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Taking grow advice from cigarrette smokers


weed fiend
I'm a smoker and agree taste and smell isn't as acute. One of the biggest nags is craving a cig as soon the joint is snuffed. Smoking pot as much as I do makes quitting cigs a little harder, IMO. Glad to hear a few of you have quit.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
It's not only the taste, nicotene severely moderates the high also. Never been so high as when i stopped baccy and went pure, much less weed gets you much higher. Smokers wont believe that though because the nicotene tells them not to ;)

Smokers wont believe it because it's not true. As one who quit cigs for several years and went back, there was no change in high or taste when I quit, there was no change when I started back up. Cigs are bad but don't let your prejudice fool you.


Grow like nobody is watching
I smoke cigs a lot and when I'm out and about I tend to just throw bud into a roll-up cig with mostly tobacco and always a filter. I still can tell everything from that as I used to do it all the time. My friend gave me some 'erb the other day and after smoking it this way, I informed him how long he flushed for, and that he'd used a light dose of PGRs (ewww). I was spot on.


weed fiend
I smoked a fat joint of some great shit with friends the other day. A minute later, one of em (19 years old) wanted us to try his new "flavored" weed. He pulled some crap out of a menthol pack and we all laughed, politely turning him down. I swear to gawd, 5 minutes later he asked for a glass of water because he was about to puke. I think the menthol shwag woulda made us all hurl.


Active member
Smokers wont believe it because it's not true. As one who quit cigs for several years and went back, there was no change in high or taste when I quit, there was no change when I started back up. Cigs are bad but don't let your prejudice fool you.

Well maybe I shouldn't have used the word severly but it certainly does moderate the high. Just because you haven't noticed a difference doesn't make me a fool or prejudiced thanks, just as likely it means you have dull senses ;)

The very fact someone would return to smoking after several years of being off it shows the kind of effect nicotene has on cognitive processes.


Active member
I've noticed that smoking anything dulls the senses to flavor and aroma, as does being in a smoky room. I would never get high and crack open some good oysters, or drink a bottle of good wine. It's a waste of money. First I have the oysters and wine, then I smoke.

I don't feel the damage is permanent, but when I am on the road and smoking less or no weed, I notice I taste and smell things more intensely.

You are burning plant matter and breathing it in. If preserving your palate is important, you can always vaporize or eat your mj.


Not smoking cigs isn't the bottom line, though. I'm acquainted with a woman who has never smoked, has grown for 7 years and can't taste the difference between sweet organic and unflushed, uncured hydro. She proudly rolled a crooked joint (can't roll well either) of her latest creation. To me (a 45 year smoker) it tasted almost like dried tomato plant. I couldn't tolerate it at all. She said "this doesn't taste the slightest bit green to me". I agree with the poster that said smoking unflushed, uncured bud can cause people to become accustomed to that chem taste and not be able to recognize tastey bud. I think that is a common problem in my area since that is what most people smoke. They don't seem to know about "soft smoke" either. If it doesn't make them cough, they think it's not so strong.
I agree with you knucklehead, some people like harshness and they think throat rape has something to do with getting high. I think they like the sensation of oxygen starvation of the brain as much as getting high.

I want to be able to take huge bong rips and not even flinch. The smoke should be smooth as silk going down and not burn at all.

I've been recently smoking hash only and can't say that i've seen a difference one way or the other.


Active member
If it's the oils and resins contributing to the irritation, making hash won't fix it, nor will curing. In that case, it's genetic.

Interesting what you say Johnny, I prefer peaty, smoky (harsh) scotches and I'm not big on smooth highland malts. Except with vanilla ice cream.

Maybe people really just have different tastes, rather than being braindead or having no soft tissues?

I think maybe more important would be figuring out how to grow weed that doesn't give you bad breath. My wife is waiting for that to be invented.

Ganja D

I was just discussing this topic earlier. I quit smoking tobacco a little over two years ago and since then my sense of taste and smell has comeback 10 fold. It's really amazing. I can def taste better now. I smoked for over 12 years, about a pack a day give or take. Winstons, mmmmm. Still miss them when I'm stressed.


Active member
Ugh.. I'm an ex cigarette smoker, I still smoke the occasional cigar.

One thing I can say is that american cigarettes just taste bad, I mean it will get
you through the day but really.. its just plain bad. IMHO those that smoke those
on a daily basis are just trying to get a nicotene fix. Taste has little to do with it.

Hell... mexican marlboros taste better than the american counterpart, I think it has
something to do with the chemicals they add into it to prevent it from burning uncontrolled.

Canadian cigs should come with another warning.. these things taste like shit,
in addition to the obscenely huge warning.Players cigs should be relabled "pencil shavings"

If you smoke good tobacco or good weed, you will have an educated sense of taste.
that added to my sense of taste and what good smoking is. There are some flavors
that are unique to smoking tobacco. Thats what I think anyways.

I personally hated smoking just for the nic' addiction, that dulled my pallet for sure. I had a harder time tasting my homebrew, or enjoying a wine flight.
smoking cigarettes in the grow room is a good way to spread tobacco mosaic virus to your plants

Yep, it's terrible for the plants from what i have seen. This was years ago, but i had a friend who started his own grow and would always just let his friends smoke cigarettes, joints, blunts, even cigars in the grow room constantly, i'm talking usually fishbowled with smoke and the plants would look wilted as fuck the next day and he couldn't figure out why lol.