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The stinky future of Europe


Green Mujaheed
Greetings people !

Just found those two long but extremely interesting reports about Europe's Security industrial complex. Creepy, scary & worrying it is. This place is gonna stink more & more, really. Orwell's 1984 is becoming a bit more real everyday, slowly but surely and I find it striking that most people doesn't seem to notice it, or are even happy with it. For the sake of some fake security there are more & more who are ready to give up their freedom, ready to be controled and have their life scrutinized more & more.

What's wrong with us people ? There's apathy everywhere and nearly no one is willing to move for the community's sake. What will it take for us citizen to get up and truly stand up for our rights and put and end to all this anti-human & anti-life new world order. Are we still able to revolt for something bigger than our bank account or has materialism already triumphed so as everyone's too afraid to loose the little material confort one has managed to accumulate ?

For how long are we gonna let them to lead us cattle to the slaughterhouse ? For how long are we gonna let them soak our ass hole with them so-called democracy vaseline so they can shove in whatever they want and us not to complain, if not enjoying it...

Why is it that the only entity that truly opposes this fucked up new world order are the as fucked up & stinky al Qaeda & Co ?

21st century democracy is killing Liberty.

One pdf is attached, other one's too big so here's the link http://www.statewatch.org/analyses/neoconopticon-report.pdf

Irie !


  • bigbrother.pdf
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Active member
yea i always gauge freedoms on europe, especialy the UK because they are so quick to take freedoms.

i already know that our liberal government in the US wants to emulate the freedom restriction laws that the UK has, more gun control, etc.

FUCK THEM. if they tried that shit here there would be civil war.


^A civil war is only going to kill a bunch of people, there's no way the general population will be able to actually hurt the people at the top.

Unmanned drones, blimps, missiles, chemical weapons, and tech that we can barely even imagine have all been implemented in this country for just that reason...

They're egging us on, hoping for us to just 'give them a reason,' all the while tricking us into allowing the security/control/weapons systems to be implemented in the name of safety...

It's scary as shit, but I do have hope.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
let them,

it's on there conscious while alive, and they will be on the bottom level where we go next..

just keep your morals and integrity in tact when the going gets , well going.. don't coward out, dying with dignity is the greatest thing you can do, which they have no control over


never give in.

never bow down.

goverment is idea by the people for the people.

do not become a slave.
Socialism - what'd the EU expect?

If Islam doesn't conquer first, surely the structured employment, as incentive to enter government programs, will .

At our current rate, America won't be far behind. Obama is quickly funneling us into government programs, and a firm believer in our friendly euphemism, "social justice"


Lammen Gorthaur
The dirty secret of the modern progressive movement is the beating heart of tyranny. To people dedicated to the idea of bigger and bigger government, there is no higher calling (or greater pleasure) than playing God with people's lives and money.

If you get in the way, well they will send you a nice form letter apologizing for taking more of your freedoms, but they will take your freedoms because socialism can only work in a vacuum that is devoid of criticism. When exposed to the "air of reality" it never works because it is based upon a flawed premise. As a result, the desire of tyrants to obtain political cover for the resulting economic morass that centrally-planned economies must always create, leads to more and more "enemies of the state". First, the enemies are internal and we are told to trade freedom for security. That game is only good as a stop-gap (history bears me out on this) so the issue becomes one of having to have bigger and bigger enemies of the state to blame things on and galvanize the serfs to higher levels of productivity to sustain the inevitable wars these tyrants must have to justify their tyranny.

This is the history of mankind and the result of economic policies, monetary policies and banking systems that are intentionally designed for the exclusive benefit of one group of stakeholders (in the economy) over another.

The loss of freedoms (and security) is only just getting started...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...If I feel disalusioned or alienated in one place I just move on to another untill I find my Shangri-la...
...no place is good for everyone, you just have to travel till you find it...and believe me....it's there.


...If I feel disalusioned or alienated in one place I just move on to another untill I find my Shangri-la...
...no place is good for everyone, you just have to travel till you find it...and believe me....it's there.

wait till global governence removes this one great freedom,

the new cancer and infertility giving body scanners are sure gonna slow down the ammount of air travel

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
People are sheep...some aren't. I'm not...no wonder I always feel like I don't fit in.

Nobody can take your spirit or your soul from you. You can be jailed or killed, but you can take your dignity (like said above) and your soul with you, untouched by anyone. I don't live in a free society like they tell us....but I live by my own terms, even if it can take my freedom...they can't take my heart. I win no matter what.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....well right now I am free to move between and live in most any country on the planet I might choose to.....most of you could do this also if you only tried...all you need is a passport and a ticket....and the confidence in yourself that you can always find a way...

...so if you don't like it where you are....stick your thumb out on the motorway/freeway....hop a freight, buy a bus ticket, drive till you run out of gas, take a flight... go look around, the world still has many beautiful places to find peace and solace in....

...boat, train, bus, car or plane......move it...it might smooth it...for you.


:yeahthats Im 21 and still dont have enough balls to try that :/ . a trip for a few years in south asia tempted me since I was 12... Ive been a few times in the USA...and I still prefer living in the EU...its not perfect, but surely better than many other countries/federations...

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
21 is the best age to do it at.

Just don't end up in the US without an infallible ticket home.

We are going to hell in a handbasket faster than fat ladies fall on ice.


Next year Im done with university, I will get high as possible one day, buy a plane ticket online for some random asian destination and leave home for at least 2 years...should be a nice experience :D


Green Mujaheed
Socialism - what'd the EU expect?

If you get in the way, well they will send you a nice form letter apologizing for taking more of your freedoms, but they will take your freedoms because socialism can only work in a vacuum that is devoid of criticism.

Huh ? Socialism has just nothing to do with the matter this thread is about, absolutely nothing ! If any it would be more about agressive capitalism, that one which makes corporates to rule countries and dictate their policies to governments. In the present case it is the industrial security and weapons complex, and I very seriously doubt that those guys are socialists or serving a socialist agenda, eh ?

...If I feel disalusioned or alienated in one place I just move on to another untill I find my Shangri-la...
...no place is good for everyone, you just have to travel till you find it...and believe me....it's there.

I've had a large enough share of journeying time to be aware about this and I do have my own little Shangri-La indeed. If I can't move permanently, it is due to some responsablilities I have here in France, my choice to fullfill these. If I can't move temporarily it's because I currenty don't have the enough funds at hand, not my choice...

But it's not about me to complain about where I am. I'm more wondering about what the future holds. The two PDFs I've posted are really interesting and damn freaky as well and I'm wondering what the people are gonna do about that ? Are they at least aware ? For most I doubt that...

What does the future holds ? Are the corporates to succeed in implementing totalitarian, orwellian societies ? Are the common people going to wake up at some point ? Do they want to wake up ??
It's just that I am baffled by the apathy of the civil society in front of the carnage perpetuated by leaders on both sides of the Atlantic, too oftenly in the name of some weird freedom or horrendous democracy. How come has such ugliness grown out of the French Declaration of Human Rights, or the American Constitution or whatever.
We're heading to some truly fucked up world and most people seem to agree, I just don't understand.

ext year Im done with university, I will get high as possible one day, buy a plane ticket online for some random asian destination and leave home for at least 2 years...should be a nice experience

Right on ! This is the best thing you can do after univ. 2 years should be enough for you to see a nice share of the world and sample a large variety of nice cannabis end products !

Irie !


Why is it that the only entity that truly opposes this fucked up new world order are the as fucked up & stinky al Qaeda & Co ?


Mate, there are millions of people, all around the world, from international NGO's right down to community organizations on your street who are fighting, many even paying with their lives, the seemingly inexorable march of unrestrained neo-liberal capitalism. They just dont make mainstream news, apart from a very small proportion every now and then on reporting on a protest in rich countries, a very unrepresentative picture.

Al-Qaeda are a bunch of reactionary insane evil fucking scumbags who are worthy of absolutely zero mention in a thread like this. They dont 'truly oppose' that system, they receive funding from wealthy individuals who make money from global commodity trading and finance, the very same system you are talking about!

Pretty ridiculous statement man.

Shit! I should know better than to join in pointless internet debates like this!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The cycle of governance. This has been repeated for thousands of years. It isn't going to stop now.

We are starting to blow right through dependence. Buckle your seat belts.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round....

The cycle of governance. This has been repeated for thousands of years. It isn't going to stop now.

We are starting to blow right through dependence. Buckle your seat belts.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round....


Very true SG, I for one would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.


Lammen Gorthaur
My apologies. I didn't realize it is gauche to laud capitalism. It is the worst form of economic organization ever to be unleashed upon the planet - except for all of the others. Well, there's only really two others - socialism (centrally-planned economic failure) and fascism. It would seem that we are going to try both fascism and socialism at the same time here in America. Like socialism, fascism has never worked out for the same reason that socialism never works out: in the end, both wrecked upon the shoals of the outcome of Rational Choice Theory being constantly applied in all economic circumstances, exchanges and activities. Like the speed of light and gravity, Rational Choice Theory isn't just a good idea, it's the inescapable law of the Universe. Capitalism recognizes this fact and the other two means of economic organization seek to have Rational Choice Theory replaced with the decisions of wise and lordly men of policy (a quaint term for what in all cases ends up being someone who is a tyrant) who compound their errors by playing favorites - a recipe that always ends up being a loser for the private-sector economy and the participants who aren't the favorites.