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Reverse Osmosis Questions


Active member
you are the king of right.

your RO setup is the best.

you win.


Not trying to be the king of right, just asking for some documentation to back up your statements. Is it that hard to post some sort of link?

No, my r/o setup isn't the best, however it has served me well for years...................................

It's not about winning, we're all in the same boat. It's about gaining knowledge and helping each other out. If I'm proven wrong, I'll be the first to admit it.

Stay Safe................... :santa1:


I wish I knew a little bit more about this but from what I gather, the more pressure going into the ro the more efficient it is. That means that the rejected water that is feeding the second membrane will not have as good of a clean/dirty ratio as the first because the pressure is lower but it stacks on top improving your overall ratio. You could hook four membranes together but you will still get waist no matter how many you hook together. RO in itself is the use of a waist system to separate salts out. You could just filter salts out but your filter would be clogged every other day.


I wish I knew a little bit more about this but from what I gather, the more pressure going into the ro the more efficient it is. That means that the rejected water that is feeding the second membrane will not have as good of a clean/dirty ratio as the first because the pressure is lower but it stacks on top improving your overall ratio. You could hook four membranes together but you will still get waist no matter how many you hook together. RO in itself is the use of a waist system to separate salts out. You could just filter salts out but your filter would be clogged every other day.

yeah, my tap's tds reading is pretty low, so i guess it doesnt really affect the second membrane as much, i can even get a reading on my tds meters so it must not be that bad, lol.

I guess if you have a very high tds from the tap, then you would really be killing the second membrane, shortening the lifespan greatly i would assume. But for low tap ppms, id say its fine, im rocking 0ppm right now and im not complaining.

I also run a booster pump at about 80psi, i think that helps since my tap is only 40psi at the faucet.


My tap runs about 27ppm normally, I have seen as high as 110pm when the city made an "oops" with the water system. The output of my system is <1ppm.

I've often wondered about hooking an additional filter set to the waste line to see if I could refilter it to get less waste, but I always looked at the effort wasn't worth the reward... guess my lazyness side showing a bit.. For now I just water all my other plants and garden with it and they dig it. But it has got me curious now! :)


is this a good unit to buy ?

is this a good unit to buy ?

here is the link for this unit


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"Shuttle" 7 Stage Reverse Osmosis System

For years we have stayed away from the health issues of water to simply offer the best quality safe water at a sensible price and offer plenty support and back up.
In more recent times we've seen a turnaround in the public interest of water for health. That combined with a growing pressure from our buyers has led to us making a stand on the subject and develop a system that will cover ALL health issues surrounding Reverse Osmosis, mineral water and alkaline stable water.
Everyone knows Reverse Osmosis water is great to drink, it removes mineral salts including Fluoride, and chemical toxins introduced into our water supplies.
However, there are a few down sides to RO that the inexperienced sellers either don't know or refrain from telling you about.
Regardless of the water supply reverse osmosis will strip water back to pure 95-98 % mineral and contaminant free H2O. Our water treatment and analytical background supports the theory that RO water can and often results in a low pH of the final drinking water.
Just like rain water, RO water is free of from components that balance or stabilize the pH of water, so water with a low pH is known to be aggressive (corrosive).
When rain water soaks into the ground it starts to dissolve parts of everything it comes in contact with, and will continue to do so until it's chemistry is balanced enough to no longer be hungry (aggressive). This is primarily where mineral content on water comes from.
As with rain water RO is also stripped of its chemistry and may become aggressive, unfortunately the first point of contact with organic or inorganic materials is our body. This aggressive behavior of water may contribute to the leaching of minerals from our body.
Another " NO-NO" in filtered water is distilled water. Drinking distilled water for prolonged periods of time often results in poor health for similar reasons. The most aggressive water on the planet is distilled water.
RO water isn't all that bad in comparison, it always leaves some mineral component that takes the edge off the aggression, however if a simple pH test indicated the water is below 6.8 pH it may also have the ability to leach precious minerals from our body.
Now we've covered the major pitfalls of RO water I still maintain RO water is the best and healthiest option for us all to drink.
The very nature of an RO membrane is to remove 95-98 % of all contaminants and it does this extremely well. Once we have this near pure water we can begin to develop it to suit our needs.

