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all my girls got pregnant! HOW TO STERILIZE ROOM?

i found a blown seed pot on my biggest plant. it went hermi on me and i didn't notice because it's just a crapped out plant thats almost dead i was just waiting for it to bud and get rid of it. i am far sighted now and can't see up close and never wear my glasses.

now i have paid the price for that once again. what i thought was my buds fattening up, was because they were all full of seeds. now my question is this

Can i prevent the other fe's in the room that havent started flowering yet from getting knocked up? What do i have to do to make sure there is no pollen in there. i have some clothes on a rod in there as well as carpet on the floor. Will vacuuming be enuf?

Merry Fuckin crimmas and seasons Beatings? where is the gun in my mouth smiley-face?


sorry to hear that..... I found a hermie in my dozen too... few seeds in a few plants... not all.. but still have a week or two to go......... Looking for the gun too.........


for the ones already hermie-ing on you, you have the option of a product called Reverse, i've never used it, but have seen it work to stop seed growth
with the carpet in there, i guess i'll just have to go with the water. if anyone else votes for one of the other, lemmie know. crapola.


sorry to hear about the herm..happens to the best of us...
spray water works best for me ..