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Blah, I'm out of bud!!


Active member
I hate being out. :xmasnut:

I should of saved some just so I could toke a little at night, but no. Past Frozenguy doesn't always care about future Frozenguy...

What should I do? I already scraped my bowls, stash containers, grinder.. There really isn't anything left!

I have a plant that is like 3 weeks into flower, already been crystally for a week. Looking mighty tasty :smokeit:

Should I re-scrape everything and put it over some ashtray findings? I don't even know if that will net me anything..

I remember a similar situation about a six months ago..
I had enough kief that I had just scraped off to get me stoned (especially since it had been two days since I smoked).. Well i got it on the paper, about to pour it on my bowl when I accidentally flipped it off my table. I was on the floor about to start licking it when I realized what I was doing lol..

Ack!! I MAY be able to get some bud tomorrow..

Frozenguy :joint:


I have like 1/4 or so. I haven't smoked since October.... It's just sitting there but I wont smoke until I find a job :(....... This sucks but I feel your pain kinda.


It's almost impossible to abstain from the ganja when one has a stash at hand. You should take advantage of the drought and stop smoking for 5 or 6 weeks.

Its always nice to clean out the pipes for a bit, and maybe more importantly, it'll knock back any tolerance you've built up. The next harvest will be that much more special, and will last a bit longer due to having some decreased tolerance.

Not saying it's an easy thing to do, though. First few days are the toughest, after that its not too hard to go for a limited time like a month or so, at least for me.


Active member
Yeah, I probably should take advantage of it. I've been smoking everyday for the last..... three years or so. Gone dry like four times, five times. Its the only substance/drug/anything I take/do and it helps calm me down because I get way overwhelmed with everything I have to do in the day. I ended up not doing much today except playing counterstrike, watching curb your enthusiasm and playing with my cats.

Megas- a quarter! Just sitting there?
I wouldn't be able to do that. I'm going to concentrate hard and maybe I can telepathically make it come to my house! :)

I ground up some leaf OMG that is the worst thing I could have done. Well tomorrow I will be getting some more.
Haha yeah, that doesn't sound too pleasant.

Hal- I totally feel you on that, the harvest being more special. Thats true. I didn't apply it to this situation, but I always think that you can't appreciate victory, without tasting defeat. I think that is an actual quote, but I forget who said it and what the words were..

But like if I have a wet sock on, the longer I leave it on/wet, the better it will feel when I pull it off :)

I feel better already!


I still want to draw in a deep, full breath of THC laden smoke.. mmm so tasty

Frozenguy :smokeit:
This blunts for you FrozenGuy!



Active member
This blunts for you FrozenGuy!


yuk man those blunt wraps are terrible, at least cut off some of that so your not smoking all the chemical stuff.

i havent been dry since......................

shit like 2003-4 maybe

always have weed, never without it.

got like a quarter to smoke to myself right now, an 8th of blackberry kush and another of 8th of like 5 different gram nugs of every strain ive had this month...
also got rum, whiskey, pineapple juice, and Newcastles.

im ready for war...against my braincells that is..


Active member
been 8 days here bro.. tough times indeed!

Shit man, thats tough.. I hope it doesn't get to that point for me lol..
You picking some up soon?

This blunts for you FrozenGuy!

I just about broke my monitor trying to grab for that bud :eggnog:

Why can't tomorrow come any sooner?

Isn't the mind great? Just a few weeks ago, I would be screaming at myself because I have no time to finish this paper or that report, and morning would be here in a jiffy. Now it can't come fast enough..

I hope you really are smoking that blunt! I'm thinking about it.. Not you, the blunt


Active member
yuk man those blunt wraps are terrible, at least cut off some of that so your not smoking all the chemical stuff.

i havent been dry since......................

shit like 2003-4 maybe

always have weed, never without it.

got like a quarter to smoke to myself right now, an 8th of blackberry kush and another of 8th of like 5 different gram nugs of every strain ive had this month...
also got rum, whiskey, pineapple juice, and Newcastles.

im ready for war...against my braincells that is..

Nice man! Did you pick up that blackberry kush here in the bay (I take it from your avatar)? I haven't seen it around at all..
It used to be impossible to find me without weed, but now without a job, not growing, and going to school full time its really difficult to get out at the right time to pick some up.. I need to stay more on top of it..


Active member
hey frozen how come you never updated your 9600 watt grow i liked that setup

Well, it's a big story.. Basically I got screwed over by one of my friends and had to get out of the house ASAP.. I was worried about security and didn't want to post much of anything until I figured it all out, shortly after that, less then a month later, I found out my girl had been blowing her manager (and god knows who/what else) in his office so I dropped her and was just in a mess lol..

I should post some type of results, it just seems pointless.. But I should get something up there.. It was supposed to be the start of many, but it turned out to be something entirely different.


Active member
yea i got the blackberry up in Sacramento my friend wanted 4000 a Pound during the flood season, i laughed at him and was like GIMME DUB FOR TEN hahaha and he gave me a fat 4 gram eight for 40 bucks....CHHEEAA. and props to my other patna who hooked it up with some OG kush samples!

and steppinrazor your dry man? had no idea you would be dry i thought you were swimmin in nuggage too...


Active member
Nice... I love friends/acquaintances like that. I have a buddy that I dont see very often at all that lives in Humboldt, grows this pheno of pineapple crush that I die for. Smells like pineapple, tastes slightly spicy but sweet too...


cant stop wont stop
nah bro got popped back in march - been pretty rough times since - especially far as dank goes. ...really looking foward to trial :jerkit:

frozenguy 9600watts? you had to tear down in the middle of opps?


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I finally got my cycles down so that doesn't happen anymore. I always hated going 60-90 days inbetween having buds around.

This is where knowing some buddies really helps out. Get a nice solid circle of people who smoke and when you harvest make sure and smoke all of their asses out. Then when you are dry they just might return the favor.