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Rate your New Year's Eve Hangover

Rate your New Year's Eve Hangover

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Did ya'll get drunk and party down last night?

Anybody got a killer hangover?

I threw up on the porch steps....... yuck.


There are FOUR lights!
I would only give it a 6 maybe 6.5
My buddy brought over his homebrew and you can only drink so
much of that stuff. Happy New Year, Everyone!


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i made a resolution LAST new years not to drink so much THIS new years :joint: i had a shot and a beer, but i had a ridiculous amount of weed and kief...so in the end, i woke up with a "weed hangover" lol



A foot without a sock...
Not too shabby, then again, I'm a party animal....

Mummer's HERE I COME !!!!



Puffed and ate all night,one glass of wine,then laughed till I almost puked at the 3 Stooges plumber episode.


No booze, last of my weed crumbs and in bed by 12:30...

Party hard...


I normally don't drink but did last night. Probably 4 beers from 7-12.
Still woke up feeling detached groggy and out of it.... Still woke up wishing my neighbors didn't own a bass guitar.
Probably has something to do with smoking so much, right before bedtime. Always makes my mornings rather questionable.


Had some sweet dreams last night
I feel the hash this morning a lot more than I feel the booze
Like I got run over by a semi


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

none for me but a friend of mine has a hangover of another
kind, last night was -20F before windchill factoring, he was
crossing the lake when he got stuck in deep snow. Before he
garners any sympathy though you should know that this guy
grew up here in northern MN, was driving a toyota sedan not
a 4 wheel drive truck, he had no cold weather gear with him
as required by absolute common sense, he spent the night on
the ice kicking a path behind the car and keeping the blowing
snow from packing the grill & radiator which will seize a motor.
every 10 minutes he'd get back in the car & warm up for a bit.



Patient Grower
Another poll with no answer for me. I'm an evil, selfish, capitalistic troll that doesn't drink. Goodie two shoes? Hah!


don't trust evil dave

don't trust evil dave

The adventure of Lola & Evil Dave.... here's what happened.

I was drinking a few beers, out with Evil Dave. I asked Dave for an aspirin, trying to ward off a potential hangover.

Dave handed me an aspirin, and I swallowed it down, not even looking.

About 20 minutes later, the room started spinnin' & I knew that wasn't an aspirin... turns out Evil Dave had given me 80 mg xoy.

Gee thanks Evil Dave.

I made him take me home, and puked on his shoes when we we at the front door. 24 hours later, and finally feeling better. Turns out it was time released.

Don't go out with Evil Dave girls.

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