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1st grow, 600w, bagseed & nirvana


Hello all! This is my first attempt at growing and so far I couldn't be having more fun. The whole research, options, and physical act of growing is all fun and rewarding at the same time.

Anywho, I am using a 600w mh for veg then hps for first 30-40 days of flower and back to the mh to finish off flowering to hopefully tighten up the nugs a little bit. By next grow i hope to have a small cabinet for veg, but funds at the time limited my ability to use anything but the main grow light for veg. have 5 bagseed seeds (1 believed Sour Diesel seed, if my memory is correct) and 2 nirvana seeds were donated from a friend around day 10.

For my growing medium I am using an offshoot of blazeoneup's recipe. I couldnt find any promix when i first started, although i finally found it in town yesterday, so i mixed up some peat, perlite, vermiculite and lime myself. I went a little light on all the ingredients except peat in the initial mix so when I put my first 5 seeds in the mix i added some extra perlite and vermiculite to get the consistency about where I think it should be. The lime at the time was pellets so i ground them up, but like I said I went a little light on it because I was having a hell of a time turning it into powder. I have since found powdered lime (same place as the promix) and will be adjusting when i mix the peat with the FFOF tomorrow.

I started at 24/0 the first 9 days however outside temps took a turn for the highs the last week (almost 80 outside during the day), which in turn made my temp inside the closet rise to about 81-84 mid day. Temps are staying right around 78 during nights, lights on and should be dropping as some winter weather is finally in the forecast. To combat the higher temps i just switched to 20/4 3 days ago and i am able to stay at a high of around 78 (i am really trying to keep from turning the AC on this time of year, its just too nice chilling in the living room with a fresh breeze blowing through).

Here are the pics of the hopeful ladies, I have one small issue I will put with the pic below.

As always, any help, tips or general info I might have missed is greatly appreciated!

Day 2
These are all bagseed. The lower left is the believed diesel, it seems to be a runt, i am just hoping it can make it. It was a tiny seed to start with.

Day 10
There is yellowing on the one plant in the bottom right and a little on the one above it, but all the new growth is healthy and green. Any idea what this could have come from? Perhaps the lack of lime in the initial mix? over watering? I have been trying hard not over water. Temp maybe? The two Nirvana seeds are in the bigger pots, the Master Kush is feminized, Jack Horror is not.

Up close of the one yellowing

Poor Diesel.....

Healthy Kush :)

I will be looking to transplant these into there final mix of the base and the FFOF + bone and bloodmeal and lime in another 4-7 days. They will be in 3 gallon grow bags.

Again thanks for any help!
Be safe!


Day 16 today, I just got done transplanting the 5 bag seed ones into their final 3 gallon grow bags. I probably could have let them go another few days, but I needed to try something as my yellowing has persisted and my growth seemingly came to a halt the last few days. I am thinking it might have been my soil so I went ahead with my transplant to try and get some nutrients on them. You can tell from the pics not much has changed from day 10 above. The two Nirvana seeds are healthy and growing quickly however. Maybe my problem is genetics????? Anyone have any ideas for a newb?

The yellowing, it looks worse in person...

Healthy Kush and Jack Horror

Thanks in advance!


Quick update... All is seemingly heading in the right direction, so i have got that going for me, which is nice!

One question though, both the J Horror and the Master Kush were given to me by a friend who started his at the same time, although his are under a 150 hps as opposed to my 600 MH. Thing is, his are almost double the size, any idea why? they are all in the same medium, temps are close, watering schedule is almost identical... all that good stuff. I am baffled.

Day 21

Jack Horror

One of the bagseeds...

Day 25
Same bag seed

another bag seed

The Kush, looking to train and top in the next few days, i have been pressed for time lately...

and the horror

Besides being further behind than i would like to be, I am fairly pleased thus far as it is my first grow.

Thanks for looking and any input!


with the mh you will get better growth for veg overall. yours will be bushy as shit and his will be lengthly. my plants vegging under my t5 bulbs look way better than my frineds growing the same shit with 150 hps. Well see who has the better harvest


^ word, i thought that might be the case, but didnt think the difference would be so great. Just another bit of knowledge to throw in the memory bank. Thanks!
i got a mutant from seed too. he is growing now. balancing the PH, black strap molasses, and cal mag + have gotten my shit booming. im only 2 or 3 weeks ahead of you. best of luck.


i got a mutant from seed too. he is growing now. balancing the PH, black strap molasses, and cal mag + have gotten my shit booming. im only 2 or 3 weeks ahead of you. best of luck.

Thanks for input, I have checked my PH and it is spot on but I hadnt thought about the others. I had pretty much written it off but i think i am going to give the molasses a shot and maybe a few other things. Might as well experiment a little with it and gain some knowledge.

Was your molasses a tbs per gallon?
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the ratio is about a TBS per gallon, im going to use it every other watering, and then feed in between that. if you get Black strap molasses then it pretty much is the same thing as calmag+, only kind worth getting. i got it at the co-op. black strap is similar to the carb and flavor additives at the hydro shop i think. helps a lot with transplant, and im told last 4 weeks before the flush this is crucial. dont think your supposed to use it during the flush, but i forget, look it up when you need to know. also make sure your temp and RH is dialed in. best of luck with the nirvana genetics, im also running a few of their strains.
Might as well experiment a little with it and gain some knowledge.

