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Cannabis growing in the Vendee


New member

Sorry I cant speak french.

Is it possible to grow cannabis outdoors in the Vendee region of France easily. Here in Ireland it the weather sucks and it is next to impossible to pull in a decent crop.

What are the laws like in france for someone who is growing a small personal supply. Are these largely ignored or can you expect prison time if caught?




New member

Of course you can grow in vendee.
The whether could be humid , but as everywhere in the world , if you choose the right strain , you'll get your harvest.

But you must know that france is the leader of repression against cannabis in europe.
You will not be thrown in jail for few plants , but you must be vigilant.


You are not going to jail if you re caught for few plants, but like

lezhar said, be carefull France is one of the most repressive

country in western europe concerning pot. Don't forget that french

people cooperated with nazis... so beware of snitches.


Green Mujaheed
DIfferent places, different rules even if law is same for everyone (supposed to). Getting caught growing in my area is a no-no (someone recently been thrown to jail for... repeated consumption !). But in areas like South western France, in the country side things are better. Gendarmes (military police) are sometimes more tolerant than darn pigs and won't bother you for a few plants. I know that some guy who got caught with outdoor crop and full indoor apparatus for growing was actually released, and got his lamps and growing material back.
Vendée is too touristy in summer, it gets flocked with zillions of people, too busy for outdoor growing. Go Dordogne, quite a few peasants grow weed to make ends meet, so it's cool.

Irie !




You are not going to jail if you re caught for few plants, but like

lezhar said, be carefull France is one of the most repressive

country in western europe concerning pot. Don't forget that french

people cooperated with nazis... so beware of snitches.

Flippy , i'm using all my will NOT to cover you with insults , but you need to watch your philty mouth ...
French PEOPLE collaborated with Nazis ?!? Who the f*ck are you?are you even French?!?are you talking about your family personnaly ?!?
I sure hope so...
A tiny minority collaborated or gave up jews , and Thousands of FRENCH JEWS have been spared ,you illeterate P.O.S...Saying FRENCH PEOPLE collaborated is outrageous....
Do you go to the german section of IC to say that German people were all working in Auschwitz or that german people a jew killers?!?....Is the American people killing Irakis and Afghans....
You are a disgrace IMO,i'm sorry for you.....
And saying you don't go to jail for " a few plants" in France as a rule is BULLCRAP...again Who the F*ck are you????

I'm sorry for the rant guys , but this guy needs to check himself badly...
( if you ever PM me Flippy i'll post it here so beware MOFO )


Laugan Gaucher

Vichy est nul et non avenu ! avait dit le général deGaule après la guerre et pour mettre fin à l'épuration "naturellement commencée ". Autrement dit : il ne s'est rien passé...pas le début d'une remise en question ça !...

Aujourd'hui on reconnait encore les petits enfants de ces collabos de vichistes...y'a quelque chose de puant dans leur esprit...des relans d'ignorance de racisme et de fascisme. dailleurs ils votent Sarkosy...c'est un avoeux...

sinon pour l'esprit anti-français des americains, faut les comprendre aussi. Ils viennent delivrer ces lâches et couards de français en se faisant massacrer comme des lapins sur les plages de Normandie puis ces moitié de coco se la jouent anti capitaliste et se mettent même à cracher dans la soupe au pétrole ...

là s'en était trop pour l'état nazi americain.

dailleurs je demeure persuadé que ce qui a deplu aux americains dans les nazi c'est l'impression qu'ils voulaient leur prendre le rôle ou être plus royaliste que le roi ...c'est flagrant aujourd'hui non ?

hitler est bien vivant et il habite Miami ! jim morrisson...( j'aurais dit hollywood mais bon...)

moi je m'en fou je compte les coups

ils avaient mis Timothy Leary en prison comme ennemli public n°1...ça vous parle ça non ? Ils sont allé l'enlever à l'étranger pour le ramener dans leur prison pour en faire un exemple. c'est là qu'il a ecrit "la révolution cosmique"...ou la chronique d'une mort annoncée : celle de notre civilisation !
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Active member
Go Dordogne, quite a few peasants grow weed to make ends meet, so it's cool.