The "SHUTTLE" has been developed to do everything we deem to be important in drinking water, according to the exports and supply on demand from users testimonies and good old fashioned research.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stage One

5 micron Poly Spun Sediment Cartridge
Replace every 6 months - $6.00 (approx)

These economical "Aqua Systems Australia" sediment cartridges are constructed from polypropylene which is spun and melted simultaneously. This technique means there is no centre core to restrict filter performance. The "Aqua System Australia" series of sediment filters are compatible with most liquids and are highly effective for sediment, rust, sand, silt, and algae removal. Aqua Systems Aust performance sediment filters have no chemical residuals. They are extremily high performing, and carry a heavy load of sediment before requiring replacement. We choose to use these sediment filters over all other types due to the high performance, high flow rate, high load capacity, and there inabilty to grow bacterial slime.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]StageTwo

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Carbon Block Filter
Replace every 6 months - $12.00 (approx)

Many inexperienced sellers of portable RO systems offer a sediment filter in this position. This is a pure waist of money; these systems are primarily used on town water so the first and most important filter should always be a carbon filter to protect the life of the membrane.

The 5 Micron (carbon) cartridge will remove any larger components but more importantly, will stop chemicals from reaching the membrane.This should then prolong your membrane (which is your most expensive component) for a life of 3-5 years.

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stage Three

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The Membrane
replace every 3 - 5 years - $85.00 (approx)

This is the RO membrane, the "engine room" all the work is done here, so all the filters before the membrane are primarily there to protect the engine.
This membrane is a 0.02 micron rating. It is classed by the manufacturer (FILMTEC USA) to be a U.S 50 gallon per day membrane (190 Ltrs).
However, these figures are for optimum working pressure/conditions and will rarely apply in the domestic Aussie kitchen. We predict the production of water to be more like 60-90 Ltrs/day. Although this is restricted considerably from the manufactures specs, It's more realistic guide based on our experience and offers more than enough water for a 5 person home for cooking and drinking. Some sellers are stating ridiculous numbers like 300 Ltrs/day which will NEVER be achieved, and can only be viewed as another indication of inexperience in the industry.

The reduction rates for the membrane are as follows:

Inorganic Organic Rejection Aluminum 98% Adrazin Over 98% Arsenic 98% Aldrin Over 98% Benzene Over 98% Barium 95% Chlorine Over 98% Cadmium 95% Chloroform Over 98% Calcium 98% DOT Over 98% Chloride 95% Dichlormethane Over 98% Chromium VI 98% Endrin Over 98% Copper 98% Fluoranthene Over 98% Fluoride 95% Herbicides Over 98% Iron 98% Lindane Over 98% Lead 98% Methoxychlor Over 98% Magnesium 98% PCB Over 98% Manganese 98% Pesticides Over 98% Mercury II 85% Perchlorethylene Over 98% Nitrate 90% Phenole Over 98% Potassium 95% Tannic Acids Over 98% Selenium IV 95% Toxaphene Over 98% Silver 98% Trichlorethlene Over 98% Sodium 95% Trihalomethanes Over 98% Strontium 98% V.O.C.'s Over 98% Sulphate 98% Total Dissolved Solids 95% Zinc 98%

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stage Four

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Mineral Stone
replace every 2 years - $16.00 (approx)

At this point the filtering has been completed and it is now about bringing the water back to a healthy condition for drinking.
The mineral stone filter is here for two major reasons:
Firstly: The aggressive water will dissolve small trace elements from the mineral stone which is known to be primarily magnesium.
Secondly: Apart from being a sacrificial anode and assisting in neutralizing the pH of the water, it releases healthy minerals the body requires. As has been advertised in some modern health drinks and mineral waters recently seen on TV.
Our aim here is not to sell up the concept of what the minerals can do for you but to use this filter as a stabilizing stage of the total water quality.

Mineral Stone is one kind of environmental protection and health care ball that is mainly made of the natural non-metal mineral tourmaline, Maifan Stone, porcelain clay and calcium and magnesium carbonate by nanometer combination technology, special formula and agglomeration techniques, and used for activating, purifying and mineralizing drinking water.

