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jaanis pc grow (first grow ever)


New member
So i've finished my first growbox ever, a pc growbox. There are 4 cfls inside, 2x18w, 1x20w, 1x23w, overall 79w, i know it's not much but i hope it will be okay. If not, i'll try to get bigger wattage lights.

Already one flower in dirt + another seed germinating atm. Those are bagseeds and i'm doing 12/12 from seed. I'm still not sure which method should i do, lst or scrog. I really would like to try scrog method but lst seems fine too. So, any suggestions, from which could i get bigger yield?

Also, is it stretching too much? She's like 4,5cms and 3rd day above the ground.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.

Here's some pictures.

Hey cool setup
Hard to tell if the bulbs are too far, but it is a lil bit stretchy. needs another week to tell
Do a scrog for sure, lst is too much care in such a small area. yield on lst or scrog will be damn near the same on this size grow, so don't worry about it.

Lovin the stealth.


Looking good, great start.
If your humidity isn't too low, a small fan works wonders in minimizing stretch dealing with new small seedlings like yours ;) Once they get going they won't need it anymore tho.

I'll be watching.


New member
So yeah, me again, thanks everyone.
I guess the main problem why it was stretching was heat. Sometimes it was like +38, i guess it's way too much, so i put an organic glass sheet under the lights and now its like +28, +32 and its working really well. I put tha flower more closer to the lights and leaves are bigger and it didn't stretch at all, yippeee yay!

Like mini update, got that other seed in dirt. And yes, i will put them in bigger pot soon. :]

jaanis nice pc box. im pullin up a chair:lurk:.
Yeah i would say get a screen in there and scrog them. Best way to get highest yield in pc case imo.


New member
Long time no see, eeehh?
So, few updates, biggest one have grown like for 12 days, time's going fast woohoo! :biggrin:
Anyways, too bad i got it burned with light i'm really sad about it but i hope it's not so big problem :( At least i said sorry.
The little one is going OK, she wants to catch up the biggest one in height and i don't like it.
Oh, and i repotted them, maybe to early but i didn't like that "box" thing i got earlier, just didn't felt right. Now i got stylish pots y0!
Made some scrog screen, i hope it will work fine, or should i make holes smaller?

Thanks for watching, more updates comming! :witch:

Paranoid one

Looks good mate!

What soil are you veggin in?
EDIT:sorry missed the CFL specs


New member
I'm using some ASB GREENWORLD Flower soil pH 5,0-6,5, cheapest around here but works great!

Hah, and thanks everyone!


New member
Houston, we have a problem, the older plant is acting weird.
Tips of the leaves are getting brown/yellowish, whats happening? I haven't gave any nutes or ferts, maybe its water pH, cause i havent checked it, i don't have pH meter. Also, i thought that i just burned those first leaves but they are getting worser so i guess it's something else. She's 14 days old.
Pleaaseeee haaalp!

Edit: Also there was a bottle for CO2 with yeast and sugar but i don't believe that's the cause of problem


New member
i looked up that soil you used. it does contain fertilizer in it. could be to much for the young plants.

So i looked up some symptoms of "over fertilizing" and yeah it does look the same, so i guess i'll flush it out and see what happens :dunno:
Also, it could be N issue, i guess i'll look that up too.

I hope this all helps

And yeah, i'm using tap water.
Depending on where you're from, that could be (and most likely is) a huge contributing factor.

Back when I used tap water, my soil plants had that same problem. I also used low quality soil.

From what I learned, a good quality soil mix (high in perlite/moss), and using RO water (usually can be found in huge dispensers at your local grocery store) is the best investment you can make in soil grows. RO water is extremely cheap; It's only $0.20 a gallon here.

Remember, the more roots you have, the more buds you have.


New member
Thanks for advice, i guess i could buy some RO water, it's pretty cheap here too.
Also i will give a try reducing pH with vinegar, it could help.

Thanks anyways, i hope that the little plant will live and give some nice buds :]
:thinking:If you start out with RO water.be sure bring the ph up to about 6.5.start that as your base ph reading.then water your plants and test the run off.make adjustments and go from there.every soil/combo of mixes are different.you just have to test it to get an idea of how they work.for ph and adjusting.try the GH ph control kit.comes with up and down,and the testing solutions.its pretty cheap and easy to work with for just starting out. just make small adjustments.especially in RO water.:wave:


New member
Updates are here! I've trained the bigger(and youngest) plant a bit and it's growing like crazy, me likes! The youngest plant have overgrown elder one, i guess because of those problems with leaves but now they are getting better so lets see how it turns out for that plant. :dunno: I added a bit of lemon juice to the water, maybe that helped, maybe not.

I hope that both plants will show some female pistils.. Yay!

Youngest plant, 19 days already

Older one, 23 days?

Time is running fast, almost one month already, crrrrrrrrazzzzzyy :canabis:


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