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What was your new decade/years resolution/dream?


Active member
What do u hope to achieve in the new decade?

I wished for health and time and a chance to do some science work on this perpetual energy project i had been on for the last 10 years...


To be more assertive and aggressive in getting what I want in various areas of life. Coasting along isn't an option.
Happy Noo Yeer everyone !


Patient Grower
I'll tell you 1/1/11 since the new decade is still a year away. There was no year numbered 0.
After paying my rent
After paying my electricity
After paying all my personal bills (Car, Cell phone, Insurance, etc...)
After spending at least $5,000 a month on me

After all is said and done, all the above bills paid, taking home at least $40,000 a month clear. That is my goal and I will reach it by the end of this year and go into next year with higher goals set for myself. Next year I will set my goals for no less than $100,000 a month. It's not ambitious at all and it's not wishful thinking. We just have to raise our financial I.Q.

What do I have to do to get to this point, do I have a plan of action on how to achieve it, and am I ready to take those kind of chances? The answer to all the above are YES. I'm not playing around anymore......

You can think to yourself "yeah right, blah, blah, blah" or you can say "there you go BOY" and have the same mindset. It's a new decade and I'm not getting any younger.


Now that the state said that I am perfectly legal for me to grow copious amounts of ganja so my resolution is to do just that.


Patient Grower
After paying my rent
After paying my electricity
After paying all my personal bills (Car, Cell phone, Insurance, etc...)
After spending at least $5,000 a month on me

After all is said and done, all the above bills paid, taking home at least $40,000 a month clear. That is my goal and I will reach it by the end of this year and go into next year with higher goals set for myself. Next year I will set my goals for no less than $100,000 a month. It's not ambitious at all and it's not wishful thinking. We just have to raise our financial I.Q.

What do I have to do to get to this point, do I have a plan of action on how to achieve it, and am I ready to take those kind of chances? The answer to all the above are YES. I'm not playing around anymore......

You can think to yourself "yeah right, blah, blah, blah" or you can say "there you go BOY" and have the same mindset. It's a new decade and I'm not getting any younger.

The only difference between $1 and $100,000 is a bunch of zeros.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
stop drinking focus on the important shit....

this is the year of PTB go big or go home.... Well not really cause i jsut downsized to half the grow size but still... this IS the year EVERYTHING falls into place....


ballplayer 2

Active member
Last years New Years Resolution was to quit drinking. I have consumed alcohol only a handful of times this past year, and those only occurred at family get togethers, dinners, etc; never to excess. I was strong enough to refrain even during two softball leagues.

This year my resolution is to put in the work sun up to sun down on a couple different fronts. NO DISTRACTIONS, NONE!!

Let the chips fall where they may. This is the year of me. That does not mean I will eschew important people around me. But every once in a while you have to concentrate on YOU. This is a make or break year for me. My life depends on it, my training and achievement will reflect this mindset. (It already has for about the past 3.5 months, I can't wait to see what will happen when I put in a solid year worth of nonstop focus).

Thanks for listening, and giving me a place to write this down so I can remember and look back in the future.



i hope cannabis gets decriminalized in estonia. silly to get arrested for 0,2 grams of weed.

and i promised myself that i wont drink till my birthday what is four months away :)


cut down on the (real) drug intake ya dig
good one

well i quit smoking cigs, im pretty much perfect as is...

save for perhaps eating more healthy foods, and must stop being so reclusive to my friends. Lying is sometimes really hard...


Be more professional and take on more... My new job is going to demand it of me so it's time to step it up.
I also need to stop leaving things to set themselves and sort my shit out when it happens and demand what I need. I sometimes almost find myself in a spot I'd rather not be, just because I sit back and let it happen.
SoCalSmoker said it well.. It is another decade and I am not getting any younger.

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