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stage Five

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]GAC (Carbon filter)
replace every 12 Month - $17.00 (approx)

When water runs through an RO process the stripping of the water is so severe that it leave the water tasting a little bland. The mineral stone filter may also release some fines that could cloud the water when the filter is new so this filter (being carbon) brings back the taste of the water and absorbs any loose fines from the mineral stone.

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stage Six

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Infar Red Treatment
replace every 2 years - $34.00 (approx)

The stage is truly delving into the health of the water, infar red beads are simply miraculous given that they don't even come in contact with the water. In keeping with ultraviolet light this filter has the ability to assist in the sanitizing of the water with infar red emitting frequency balls through a glass tubs.

Just a few of the effects of the Infra-Red Rays on the body are:

Activates the water molecules
Improves oxygen levels in the body
Warms and eliminates fats/ chemicals and toxins from the blood
Accelerates blood flow
Reduces acid levels in the body
Improves Nervous system functionality
Promotes the elimination of other wastes from our cells therefore reducing acidic levels
Improved nervous system functionality
Promotes the strengthening of the immune system

Far Infra Red Rays Ionize and activate water molecules in our cells and blood therefore improve our blood circulation and overall health.
This filter is great in front of filter systems to prevent bacteria and algae slime from prematurely blocking expensive filter, particularly on tank water or any water that is not treated or sanitized.
Water makes up 70% of mass of the human body. FIR is able to activate, revitalize, reactivate, develop and strengthen various organs in our bodies when it is absorbed. In the various organs of human body, the circulatory system plays an important role, especially in micro-circulatory system. When there are problems with micro-circulatory system, various ailments will occur. FIR vibrating at a frequency similar to that of human body is able to penetrate the body activates cells and reactivates as well as strengthens the micro-circulatory systems. It regulates the blood flow and blood in blood vessels, which have been blocked due to blood clots and at the same time reactivate the vital energy in the body.
Bio-ceramic granulate contained in this filter is the product, which is made of various kind of ceramics, mixed with mineral oxides like Silica Oxide (SiO2), Aluminum Oxide (Al2O2), etc. The mixture of these materials will emit FIR (far-infrared rays)

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]FIR also acts to:

Prevent bacteria growth
Relieve pain and speed the recovery process

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stage Seven

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Magnetic Water energizer Never needs replacing

We are the leaders in magnetic water treatment system in Australia, exporting our Fluid Reactor magnetic systems to 8 countries around the world. Once again we have not promoted or actively been involved in the health industry because of our commitments to our core water treatment and filtration business. However, once again we have been encouraged to build and supply negative magnetic water treatment for human consumption and the evidence has been overwhelmingly positive.
Magnetic energy is widely used in water treatment and we helped pioneer this technology in Australia. This inevitably led us to develop and supply a technology called negative defusing technology, meaning that when put in reverse it activates negative energy into drinking water.
So many customers have benefited from this technology, reducing the symptoms of kidney stone and calcification of the arteries along with so many other advantages in drinking negatively charged water.

It makes sense to ad the Fluid Reactor magnetic system as the final stage of our Shuttle RO system.

One customer recently commented that she had server intolerance to drinking water until she started drinking water from our proto type system which included the magnetic system as the final stage.

She has recently ordered another system for her daughter.

In closing we welcome your comments on this system. Once you have tried it for yourself, we invite you to offer some feedback. We would look to posting your comments on this site to help others.

All components are supplied to run from your kitchen sink as a portable unit. We supply a quick connector so you can remove the system during the day to make room on the sink , but at night time while you sleep you can produce enough water to keep you whole family happy, healthy and hydrated.


It has a lot of stuff with it. It only does 50 gallons per day though. That's not enough for me, it may be enough for you though. The RO membrane will not last that long with constant use. When it clogs up and its time to change the membrane you could upgrade it though. What most people want is 2 sediment filters and 2 chemical filters then into the membrane and forget about the DI that wont do anything except take money out of your pocket every time the resin runs out. You will also want to get a heavy duty trash can and float valve cause that little water storage tank will not be enough, but you can grab some more water line and a splitter and install that thing under your sink and have clean drinking water too!


