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Triathlon experience? anyone?


just signed up for my first. a sprint.

1/2 mile ocean swim
15 mile bike ride
3.2 mile run

should be interesting, but you have to start somewhere.

anybody with experience want to share?



I just got my Kinetic indoor trainer. set it up and did 45 minutes on it this afternoon.

I don't ride outside when it is cold--it felt good to be back on the bike.



Active member
Yes I do! But just sprint distance ones that usually took place in Miami. It was quite a few years ago but I have promised myself that when my daughter starts school that I will begin training again for Triathlons! I miss them. I was competitive back then and I was darn good coulda been great but I gave it up for some god awful reason. Well my strong part was swimming, I was horrible on the bike plus I didnthave a great bike and I was pretty good on the run! I would say to stress the bike portion and transitions in your training! And when you are swimming dont kick too much just a little cause you are going to need them for the bike and run. So when you are training(swim) keep your kicking at a steady pace but not a hard pace.Good luck!

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Worst story ever, my wife used to train at the same beach the guy got macked last year...yeah , she quit triathlon training and stuck to road races LMFAO, true story..




when you are swimming dont kick too much just a little cause you are going to need them for the bike and run. So when you are training(swim) keep your kicking at a steady pace but not a hard pace.Good luck!

tip #5 - Swim near fatter rounder people that look like seals more than you..or swim on the beach side of the group.....


I saw that story. Girl was swimming with the group for the first time ever, and that guy got sharked right next to her.

Fortunately for me I am East Coast so no whitey, plus I been surfing/loving the ocean since I can remember---i got no worries on the swim. bob91 i have read the same advice about the swim.

i have a good road bike, did 45 minutes today on the trainer wow I have not been on the bike for 1.5 months only running I could feel it.

should be interesting I have a personal goal, if I reach it I am going to move up to an Olympic distance in August, if not I will do another sprint.

when I was a kid I played lacrosse and ice hockey. i fucking hated endurance work. now I love the pain.

plus it makes my katsu taste even better.......


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