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Cleaning A HID?



How Do You Clean Your Bulbs? Windex, 409, V & W? I've Got A 400 Watt MH Which Has Dust & A Few Kamikaze Flying Bugs. Any & All Help Would Be Great!

All I have ever done is windex on the bulb & the temper glass shield. As for the aluminum reflector inside the hood, I don't use anything more than a few drops of dish soap in some warm water.

I have heard that using some cleaning products on the reflective aluminum of your hood could harm the reflective surface. Can anyone confirm or call B.S. on this? I am unsure, so I just stick with dish soap.

Hope this helps.



Hi Longhair,
One bad thing to have on an HID light is greasy fingerprints. Oil creates a hot spot and promotes bulb failure (or so I've read).

So whenever I put a bulb in service, I use a paper towel with a bit of rubbing alcohol on it as a solvent. Dries fast and does a good job.
Hi Longhair,
One bad thing to have on an HID light is greasy fingerprints. Oil creates a hot spot and promotes bulb failure (or so I've read).

So whenever I put a bulb in service, I use a paper towel with a bit of rubbing alcohol on it as a solvent. Dries fast and does a good job.

Ohhhh, never touch the lamp. I used to work with all kinds of lights in certain equipment and was taught that. If we did we would clean them with the best/purest alcohol we had in our tool chest. The oil from your fingers or hands create a hot spot on the glass and with a halogen bulb saw a demo of this. It was a 6 inch long bulb and after a few hours found the bulb had sagged in the middle (where it was gripped) and light output went way down. I think even the new halogen lamps for car headlights will tell you not to touch or grip the bulb with your bare hands while installing it. The towel idea is good, I use a "clean" old sock over my hand to replace bulbs but like the towel, "be careful". Less grip, don't drop it. We did use the purest rubbing alcohol we could find.

I was given recently 3 new HPS bulbs. It was easy to tell the boxes had been opened but no obvious fingerprints on them. I plan on wiping them down several times with alcohol (clean/dry, repeat) before use. Would be interesting to know what exactly happens to HPS if touched. Would it deform in that spot or worse. I guess the best case would be no light at all but since they hang over your plants a crop could be ruined perhaps if they had a hole or worse yet, even exploded. Wouldn't want to try smoking those buds at all.


Hi Longhair,
One bad thing to have on an HID light is greasy fingerprints. Oil creates a hot spot and promotes bulb failure (or so I've read).

So whenever I put a bulb in service, I use a paper towel with a bit of rubbing alcohol on it as a solvent. Dries fast and does a good job.

Theres No Finger Prints. But I Have Allot Of Airborne Dust (Dirt). The Main Things Are A Few Flying Critters Would Get Stuck.
Twice A Bug Would Get Its Butt Stuck While Its Little Feet Pulled It Almost The Length Of The Bulb Until The Butt Melted Away! It Was Funny (No Flame Please).



Theres No Finger Prints. But I Have Allot Of Airborne Dust (Dirt). The Main Things Are A Few Flying Critters Would Get Stuck.
Twice A Bug Would Get Its Butt Stuck While Its Little Feet Pulled It Almost The Length Of The Bulb Until The Butt Melted Away! It Was Funny (No Flame Please).


I am so stoned and while I was reading what you posted I saw in my mind a slow motion insect getting attracted to the bright light and getting its ass melted to the bulb and it yanking its own melted ass off.

Thank you.
Acetone for cleening bulbs

It eats away at the dirt and grime that they seem to attract. Evaporates with no residude

Every Sunday in growroom maintenance


i wear latex gloves while cleaning and changing my bulbs. Give you the grip you need without the oily finger mess.

I bought the gloves specifically for trimming...but i find myself using them more and more.


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