Also if your PPM is <100 you don't really need RO. Most people with really bad water and an RO get about 5-30 PPM on their RO. If you use a DI you can get it down to 0. If you have tap water PPM <100 just get a 5 micron sediment filter > 1 micron sediment filter > chlorine/chloramine charcoal filter and then you are good to go.


You make accusations such as I have no idea what I'm talking about, even though I quote info from a r/o manufacturer, but instead of backing up the info you speak, you say "read up"....only thing that's a mess is that you actually believe that you can get a 1:1 ratio running a second membrane. Wanna prove me wrong? Show me some info to back it up, like I did.....

You are 100% exactly correct. no way in hell can you achieve a 1:1 ratio. it aint gonna happen.
I have an air/water/ice dual home reef model with a 75 gpd dow film-tec membrane. I get roughly 4 gallons of waste per 1 gallon of RO/DI. I use the RO/DI water for my reefs and have the RO teed off to my fridge. after RO tds=10 after DI its zero. tap is 100 tds

The more pressure you have does equal more water and less rejection but there does come a point that you just cannot pass without negative effects no matter how much pressure you have, thats why booster pumps are only good to X pressure. membranes dont like or need tons of pressure, just enough to be efficient.


New member
You are 100% exactly correct. no way in hell can you achieve a 1:1 ratio. it aint gonna happen.
I have an air/water/ice dual home reef model with a 75 gpd dow film-tec membrane. I get roughly 4 gallons of waste per 1 gallon of RO/DI. I use the RO/DI water for my reefs and have the RO teed off to my fridge. after RO tds=10 after DI its zero. tap is 100 tds

The more pressure you have does equal more water and less rejection but there does come a point that you just cannot pass without negative effects no matter how much pressure you have, thats why booster pumps are only good to X pressure. membranes dont like or need tons of pressure, just enough to be efficient.

Do you use the DI water for watering / feeding you're plants? I can hardly find any info on growers using DI water. I'm having a problem with my ph rising a little too quick.


Yeah I do use ro/di, but I dont worry too much about ph. I attempt to be "organic" with ffof and organic nutes in a bottle until my compost pile finishes. I use that as my excuse not to ph it. ro/di is easiest for me because I keep a 55g drum full for fresh water top-off of my reef tank right next to the door of my room.


Active member
Do you use the DI water for watering / feeding you're plants? I can hardly find any info on growers using DI water. I'm having a problem with my ph rising a little too quick.

I use the di stage because I have saltwater coral tanks and they demand the purist of water. I use my runoff/waste water to water my flowerbeds.


This thread is hitting me where it counts. I have 2 RO systems, one 4 stage and one 5 stage and I need all the water they produce. My pressure is pretty low and I just bought a booster pump but it came with the wrong intake size and I had to send it back. I know I have some great quality water @ about 20ppm and it grows the hell out of hydro but the ph is low, 5.2 in the barrel and at the wellhead. The ppm of my unfiltered well water is around 350 and it's full of salt from the ocean nearby. I could never have good hydro without my RO units. Now that I've read this thread through I have some new ideas. I've had RO for as long as I can remember, before that I bought water or grew in soil.:smokeit:


ok, so I've read this whole thread maybe ive missed something because im smoking some jock horror right now, but anyways ive learned theres alot more to r/o systems than i thought...
so, I just bought the same hydrologic 100gpd system last week at my grow store because the owner says he uses the same one and recommended it... im broke ass hell right now so im going to have to work with what i got...
is there anyway i can make this hydrologic r/o system last at least 3 months lol...

or am i just fucked


Active member
Your system is fine. May I suggest a tds meter from ebay or a pressure gauge to tell you when your filters need replacing. But your's will work fine for growing....


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I use a RO/DI sytem for my reef tank and garden. I bought it for my reef tank but works great for my garden as well.


uh yep!! :dance013:


ok, so I've read this whole thread maybe ive missed something because im smoking some jock horror right now, but anyways ive learned theres alot more to r/o systems than i thought...
so, I just bought the same hydrologic 100gpd system last week at my grow store because the owner says he uses the same one and recommended it... im broke ass hell right now so im going to have to work with what i got...
is there anyway i can make this hydrologic r/o system last at least 3 months lol...

or am i just fucked

Go to Home Depot get a 2 stage sediment/chem filter to put in front of it and you should be good.