Well Dordogne is crowded with tourists too in july/august, but yes, there are plenty of quiet spots and plenty of OD growers around, including yours truly :dance013: Plus it's very popular with people from the British Isles...

But rory, if you buy a house in vendée, you'll be fine for growing too, the weather being definately better than in Ireland, as far as I know. The only thing, Guiness isn't as cheap ;)




Active member
Laughan et Maharaji : + 1000

Ecoueurant ces idees reçues...insultant même.

Ouais bon, il n'empêche que c'est bien la police parisienne qui est venue cogner à la porte de ma grand-mère et de mon oncle en 42 pour les envoyer au vel d'hiv, et de là à Auschwitz, où ils ont subi le sort qu'on sait...

Quant aux dénonciations gratuites de juifs ou autres, y'en a quand même eu un paquet, faut pas se leurrer.

Tout ça pour dire que je pense pas que Flippy (apparemment français) pensait à mal.

Peace and love mes frères

h :ying:


Hello hanuman

Je comprends bien ce que tu dis, il est clair et avéré que ces choses se sont réellement produites..

Par contre, de là à le généraliser à toute une nation...là non, je ne peux entendre ce genre de chose.

Trop de personnes ont été tuées pour avoir défendu corps et âme ce pays, et l'idée de la liberté.. des actes ig

Bref, je crois qu'il faut peser ses mots et éviter de généraliser ces actes ignobles à toute une population...en sous entendant même que ceci est toujours en vigueur ici..

Mais j'ai bien compris ton message quand même man, et je compatis au chagrin qu'a connu ta famille.



Flippy , i'm using all my will NOT to cover you with insults , but you need to watch your philty mouth ...
French PEOPLE collaborated with Nazis ?!? Who the f*ck are you?are you even French?!?are you talking about your family personnaly ?!?
I sure hope so...
A tiny minority collaborated or gave up jews , and Thousands of FRENCH JEWS have been spared ,you illeterate P.O.S...Saying FRENCH PEOPLE collaborated is outrageous....
Do you go to the german section of IC to say that German people were all working in Auschwitz or that german people a jew killers?!?....Is the American people killing Irakis and Afghans....
You are a disgrace IMO,i'm sorry for you.....
And saying you don't go to jail for " a few plants" in France as a rule is BULLCRAP...again Who the F*ck are you????

I'm sorry for the rant guys , but this guy needs to check himself badly...
( if you ever PM me Flippy i'll post it here so beware MOFO )


Man you need go back to school. During nazi invasion all was not pink and a lot of people did very bad things and I'm not only talking about invaders.

My grandfather who was a resistant, died in their fucking working camp because he was betrayed by his own neighbor who was a 100% french guy. He did that to show how loyal he was to the nazi...can you believe that?

And you tell me what? Outrageous? Yeah it's outrageous that a lot of fucking bitches didn't take part of the fight. Staying home snitching jews and even their own freedom fighters...beautifull...really...

So please keep your pathetic speech for fuckin ignorant. Not admitting what happened is a coward reflex.

Germans are germans, I'm talking about France. i'm not going to mess with americans or brits because without them this discussion would have been occured on the german section....you follow me?


Man you need go back to school. During nazi invasion all was not pink and a lot of people did very bad things and I'm not only talking about invaders.

My grandfather who was a resistant, died in their fucking working camp because he was betrayed by his own neighbor who was a 100% french guy. He did that to show how loyal he was to the nazi...can you believe that?

And you tell me what? Outrageous? Yeah it's outrageous that a lot of fucking bitches didn't take part of the fight. Staying home snitching jews and even their own freedom fighters...beautifull...really...

So please keep your pathetic speech for fuckin ignorant. Not admitting what happened is a coward reflex.

Germans are germans, I'm talking about France. i'm not going to mess with americans or brits because without them this discussion would have been occured on the german section....you follow me?

Ah merde on est des enculés ?

on a fait des choses affreuses dans le passé ?

Bein comme les Turcs , les Espagnoles , les Italiens , les Américains , les Anglais etc etc comme tous le monde quoi !

Flippy = nice flamming man , nice amalgam , actually you know lot of nazies in France ? Your answer was stupid & sensless and specially on a growers website . I was thinkink about growers are "openmind" , i was wrong :wave: