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Edibles on a plane?


Active member
Hey guys, I have been making loads of sweets and cookies with my canna butter. I am about to embark on a journey for a ski trip and would love to take a bag of cookies. They do not have any leaf material what so ever and smell like regular cookies. Anyone taking edibles on planes before?

Thanks in advance


I make mj brownies and give them to gal pals that travel for business and pleasure. They just take a small ziplock bag with them and I put a coat of chopped nuts on top of my brownies to help mask any odor. They've never been hassled, and they put a bow or a little card attached to the bag so it looks like a present from a relative. theyve never had a problem on domestic flights but intl flights will confiscate food when you land in a foreign country. (they flew to tahiti and australia and couldnt bring food in)

If it makes you feel better check your main bag of mj brownies with the luggage and put a brownie or a cookie inside a 7-11 brownie or cookie wrapper so it looks like you bought it, the girls have made fake labels and put them on zip lock bags so it looks like it came from a business or a farmers market.

The other option is to mail your goodies to the ski resort you're going to. If mailing herb with them, use a reynolds oven bag, u can find them with the aluminum foil in a grocery store and use 2 of them, to wrap your herb. The bags work great and u cant smell a damn thing. Use the usps priority mailing box, not the flat rate one, and print out a label on your computer with your name and a fake boring business as a return address, Software Solutions or something else mundane no one has interest in opening. You're good to go. peace BL


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
i flew a few times with cakes, but as biglove stated, most of the time you have to eat them in the plane because for some countries you re not allowed to bring food with you (especially islands).

I flew a few times very high, i love it ! i think i won t fly again without being high...

I've taken a few brownies on an over-seas flight and had no problem going through customs and all the check-points. I ate them on the beginning of the flight and was knocked out about 2 hours into it and slept most of the time. =)


Active member
It not a INTL. flight so I should be good, I'm gonna make about 15 cookies and put them in a ziplock with a bow on them, Thanks guys



Active member
security threw my brownie in the bomb sniffing machine, then handed it back to me, duh!


Captain Expando
Every time I fly I have cookies, cupcakes or brownies. Cannapeanutbutter too, I can eat 1 whole sandwich :D

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
As long as theres no liquid anywhere nearit your good...I had security in NYCgo through my bag to pull out a jar of strawberry jam. I thought they were going for the 14gms i had. Turned out to be a nice lady who felt bad about throwing away the homemade jelly. Pack away...


security threw my brownie in the bomb sniffing machine, then handed it back to me, duh!

That's funny! similar thing hapend to my friend @ LAX upon returning from Brazil. I gave him a compressed chunk of weed wraped in a bon bon wrapper. He also had about 40 pipes with him, some were used a few times...

Upon arrival @ LAX all passengers were orders to line up then doggy came along with the customs officers and sure enough doggy stops and smiles at my friend and they pulled him out for further inspection in the backroom, emptied his pockets and placed the "bud candy" ont he table along with passport, wallet, keys, coins, etc. told him to take off his clothes :covereyes: :moon: :nono: and while "probing" him searched his hand bag and found the pipes... some of which smelled of weed...

After they embarassed, harassed and threatened him with 5 years in jail if they found a even a crumb of weed, with someone there even mentioning that the resin in the pipes was enough to get him in trouble, they let him go and gave him back the about 7g of bud inside the candy wrapper!!!

He then got in another flight and made it home safe with the bud :)

Before this happened, I had traveled with bud, acid, shrooms etc. on internationbal flights a few times... one time even took a couple puffs of a roach on the first class washroom back in the days when you could smoke cigs on the plane, but decided to not chance it with those dogs ever again after what happened to my friend.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Save a cookie to eat right before departure. The rest, send to the hotel you're staying at before you leave. Hotels accept packages on behalf of registered guests and reserved guests, and hold them until you arrive, and/or notify you when the package does arrive. :yes:


Yo Turbo,
I recently made some snickerdoodles for a friend to take on a Mexican vacation. He sprinkled a little rum on them (for smell) and powdered sugar (to mask light green color) and took them right through customs and stayed stoned in Cancun for a week.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Some good tips on here. I like the one about wrapping it up and adding a card or something. Or, putting it in another wrapper, like a store bought cookie.

BUT, i have flown many times with bags of week cookies, trays of rice 'krispy' treats, some amazing blueberry muffins that ruined my day once.. any never had a problem.

Be creative but as i say, "If you can eat it, you can beat it!"


Active member
Damn i will be flying to the East Coast soon and you have given me some excellent ideas thanks everyone :)


What if your oatmeal cookies came out with a green tinge, peppered with little green speckles?
Do ya think anyone would notice?