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Please Help! Diagnosis Needed...



Hi folks,

I am experiencing some fairly serious problems with some Flo seedlings. Let me see if I can post some pics for starters...

These are 17 days old.

I am using LC's Mix #2 (6 parts Sunshine Mix, 2 parts perlite, 2 parts EWC, and 1 cup of dolomite lime)

I decided to go with the recipe #3 nutrient tea mix.

After planting the pre-soaked, cracked seeds (tails 1/2") in the soil mix, I watered with plain RO water. They popped above soil about 1 day later.

The first post in the "organics for beginners" thread said that watering with an EWC/molasses would be good for seedlings up to 1 month old, every 3rd watering. I started noticing a slight yellowing on the first set of leaves when they were 7 days old, so I decided to give them the EWC/molasses tea on the next watering.

Well, it hasn't helped. I watered with plain RO water the next time on Dec 31st. The cups dried out quicker this time because I gave them less water. I watered again yesterday, this time with an EWC/molasses tea, but I doubled the recommended amount of EWC in the tea because the seedlings looked like they were getting under-fed. I think the problem continues, though not sure.

A few folks in the DJ Short sub-forum seem to think that there is a PH problem going on, with the nutes getting locked out. I have read numerous times in the organics forum that PH should not be an issue, ever, when using the recommended soil mixes.

I followed the recipe exactly for LC's Mix #2. One of the posters in the DJ forum thought that the 1 cup of dolomite lime seemed real high....can some of the organic experts confirm that 1 cup of lime is the correct amount for that recipe?

If anybody can offer some advice here I would greatly appreciate it. I've never grown such pricey beans before, and I really really don't want to lose them, or stunt their growth.

Thanks for any help. :)


I just performed a test, not sure if it is a good test. I took a PH reading of the RO water, and it was about 6.0, maybe 5.9. I then filled a small cup with about a half cup of the soil mix and poured some of the RO water through it and collected it when it ran out the holes in the bottom. This water tested at about 6.5 PH.

Is that an accurate method to check the soil and whether I might be getting PH lockout?


Hey Chesticles...the soil that I mixed together was in the exact measurements that were given in the recipe. The recipe said that if the measurements (parts, using a 3 qt saucepan) were followed then that would result in 1 cubic foot of soil. And I added 1 cup of the lime to it.


C'MON! No help on this in THIS forum? What the hell, dudes, what the fuckin hell!

I'm in big bind, and its because I'm using an organic recipe recommended in this forum. I followed the recipe perfectly. Not one of the frigging organic gurus can be bothered?



have you given them the veg mix? i water with tap water ph almost 8 with no problems, could the ro be an issue?


No damn given.
ICMag Donor
C'MON! No help on this in THIS forum? What the hell, dudes, what the fuckin hell!

I'm in big bind, and its because I'm using an organic recipe recommended in this forum. I followed the recipe perfectly. Not one of the frigging organic gurus can be bothered?


Well, the first thing to do is be patient.
How much are you watering them? They look overwatered which can cause the roots to rot.
Get back to us. If wet soil is not the problem, we'll try something else. Don't panic.


I agree with Burn1 they look over watered to me. Also beejium I use tap water too and it works for me. They look pretty green though except for the lower leaves which id pull off.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
those seedlings look like they want to be in a lighter mix. it happens sometimes, strains can be picky or sensitive. all seedlings need at that age is water, warmth and light. no nutrients, no teas, no top dressings.....

for seedlings you cant go wrong with 1 part castings/1 part sand/1 part perlite. then into a nice veg mix when they have grown up a little bit.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i think jay is on the right track. i had a similar thing happen with a flo seedling - it appeared burnt in a similar way - the leaf went light brown and crispy - and i had it in a light mix that i had used successfully before.thge tea was maybe too much for it.
in my case it seemed to grow out of it after a while.



I'm glad I read this, I'm about to give my 10 day old seedlings a light dose of the EWC/molasses/liquid karma tea in another 2 days or so. The Cateloyd leaves are starting to yellow on a couple, I'll let you know what happens to them after using it.

I'm also using LC's mix, like usual. Only the number 1 recipe.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i always use water with seedlings and the only thing i put on them fert wise is quarter strength liquid seaweed if i really think they need something. then i repot after 2 weeks or so into richer soil. that way the roots get the food a little more gradually as they grow down into it.



i'd bet that if it's not wet, a dash of 5-1-1 would perk them up.

do NOT do this. There is no way that you're seedlings are suffering from nute def. Even if you have a nutrient-less medium at 17 days they wouldn't be suffering. I agree with the others. Either too much water or too many ferts. Good luck and be patient....sorry we couldn't immediately get to your problem.

Edit: just read that your soil already had nutes and then you applied a tea to your seedlings. I am thinking overfeeding. Some base soils are even too hot for seedlings and I give R/O water (not necessary) for the first 1.5-2.5 weeks until they start showing signs of wanting to be fed.


do NOT do this. There is no way that you're seedlings are suffering from nute def. Even if you have a nutrient-less medium at 17 days they wouldn't be suffering. I agree with the others. Either too much water or too many ferts. Good luck and be patient....sorry we couldn't immediately get to your problem.

Edit: just read that your soil already had nutes and then you applied a tea to your seedlings. I am thinking overfeeding. Some base soils are even too hot for seedlings and I give R/O water (not necessary) for the first 1.5-2.5 weeks until they start showing signs of wanting to be fed.

at least someone could sort that out.... i was looking at the pics having a hard time trying to figure out if they were eating themselves or wanting less food. we all screw up something.



Well I usually up pot around the 2 week mark as well. But, I did things a tad different this time. I started them all but 1 in bigger containers then keg cups. I think they are considered 4 inch pots, they prolly hold 2 times what a keg cup does.

It'll prolly take them a little longer to get the roots to expand to fill that pot, so hitting them with a slight dose of EWC and LQ tea i thought would help. But more I keep asking bout it makes me wanna wait on it. What do you think?



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hard to say OPT. if the cotyledon leaves (i presume thats what you meant) are yellowing then they are just doing their job as they contain the food for the developing seedling. if you do go ahead and feed them i would dilute whatever you were going to use by half to be safe. but the safest thing is probably to leave them another few days or so.

and if they are in bigger pots than you normally use then watch out for them staying too wet.


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