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Rockbud, Goo & GDP 1k - 4x4 ebb/flo - 1st e/f attempt ^.^

Fat J

Hey guys, long time reader, first time poster ^.^ I been growin about 10 rounds now, been using dirt indoors under 1k eye hps - worked great but kinda slow n the hand watering was killin my back ;- )

So... I got myself a snazzy new 4x4 tray, a 50 gal resi, good hi cap air pump n stone for more o2 , got it in a high perlite coco mix - on a multi (5x/day) flow timer setup, runnin mh for the veg plannin on doin 3/4wk veg (used 2 veg 5wk with soil) just wonderin if anybody has any tips to make sure im starting off right -im using the H&G cocos a+b and some gh bioroot additive i got as a free sample, worked good with my clones so i figger ill try it here. Started the rb, goo from seed gonna get the gdp clones goin once my seeds are up to 4' or so...

Runnin ph 5.8 temp 70-72deg, cant get co2 gen but with this small setup im not too worried about it.

Also wonderin about doing a no-drain system (addback nutes) with the H&G nutes - any1 got any exp with this - if so it would be appreciated ^.^

Thanks again guys and ill have pics up inna couple daze :tree:

-Fat J

Fat J

Found a few pics from a few rounds back, this is my 3.5x4ft mini box with 400hps and dirt, the nug is some blue dream from last round under the 1k... if I could just find my damn camera... its prolly hiding with my car keys ;-)



Fat J

Ok, so I found my camera - w00t - took a few pics so I could have a full set of start to finish pics, so these arent much to look at. They show most of my setup inside my homemadehydrohut - I wanted to wait a few more days to get the seeds up but the clones were ready, so what the hell ^.^ the pics show the Granddaddy Purp clones I got (8) and the Rockbud seeds (7) I started, only have 2 seeds popping up, but I wasnt paying attention and had the room i was germin in way 2 cold, so they should be up in the next couple daze - also got 4 Amsterdam Goo seeds that cracked, will be plantin em in next few daze. First time usin H&G so I hope it works well.. more to come ;-)




Fat J

Oops, duplicate post, my bad ^.^ must have smoked 2 much of that blue dream from the pic up above ;-)
Last edited:

Fat J

Ok, everybody, if anybody is reading this... I did some research and it seems that the House and Gardens products really work their best when you use all the supplemental nutes they recommend. Also, using only the Cocos A + B and GH BioRoot, they were showing signs of nute defs - N2, Mg mostly but they were having a bit of a tough time...

Surprisingly though, the GDP clones are thriving pretty well, geting bigger despite the stresses, and I took pics, so I can show what I mean.

One other thing i kinda screwed the pooch on - didnt soak the Rockbud Seeds well enough, which may be why their growth is so retarded, and when i mixed my last resi, I was ripped and messed up on my ppm readings.

So.. I sprung for the Algen Extract - Seems to be important using these nutes, the Drip Clean - not using till next week, but was highly recommended for whole veg cycle - used in very sm amounts sposta keep the salts from building up... And: the Roots Excellurator - extremely expensive (1L is 130$) but its used sparingly and has been highly recommended by several smart ppl on here as well as a friend who uses the H&G nutes exclusively, so ill see how it works out:

OLD NUTE MIX: H&G Cocos A+B 2.5ml/g , GH BioRoot 5ml/g - total ppm: 450 ph: 5.8

NEW NUTE MIX: H&G Cocos A+B 3.5ml/g, H&G Algen 3.8ml/g, H&G Roots Xcellurator: 1.1 ml/G total ppm: 670 ph: 5.8

I was way below the PPM I should have been according to the mfr nute cycle, now I should be about dead on and I also hand watered a small amount to flush out the old nute mix and set my water pump to run 2x/day instead of 4x/day for a day or 2 to let the medium dry out a bit, then ill go back to 4 once the overwatering signs are gone ( I had been running 6x/day which, even with the high perlite coco mix i use was too much)

Oh - last but not least - these damn rockbud seeds are goin slow as fuck, i thik i may ditch em if they dont pick up in the next few days and grab some blue dream clones to fill out the space - gotta do it soon if im gonna.

Pics in the next post, lemme know what you think ^.^

Fat J

Here the pics I took on 1/2 - Many of them show the OverWaterDamage I was talking about above, but like i said they are still growing pretty fast despite the mistakes...

2nd Biggest one closeup - shows OWD:


Biggest 1:


Nother OWD Pic:


AmsterdamGoo Seedlings - Side shot:


AmG Seedling Overhead:


RockBud Closeup (ugh they not lookin good...):


Side Profile of a few GDP clones:


Tray Overview shot:


With the adjustments I made, they should look better next week ^.^

:tree: :smokeit:

Fat J

Oh, and they're already lookin much better (except rockbud) - leaves are uncurling, colors coming back, ^.^ w00t

Fat J

Hey money, thx 4 takin a look. It looks like dirt but its actually a premixed coco fiber/perlite medium - it drains very well, holds moisture well, soaks moisture like a sponge when it soaks but drains well after - keeping the roots well aerated. Lotsa ppl are getting on the coco bandwagon, its a really easy medium to work with.

