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Help on low stress training!

I need to know if I'm bending the plant too much to where I'm stressing it too much. And I also need to know if the new growth is gonna look deformed because of how much is held down and how much new growth is coming in.




weed fiend
It won't look natural but you're fine. Don't break the stem and don't get the tie too tight around the stem is about all that matters, IMO. Even if you break the stem, more times than not it's fixable.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
don't think so, only you can tell.

you can tell by the stem, how flexible it is or not, if you stressed it. looks young, and don't know if you get it a shot of silica product, but seems A OK to me.

kick back , and don't worry


I have only LST'd one plant but it turned out very well. one trick I used is when I had to bend a branch more than I felt 'comfortable', like when it was really straining, I would first roll and pinch the stem a little bit. That gives it a little bit of flexibility and won't permanently damage it - matter of fact, you may even get lucky and have that area build up thicker, which will make that branch stronger and healthier in the end.
As long as nothing breaks, you should be ok. Just tie it down a little bit, and tighten it a little more every few days, no worries!
LST pk-

I don't think you can mess up with LST man... its like an art!
If you're worried about how much your bending it just do a little bit everyday. Also---Some people have awesome results, but I'm not a big fan of super- cropping ( pinching,snapping,rolling the stem) . If you do, definitely let veg for 7-10 more days before flowering. Have fun!

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