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Use the SNOW!


Active member
Loads of snow outside today!!! If your planning on cracking seeds, use some melted snow in a bowl!!! great distilled water!

Also...If your using Bubblebags over the next few days, fill a cpl plastic bags full of snow, and use it instead of buying or making ice! obviously store your ice in the freezer if you need to!:joint:

Hope these ideas are worth sumthin....Peace!!!:joint:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
LOL I know you Brits are having an interesting time with the white stuff, but I would warn you to ph test the melt water to be on the safe side

There is acid snow as much as it is acid rain


New member
I wouldn't want to use snow instead of pre-bought ice for hash making, I thought about it the other day and soon found myself at the shop buying ice. Some folk even use purified water for bubbling.

lost in a sea

LOL I know you Brits are having an interesting time with the white stuff, but I would warn you to ph test the melt water to be on the safe side

There is acid snow as much as it is acid rain

thats really good advice....thanks..........we get so little snow, that that thought would never have crossed my mind!

most of the uk is crippled by 6 - 12 inches of snow at the mo.. how funny is that!!
i bet that falls every 20 mins sometimes over there in canada!

there are so many people that have never seen snow like this over here.....im sure the gulf stream is giving up or something...

as for me....i love skiing, so this is a massive tease!! quality fluffy snow and not a slope worth going down in the whole bloody country!!!


Snow collects loads of pollutants from the air as it falls so wouldn't be best for seedlings.It is good for soil as collects phosphorus from air and deposits it on the ground,if you ph it(as i have)it is 5.5 so is quite acidic


ICMag Donor
Ice, on the other hand...



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
lol...no fair man... I nearly got snowed in in Wales and had to get the flock out of there a day earlier than planned.... made it home ok though :)


so much snow it looked like there was an iceberg at manchester airport,,use a cement lorry chuck in 10 ton of viet weed add the berg ,hey presto a 10 kilo of snow hash :biggrin: