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"High" from Canada

Figured I'd introduce myself to this great community while I'm in the midsts of waiting on my HC license to arrive in the mail. Hopefully not much longer now...
Will be posting a little more once legal.
Happy New Years to everyone
Wishing everyone a safe, green and prosperous year
God Speed
Thank you for the nice welcome guys.
@Classyathome, I like your sig. Hicks is one missed mofo...
"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death; life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves...
Here's Tom with the weather!"
-Bill Hicks

God Speed

Kola Radical

Do you think the recent increase in right wing politics and anti-cannabis crap in Canada is mainly a show for the winter Olympics?

If so, it should go away after the big dog and pony show, huh?

If we legalize it, I can't see Canada being the only holdout in North America. I hope not anyway.
To be honest KR, I can't even began to guess what the agenda is. I don't believe it has anything to do with the olympics in the less bit, I mean why would it?
For example, Beijing communist China. They mandated electronic surveillance of international owned hotels, manhandled journalist, had dubious protest zones. As well as alleged harassments, house arrests, forced disappearances, imprisonments, torture of dissidents and protesters. And all their human rights issues.
People still went right?
I don't believe having people growing a few cannabis plants in the privacy of thier own home would deter people from coming to see the olympics in anyway...
Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong though.
God Speed



Met a sweet girl from Toronto last winter in Central America, still thinking about her, haha.

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