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'Marijuana' News? Really?


Active member
"Marihuana or Marijuana" appears to be the Spanish name for Maria and Juana (Mary and Jane). A derogatory "buzz" word used to stigmatize minority cannabis users and jazz musicians. Especially Mexicans. After Hearst Publications lost hundreds of acres of forest to Mexico. Hearst started smearing Mexicans. Mary Jane was supposedly Randolph Hearst arch enemy Poncho Villa's "prostitute, girl friend or some have said she "serviced Poncho and his men".

The constant reference in headlines of yellow journalism. This marihuana would make the lily white daughters of South Western state citizens become as loose as Poncho's whore "Mary Jane". It not only stigmatized the Mexicans and sided with the isolationists fearful of Mexicans crossing the border, stealing jobs. It kept the word cannabis and hemp from the stories. Lumping them all into one convenient item to prohibit.

With the discovery of an easier method of extracting fiber from hemp it also aided corporations in keeping competition off the market, ie; Dupont, Monsanto, Rockefeller Oil, and the Pharmaceuticals and newly legal Booze Mfg. Conspiracy or Coincidence? Regardless it worked and now we are re-discovering the medicinal and food, fuel and fiber properties of cannabis. Still fighting the same yellow journalists and government propagandist.

Jack Herer

Why are cannabis users perpetuating this prohibitionist word?


Active member
These are the people who brought the word into popular use

WILLIAM RANDOLPH HEARST, the newspaper and magazine tycoon.

The expected rebirth of cannabis hemp as a less expensive source of pulp for paper meant his millions of acres of prime timberland, and investment in wood pulp papermaking equipment, would soon be worth much less. In the 1920s, about the same time as the equipment was developed to economically mass-produce raw hemp into pulp and fiber for paper, he began the "Reefer Madness" hoax in his newspaper and magazine publications.

ANDREW MELLON, founder of the Gulf Oil Corporation.

He knew that cannabis hemp was an alternative industrial raw material for the production of thousands of products, including fuel and plastics, which, if allowed to compete in the free-market, would threaten the future profits of the oil companies. As Secretary of the Treasury he created the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, and appointed his own future nephew-in-law, Harry Anslinger, as director. Anslinger would later use the sensational, and totally fabricated, articles published by Hearst, to push the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 through Congress, which successfully destroyed the rebirth of the cannabis hemp industry.

A prominent member of one Congressional subcommittee who voted in favor of this bill was Joseph Guffey of Pennsylvania, an oil tycoon and former business partner of Andrew Mellon in the Spindletop oil fields in Texas.


which owned the patents on synthetic petrochemicals and industrial processes that promised billions of dollars in future profits from the sale of wood pulp paper, lead additives for gasoline, synthetic fibers and plastics, if hemp could be suppressed. At the time, du Pont family influence in both government and the private sector was unmatched, according to historians and journalists.

and don't forget good old Harr J Anslinger http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_J._Anslinger


ALL those rotten SOBs should be on the Terrorist Watchlist,,,,I dont care if their not around anymore. "They could come back,,,lol" YES they did what they sit out to do. And DID it................Bucketheads ((Ak has me bent-sorry) (Sore topic 4me)


Active member
Look both terms up in google and see what you get...

Cannabis 14,900,000 results
Marijuana 24,400,000 results

So which is in greater use?

I think it's good to know the etymology of words, and Jack is of course correct that the word was used to stigmatize minorities.

They say that when marijuana was banned in the US, few of the politicians who voted for it even knew it was cannabis, they thought marijuana was something else and wouldn't have voted for it had they known...

But that was a long, long time ago and marijuana is the most commonly used term in the USA, as those are the names of the laws we are fighting to change here.

And you can be sure if the US ever does revoke its marijuana prohibition, such freedom will spread around the world cause we're the ones who spread the prohibition (via the DEA) in the first place.


I alswys try to refer to it as Cannabis...or weed or pot...I find the word/name Marijuana...insulting...

Somewhat like African Americans {or black ppl if you're not PC} find the N word insulting...

Or am I out of place in this mindset?



I like the idea of stealing the word from the prohibitionists and using it as our own. The only downfall I see is that the word is old-fashion.


Well-known member
"Hey man, can I get some marijuana?" Haha if anyone called it that to me I'd think cop right off, the only place I see it called marijuana is in print.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Look both terms up in google and see what you get...

Cannabis 14,900,000 results
Marijuana 24,400,000 results

So which is in greater use?


you can always have the main key search word be marijuana rather than cannabis and at the same time have the title cannabis news rather than marijuana display on the monitor and still get found with searches using the word marijuana...

personally, I would call it holy herb :D :joint:


I alswys try to refer to it as Cannabis...or weed or pot...I find the word/name Marijuana...insulting...

Somewhat like African Americans {or black ppl if you're not PC} find the N word insulting...

Or am I out of place in this mindset?


Some African Americans chose to make the word not insulting any more by adopting it as their own.

Choosing to be insulted/annoyed/etc by a word is stupid imo, its just a word.


I have a comment about th@ DoffCocker..but it would just be inflammatory, so I'll bite mt tongue..