Might I ask against what baseline? - seeing as it's your first grow?

The best way to gain experience (i.e. learning), is to grow scientifically. Change only one variable at a time, or you'll never know what made the difference!

Grow simple, then experiment.

Good Luck!! :smokeit:


I was only going to use the molasses on the one mutant, but since my last post, it has actually started to look a lot better so I am just going to let it grow out as is.

Anyways, making some good progress I feel. Not sure when I am going to flip to 12/12, but thinking probably around 15 more days.

Let me know what you all think, and of course any advise is greatly appreciated.

Day 27
group shot, minus one...

Close up of the M Kush, topped the day before

and the J Horror

Day 31
Master Kush, new growth just started on day 30, 3 days after the topping. Also transplanted on day 30.

Jack Horror

And the crazy little Diesel runt... not the prettiest, but growing...


Pic update coming soon, my gf currently has my camera so I havent been able to snap any pics lately.

One question though, everything is coming along nicely and looking like they are ready to flip so I am going to make the switch to 12/12 on the first. But here is the thing, i want to top the Kush one more time, so my question is, is it safe to top say tonight (just 48 hours before the flip) or will this create too much stress? I have been searching and cant remember seeing this anywhere or reading about it. Last time I topped the kush it took around 5 days for it to respond and start growing again, so it's making me a little nervous.

Also attempting to take clones from my friends Kush and Horror tonight for the first time ever for both of us, wish me luck! Have done plenty of research but am still a bit nervous. Hoping to keep this kush going, its NICE!

Thanks for any replies in advance. and Happy New Years to all!


Good Luck with the clones:) Keep everything clean and warm and you should have no problems!!

keep up the great work



As promised some fresh pics from today at lunch...

Day 39
Kush looking nice :)

Jack Horror

The Both of them

The same bag seed that i have been posting, topped 3.5 days ago...

Crazy little diesel, couple of spots on the leaves i am going to monitor, just showed up in the last 24-48 hours

And a group showed they decided to pose for


Well the ladies brought in the new years with their first night of darkness last night an all is looking well. The feminized Kush was showing before the flip and after just one night of darkness this morning one of the bagseeds had some tiny little white hairs, 2 down, 5 more to go!

Also the clones we took are all looking healthy still. Taken 4 days ago, no roots but overall they are still very healthy looking good, so we must of done something at least slightly right.

One question, on 2 of the plants the tips of a couple of the leaves have folded themselves over so at just the tip the underside of the leaf is facing up, any idea what this is from? Its not all the leaves on the plant, just a couple of them and not even every finger on the leaf. Maybe from the switch from MH to HPS? Will have pics soon, my gf borrowed the camera again (i really need to buy her a new charger for hers).


They all look excellent in general, and most particularly because this is a first time grow. I'm always interested to see how bag seed comes out. Will be lurking...


Quick update, no pics though (gf's, :sigh: ). Still only the two are showing but growth has really taken off. Gave them a good heavy watering on the 3rd and its looking like they will get another tomorrow at lights on as the bags are getting nice and light. In the research I had done I saw and read all about the explosion once you switch to 12/12, but its really crazy to see over an inch a day growth first hand. Hoping the rest show in the next day or two as tomorrow will be day 5 of flower.

Clones are still looking healthy too, just no roots yet, but that is expected as its day 8 today. Really hoping this diesel i have going shows soon so i can chop 1 clone off of it to have in case it turns out to be the real deal hollyfield.

And for the turning at the tip of the leaves, all of them have gone back to normal... no clue what it was, but all's well that ends well, right?


With clones, the two most important things I've found for rooting success are temperature (~77*F at the root zone) and humidity.


^ yea we were shooting for 78-80 at the root zone, but this arctic blast that has hit us has sent temps down some and we are working at around 72-74 at the root zone. They are still looking healthy just not rooted yet. Still just playing the waiting game.

This weekend saw the death of the Jock Horror, the diesel and one of the random bag seeds as they all grew the dreaded balls. The horror looked so good too, definitely hoping the female clones of this root, i would love to see it through to the end. So in the end with the bagseed i got 3 of 5 females which is okay with me.

checked this AM on day 9 of flower and things are looking nice and bushy :) one of the plants developed a couple small manila colored spots on a leaf or two though. Doesnt appear to be anything serious at the time but its definitely something i will monitor.

EDIT: should have camera and pics again soon.


Day 14, flower




bag seed #1

Bagseed #2, aka the basil plant...

Bag seed #3, this is the one that has a couple of spots on some of the leaves, seems to be just on some of the lower growth, but definitely something i am keeping an eye on. If you zoom in and look closely you can barely see it in this shot.


and somewhat of a group shot.

I am very happy thus far with the way everything is turning out. I do have one question though... for smell, and eventual stealthyness, i want to pull the air into my attic. If i send the exhaust to the attic though, will i still need a carbon scrubber? Obviously i do not care what it smells like up there, so is it still necessary to get one? I actually have a few questions about this, i should probably just start up a thread in the design forum.

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