seen his picture, I had no idea he looked like a typical square. That's such a good thing.

If it weren't for Corry, I think these regulations would become law without any real check whatsoever. He is invaluable.


Gene Mangler
Ditto on the thanks Skip, this is usually my morning paper ;)

Good luck to the mile highs!


So what is the likelihood that these proposals will go into affect? What is the process?

I heard a rumor that Corry and crew have a bill they are pushing for complete legalization.

This is the time. Everybody needs to make sure to vote this November. Undoubtedly there will be a slew of issues that greatly impact our situation (Romer needs to go, and so does Carol Chambers).


Thanks for the info Skip, I miss a lot of the mmj issues I don't read about here tbh. Thanks for the link.


amazing how far along things come in just a month. i hope it works out in the best interest of the patients...
Not the problem

Not the problem

Folks it seems this is no longer a problem here in colorado, it seems as though the D.E.A has made it a point to bust any cannabis user or seller legal or not. So our Amend. 20 rights(if we truly ever had any) are all gone. We are back to the black market no more medical cannabis here.