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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Active member
ICMag Donor
My light is stationary up high as I can get it. I put a shoebox under the pots/planters until they start getting close, then I take the shoeboxes out and let them fill in from there.
First couple of shots in my last post there is a ~5" box under each planter.


New member
Howdy, folk! I am a new 150 grower and wanted to post my cabinets. I have read this WHOLE thread over the last 2wks and wanna thank all of those who came before me. Wow, there is a wealth of information here!

Here is what i started with...2 cabs, 1 for moms and 1 for flowering...


On the mom cab, i mounted 2 3bulb bathroom fixtures on movable walls and have several adjustment heights for each side. I used 2 120mm, 75CFM fans behind a box to block light to exhaust and can adjust the flow with a multi volt DC power supply. Also, i mounted a 6" clip on fan for circulation, but i will possibly go to another PC fan for circulation and move that 6"er to the flowering wardrobe.

Here it is in operation, with 4 Nirvana Cali O plants, 1 LA woman fem that has managed to come back to life and 4 nirvana Bubblicious seedlings..

The flowering wardrobe is lighted with 2 htg 150ws, with 80mm 35CFM pc fans mounted on the reflector blowing on the bulbs. I have a 4"inlinefan and Carbon filter combo from htg coming...should be here on monday...



What do yall think?


Three 150W HPS grow

Three 150W HPS grow

I got about 6 z's out of my last (4th) grow since starting up again about a year ago. Added the 3rd 150W HPS during flower, and have plans to add a 4th sometime in 2010. I want to make a closet sized hood and incorporate all 4 of my parking garage $10 lights under one hood.

Check out my 4th grow... http://www.icmag.com/ic/album.php?albumid=11331

Happy New Year all!



one of my ices lighted directly by 150W (had 2 each at 150Watter)


my girlfriend holding the plant


plant harvested


the cure :D
just checked my rooms temps with the lights on, 52-54 degrees,,yikes. but a positive negative in that i get to add more light. my question is that if a 150 only takes it up to such a low temp, and im thinking about a 250hps or should i just get a 400hps? id like the temps in the 70s atleast. im thinking htg supply and the price diff is two dollars i believe between those lights. any advice :thanks:


New member
Are you only planning on growing during the winter? If so, yeah, slap a 400 in there. What are your plans for heat in the dark cycle? If you are planning on growing year 'round, i would definitely put some more planning into it. Determine how much you need to yield per flower cycle, multiply that number by 2, and get that much in lights, giving you a realistic starting goal of .5g/w. Compare the footprints of the lights you wanna buy to your grow space. A more square area might allow for a larger wattage, while a more rectangle shape might be better covered by 2 lower wattage bulbs. If the grow space is too big, section part of it off. This will make it easier for you when you decide to add circulation and ventilation and odor control...which you will at some point. Going about it this way allows you to still hit your goal early, but all of the changes you make in your system going forward is going to result in excess.

Just my .02 tho', take it with a grain of salt.


half cat half man half baked
Way to represent everyone. Tis the season!

Day 44 since flip



Scraped up ISO.


And getting ready for the next batch.




Thought I would post this here.

My two roommates and I are getting ready to start our grow, and we're currently finished up our small grow box. Its a pretty small area, the inside dimensions are 18"x28"x~6'. We have two bathrooms, and one of the showers is so small your shoulders will touch on either side, so it rarely gets used...insert perfect grow area :)

The shower

The Finished box, its enclosed at the top except for a 5" gap that will be ducted to the bathroom vent above. Also, there is a 5" gap on the bottom for a passive intake. The plants will sit on a shelf about one foot from the bottom of the shower.

This is the light that we will be suspending tonight. Its a 150 watt HPS with two 42 watt CFLs on either side.

We finally got the light hanging in the box! We are working on the top that will go to the bathroom vent.

Let me know what you think! Nothing is completely finished and it's all done by first timers so don't be too hard!


EDIT: Just wanted to post a link to my new thread with the updated build!


weed fiend
Props to all the 150 growers

Props to all the 150 growers

Glassholer, that's most convenient. Water and drain on the spot. All the innovations here are exciting. I wish I had a stall. Looks much easier to trick out than a tub.

Here's a scrog vegging after 5 weeks under the screen. It's my first scrog attempt and I'm already impatient to throw it in flower. I'll more likely veg too long and have a flowering mess.
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Ya disfunktional, I was planning on starting a thread but it will most likely be in the autoflowering thread since this first grow will be with dieselryders and some other seeds to go with it, so I thought I would throw it up here! Thanks for the interest! :smokeit:

I added a picture of the light hanging in the box. Its quite bright in there, can't wait to see it full of ladies!


New member


Hey guys,

Here's a little update on the ladies. They stopped stretching and started to bulk up. Here they are at the beginning of wk 7:smokeit:



Moondog, Those plants are looking nice!

disfunktional, I started a new thread finally and posted a few final pics of the work we finished today. The link is up in my first post here. Thanks again dude!
Glassholer, that's most convenient. Water and drain on the spot. All the innovations here are exciting. I wish I had a stall. Looks much easier to trick out than a tub.

Here's a scrog vegging after 5 weeks under the screen. It's my first scrog attempt and I'm already impatient to throw it in flower. I'll more likely veg too long and have a flowering mess.

Hey DB! Lovin that scrog screen! You should be fine vegging until the screen is 3/4 full and then flipping 12/12. The stretch will fill out the screen and poke up through. I dig that plastic screen, I use chicken wire for my modular scrogs

I like the modulars because I want the little extra room in my cab to fit a couple of hempy cups of different strains from the scrogged.
Peace out amigo!