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Room Layout recommendations?


Thanks again for all the advice, once I get this all on a roll I will be sure to post a grow diary and document the room build so you guys get some sort of satisfaction knowing your advice went somewhere.

yes it does seem like a great hobby with a huge community behind it, personally I'm not a smoker but it would be nice to supply friends and family at a resonable cost with quality herb.


Active member
Hey Guys,

The things I am having trouble with are, how long to veg for.

How many plants to have in the room?, Im planning on growing in 2-3 gallon pots.

I have helped friends with crops but haven't set up a show myself.

As for lighting I am thinking floro for veg and then switch to a 1000w HPS for flowering just to save the cost of the sep ballast and bulb for veg.

or would it be worth the cost for 1000w / mh and 1000/w HPS rigs?

I know that 1000w might be a little underkill for the room size but I was thinking a large reflector and good rotation should compensate.

Any opinions appreciated

Veg time all depends on how big you want the plants to go, little to no veg time is good for SOG. Veg big for trees.

Floro works fine for short veg times, IMHO.

Actually the footprint of a 1000HPS horizontal is all dependent on the reflector, and bulb position. Mebby opt for a extra large air cooled hood, so you dont have heat issues, and get the spread you want.

I think 1kw to veg with is overkill. I think the better solution is..

If running sog:
1000 HPS for the bloom.
250 MH for moms. (Keeps em short and bushy)
320 Flo' (40 x 8) for clones 20 clones per 160W seems to work for me.
(or you could just go all flo's for veg and bloom)

I like to give the mom's more wattage because they get cut more.

Or if running trees.
1000 HPS for the bloom.
480 (12x40)'s for mom's and veggies.

I like running flo's for this setup, seems to give the plant a more even structure.

Just a suggestion..


Decided to change strains too, after checking out some reviews. Any recommendations, something not too stinky, and fairly forgiving predominantly indica?

thanks again by the way
Ak-47 from Serious Seeds. I've seen some huge nugs from those.


Yeah I've heard great things about ak47. As far as moms and clones go, Im going to build a small cfl box and probably pick the 2-4 sweethearts from the seeds I get and keep them as bonsai mammas, and have another chamber in it for rooting clones. I will keep this box and bring it to the new place in the summer.

From what I've read and hear, I think I will veg until the plants are 20" or so, and then flip.

scince I'm probably going to go with 10 plants in 5 gallon pots I think that should make some nice little monsters.

I know this first round is going to be trial and error, but hopefully with the the good info found here and support of some knowledgeable people it will be mostly successful.


New member
Ideal Strain?

Ideal Strain?

What would you suggest is the ideal strain to start with in your first grow room? I have about 8' X 10' area available. I would like to stick to bushy plants as opposed to taller ones. Any tips?


Stick with a more indica strain ... sativa tends to grow taller. That said, you can control the shape of your plant to a great degree by training/pruning it from its earliest development. Shorter vegetation will help keep stretching down.