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Back to School Thread For College Students


Well it's that time of year again and it'll be back to another semester of grinding again for me on monday. For everybody there that's going to experience the same thing or all ready experiencing it post in here! Also give some information on your smoke habits. I smoke generally 3-4 times a day and right now in my small jars of herb I have a quarter or orange kush, quarter of parmesean, and a half-ounce of some very tasty true mids. And remember smoking always before school work.


yeah I go back on the 18th. pumped to start taking some new business classes. I don't smoke before my classes really anymore unless I've got a nice sativa in my stash, I like it a lot more comin back after a day of classes and gettin blazed as fuck and relax
I start on monday as well. I got used to being home and really don't wanna head back to my jail cell of a dorm and my lack of friends. All the people there just suck. I've got a decent size nug of grand daddy purp i'm bringing back with me. Other then that I'm broke. If i got nug at school then i'm smoking it 24/7, its the only thing keeping me same. I did the same thing last semester and got a 3.5 GPA. Weed doesn't even touch my academic skills. Another thing, the buds around the dorms suck balls, I can either pay 60$ eighth for beasters or 15$ eighth for brown frown. Hopefully some of those icmagger kalamazoonians can hook me up with some good stuff. We gotta chill guys, I'll be in town sunday!


Garden Nymph
I started last Monday..I'm still lazy as hell lol. It snows like crazy here, and I don't live right on campus, which makes the bus ride that much more difficult. Plus I do not have any [good] herb to smoke...I hate winter semester!

I generally do not smoke right before class, but even when I do, the consequences are not bad usually. I am more social and because my classes are mostly discussion-based, smoking the right strain makes it easier for me to speak up. Sometimes though it just makes me want to fall asleep lol.

Good luck everyone. Hope this quarter/semester is a great one for all.


Lammen Gorthaur
If you think dorm life sucks, try hanging out at the unemployment office or welfare office. Now that's spine-tingling excitement if there ever was such.

Make the absolute most of this opportunity. I'm telling you, take the hardest classes, learn everything you can learn and soak it all up. There are millions of people who would kill for your seat and your opportunity. If you play your cards right and put in some time on your studies then the job market will come to you and that is the name of the game in this country.

Revenue covers a lot of ills, kids...


If you think dorm life sucks, try hanging out at the unemployment office or welfare office. Now that's spine-tingling excitement if there ever was such.

Make the absolute most of this opportunity. I'm telling you, take the hardest classes, learn everything you can learn and soak it all up. There are millions of people who would kill for your seat and your opportunity. If you play your cards right and put in some time on your studies then the job market will come to you and that is the name of the game in this country.

Revenue covers a lot of ills, kids...
Damn fucking straight.



Active member
going back on the 19th to take a level III spanish class, not looking forward to it because its super early in the morning and its been almost two years since i last took spanish.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Dorm life was good lol. CO-ed. Picked up on the loan. On campus apartments were better. I had a blast in the dorm. Not so hot on the frat deal. Those dudes live in absolute squalor.

We'd pile up in the car and slow roll down a country road jamming some tunes. Lots of blunts. Not too bad a connection the last year. Good times.

You get what you put into your education.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
i have another week and a half of total veggin out and sleeping 12+hrs a day before its back to skool for me
but this is almost my last sem! after this sem i got one goddamn class i gotta take....hello graduation! and then i gotta figure out what i am gunna do with a BS in plant biology...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
When I went, I kept a dugout one hitter that looked like a cigarette in my pocket if I didn't have too much going on that day. Some classes I needed to be sober for. Safer to smoke outside than in the dorm. Quick puff and be on my way.


Active member
fucking 11th.

I usually burn before everyclass usually on the way to class.

Use adderal to study for finals.

made all As this semester and deans list last semester


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Adderal lol. Only bad thing about that was I would do too much and play BF2 and then be like, damn, I'm supposed to be studying or writing a paper or whatever. All nighters. Taking tests all cracked out sometimes. Basically tweaking. Amphetamine salts. I got decent grades though. LOL

I pushed the boundaries with it though. Not advisable.



Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
i started back on monday.. tuesday was exam, a bit failed... but i don t care really much as i m already graduated in engineering, and doing this year for fun, because it s the crisis, and also wanted to go abroad for an internship (got some very nice money for that with my gvt)... Nepal :)

i m sure my paper on artificial photosynthesis shoud give me enough points anyway !

i don t smoke before class, this year i just don t feel like it.. but i used too.
the only time i was high in class this year was the first time i could understand my chemistry teacher who i realise is totally trippin and don t care much about the students (even if we are 15 in my class).. so i don t go to his classes anymore :)

Have fun all !


Active member
only 10mg for me per study session man but yeah i cant handle being twacked. I have minor add tho


i have another week and a half of total veggin out and sleeping 12+hrs a day before its back to skool for me
but this is almost my last sem! after this sem i got one goddamn class i gotta take....hello graduation! and then i gotta figure out what i am gunna do with a BS in plant biology...

go to graduate school....ride it as long as you can



im almost done with my bachelors hopefully ill be graduating this summer, hopefully, then I need to study for the GRE; trying to get a masters in Horticultural Science:crop production or perennial cultivation

Lune TNS

I've been taking the past year off, growing and smoking trees mostly haha... Finally going back this semester, I can't wait :joint:


Active member
I'm going back in like two weeks..

I do better in physics and calculus when I smoke, I usually toke out before class/tests.


Reinitiating in about 2 weeks. I did really bad last semester because Id smoke before bed and wake up all fucked up and tired... I dont know why I do it to myself.. but I am definitely cutting back on it next semester..


Active member
If you think dorm life sucks, try hanging out at the unemployment office or welfare office. Now that's spine-tingling excitement if there ever was such.

Make the absolute most of this opportunity. I'm telling you, take the hardest classes, learn everything you can learn and soak it all up. There are millions of people who would kill for your seat and your opportunity. If you play your cards right and put in some time on your studies then the job market will come to you and that is the name of the game in this country.

Revenue covers a lot of ills, kids...

priceless advice

i wish someone sat down with me before i went to college and told me what its all about ^^^ ... nobody ever did