I used to do indoor dirt with hand watering for years... i love dirt, but coco is just so much easier. i wouldnt reccomend using ebb/flo with dirt - maybe a drip system with tray but tray only needed for a lil runoff (while adjusting drip rates) which could go to drain. ebb/flo would keep soil too wet and rot roots.

Fat J

What a difference!

What a difference!

So it seems they really are likin the MH and the adjustments i made, they bounced back faster than pamela's tits! Took a few pics, even the worst one is lookin great:

-Here's a side profile of the tray:

-Heres a shot of the AmG Seedlings, they are goin fast as hell too!

-My biggest GDP - she's on fire!!

-Heres the one that had the worst OWdamage and nute defs:

-Another one which is recovering beautifully:

Well... till next time,


Dude, badass strain selections! Goo is my favorite shit, but I can never find a cutting, just the herb. I am growing the GDP for the first time right now and I am stoked to see that the fans look exactly the same as the ones on yours(in CA I recon you are much more likely to get the real deal than out here in CO).

BTW your thread is my first subscription ever.

Fat J

W00t! 42nd post...the question is not important, the answer is everything ^.^

Wassup FoCo, thx 4 checkin it out. The goo may be interesting, dont know for sure what it is, but i got an 8th one day from the club cuz i felt like something different... the goo they had was delicious and normally if i find seeds in my (hellllla overpriced) club weed, id demand a refund, but this bud was special and the 4 seeds (only 4 in the 8th) were all mature and beautiful, so i dont know what the cross is but I love goo and i have high hopes.

As for the rockbud - i had big expectations but the seeds may have been duds, so im thinkin of replacing em with some purple trainwreck (limited friend's release) and black dominia - I want a big variety to choose a few good phenos for moms since im making the effort with seeds.

Hope the GDP is good to you, its always been a big yielding tasty plant when ive worked with it and the clones came from a very reliable source, as with any strain there can be several phenos and gdp is notorious for having a lot of crosses that ppl still just call GD- but if you have the same pheno i got you wont be disappointed - make sure u give em a good flush and this pheno prefers slightly weaker nutes (5-8% less than most strains)... it also does very well with supercropping and likes to be pruned.

Stay high, I know I will ;-)


cool bro, glad to see I can come check out your thread now! Looks good! OWD, didn't even know that it looked like that, have a few plants that had looked like that and was wondering what it was....how did ya find that one out? Any way's looking good, I'll be back! PEACE

Fat J

Hey cali, It was overwaterin and nute def, i think it was mag, but n2 was low too... the twisty leaves almost always means overwatering, and a couple other micronute defs... i liked the guide thats a sticky on the problems forum, its pretty comprehensive with pics, glad you stopped by ^.^ ill have pics tomorrow prolly... things are picking up fast ;-)

[VERY rarely the twisty leaves is a fungal infection, but thats like.01% of the time, most often its nute def/ow]

Fat J

Ok, so im a little late, but - you know how weed makes yu late sometimes... heres the pics I took on the 10th... theyve grown a lot since, but i been real busy, got a new space 2 work with.

Happy tray!

Huge stems!

Massive seedlings!

New babies!


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
Sorry i'm late (the weed did it). I'm here now and followin along. Looking nice so far. Those GDP should yield for you. they will be monsters by the time the beaners catch up. Looking forward to seeing the story.

and watch out for that Black Domina, that shit will really make you late :hide:

Fat J

Ok so... UPDATE!

Hehehe, so yeah, weed makes other ppl late too, im a couple months late on this post... had a lot happening.

So, I got a new space 2 play with (much bigger n better in about every way) and upgraded to a 4x8 and added another thowie - got the radiant hood - man she's a sexy hood, but I digress.

I'm gonna make a new thread for the new space as its not a 4x4 anymore and its a pretty much new setup inna lot of ways, I'll post the link on here so you guys can see how those strains are doing.

The GDPzz got flipped a week and a half ago and r really starting 2 look sexy - vegged longer than I wanted to but I had 2 have the setup right.

Nat - hell ya, last time i grew the dom, it was def some sit ya ass down kinda herb - strong and spicy... almost garlicy. Welcome 2 the show!

The AMGoo babies turned out 3 fem and 1 m - chopped the m (dont care for a seed crop atm) one of them has a wide stance, long nodes, very sativaish, but still kinda short like an indica, the other 2 are very bushy, almost growing in a column of dense vegitation, nice ones for SoG etc - pretty heavy indica. I have a clone I took from the sat pheno and i have one of the moms of the ind pheno still in the veg area. got one of each bloomin - started em in there 4 days ago and they r startin 2 get pretty. The GDPs are freakin monsters - stocky, bushy, FAT FAT branches - ill take pics in the next few daze and put em on the new thread - hope to see you all there ^.^

***Important info - the nute deficiencies that started from over watering, which ran the gamut - mostly lookin like Ca/Mg defs but the ones with the most light were the worst - WERE NOT NUTE DEFS! well, they were and they werent. They were a root aphid infestation which the adjustment in waterings helped hold off a bit - just got worse, kept trying different cures - compost tea, ca/mg additives, and a few other things... till I found a thread and finally figured it out - If you get these, dont fuck around - they look like gnats when mature but they have a rounder body with 2 little tubes comin out their backs. ***

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