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500 watt Scrog Grow -Blackjack-


Active member
Here you go! I do not run all of this, but have before with no burn. For the Blackjacks I run the HG line, cal-mag, silica, B1, NUTS.

I also started using 'magic green' foiliar feeding during veg. I should have used it from the beginning, you use it onse and you know right away that you will keep using it ;)

These things are not set in stone, to each his own! I can tell you though that this mix works great and has been proven to do so with several people I know ;)
BTW, running this recipe will get you close to a EC of 3.0, which is freaking scary as hell! It works cause base nutes are applied at a 'normal' feeding level instead of 'aggressive'

An EC of 3.0 lol (thats 2100 ppm's), unusable imho', is that ec given as a full strength figure?. ec 0.7 being close to good for young plants in soft water like i am. i start with 0.6 for rooted cuttings and young established plants etc.


i believe that these plants were started november 12th or 13th from seed..then there are 2 that were started 3 days later, however they are the bigger plants here? guess you never know..lol Im not sure when you are suppose to start counting how old the plants are but maybe a month and a half or so from seed!...I believe im going to try and take PPM's up a bit in next day or two, but only by 80 ppm or so, then go from there. I think thats a reasonable number, i can always add too, but kind of hard to take away burn or dammage!


An EC of 3.0 lol (thats 2100 ppm's), unusable imho', is that ec given as a full strength figure?. ec 0.7 being close to good for young plants in soft water like i am. i start with 0.6 for rooted cuttings and young established plants etc.

Lol, yeah I had the same reaction ;)
But keep in mind that the base nutes are 2ml below the normal recommended strength. I would certainly not run my base nutes at this strength. Check the chart, it will make sense. During veg you are at 5ml a/b.



I wanted to mention, that it would be better for the sake of avoiding misunderstandings, if we used EC as a scale and not ppm. There are 3 different conversion factors....


You can easily see how we can talk about completely different numbers here, the only constant is EC.


Active member
I wanted to mention, that it would be better for the sake of avoiding misunderstandings, if we used EC as a scale and not ppm. There are 3 different conversion factors....

' Just to add to this as i agree with and will go check what your saying Kind' as i know you aint NO idiot by any means buddy.
Soft, hard and RO water have all different standards on starting EC's. for instance:- Soft water 1/4 strength nute mix solution(for young plants) has an EC of 0.6, for Hard water the same mix comes out with an EC of closer to EC 1.2. Not everyone uses RO water, or Soft water like me etc. These are other variables that can get confusing during a conversation and all these need consideration.

BTW- I'm a truncheon man.............................Be-Lucky All!!


Active member
I wanted to mention, that it would be better for the sake of avoiding misunderstandings, if we used EC as a scale and not ppm. There are 3 different conversion factors....


You can easily see how we can talk about completely different numbers here, the only constant is EC.

Or if your fucking good at math or have a fk'in photographic memory LOL people!
Good timing kind.


' Just to add to this as i agree with and will go check what your saying Kind' as i know you ain't NO idiot by any means buddy.
Soft, hard and RO water have all different standards on starting EC's. for instance:- Soft water 1/4 strength nute mix solution(for young plants) has an EC of 0.6, for Hard water the same mix comes out with an EC of closer to EC 1.2. Not everyone uses RO water, or Soft water like me etc. These are other variables that can get confusing during a conversation and all these need consideration.

BTW- I'm a truncheon man.............................Be-Lucky All!!

I always have to reply to people that wish good luck lol. Good points Scroger, I use RO. I think most nute manufacturers use Hanna (.5) conversion. I know AN uses .7, but in the end it don't matter what the numbers say, the plants will certainly tell us their side of the story.
BTW, I'm almost ashamed that I have even started to talk about the nutes I use and the overall strength I run them at. I'm completely down with your school of thought Scroger, I have researched countless hours, and I would like nothing more then just run GH Luccas formula. My problem is that I seem to be too stupid to be getting the kind of results others get by just using base nutes :(
Lagging a serious 'green thumb' I did the only thing I knew how to do, try to remove as many variables as possible from my grow. Hence the cge, and the big buffet as it relates to the nutes. If I ever get a bigger green thumb, maybe once I get to know strains better, I will reduce the buffet to what they actually need (a targeted meal). But for now I want a decent harvest, and I seem to be able to get it the route I go.
These were the confessions of an aspiring 'green thumb' ;)



Ok everyone, I decided to expirment a bit and bring my EC up a bit My Target was 1.3 EC or 600PPM by .5 conversion..I use a bluelab constant combo meter and this is the conversion its set to...sometimes i like to see the ppm as I can notice the smaller changes quicker! Anyways I took out a gallon of the old nutes from my controller (with the topper turned off) and mixed up in 1.5 gallons of fresh water TAP @ 180 PPM with 20 ml micro, 40 ml bloom, 5ml Floralicious, and 10 ml cal mag. Right now im bouncing between 600 and 610 ppm or 1.3 EC. Its possible that it will drop a little bit over the next hour or so as recirculates through the system and mixes properly. The PH is at 5.8 but that could change a point or so by morning as the solution mixes

* I also added GH subcultures m and b again, but went light on the M as i think that this leaves a grainy substance in the bottom of my controller..Its not really grainy but looks that way, and its dark...so i went around half or less of the recomended dose, I also took the filter off the magdrive pump that supplies the nutes to the buckets. I hope this will help things a bit! Guess we will see what happens! I Guess the only reason i stopped using the beneficials or subcultures was because of the stuff left in the controller. I cant really justify spending as much as i did on a product, or 2 products and then not using them! Anyone ever use GH subcultures or there equivelant? If so tell me about your experience with them...."beneficials"
alright...more to come soon!
..............Peace, Skunk


Ok, as usual, Atleast lately;) things have been going well...Ive learned that scrogging isent as easy as it seems, there is alot of thought that gowes into placing the branches and moving stems and leaves out of the way. Im sure ill get the hang of it as well as a technique that works well for me. Ive got the idea and i dont think im doing a bad job, Plus ive got all the advice i need from a vetern scrogger...not sure how i could get things too messed up!

At any rate, all of the plants have finally grown too and through the screen, Plant 3 is the only one that i havent been able to adjust yet..she is the "RUNT"lol, but the good news is, she finally made it. another day or two and ill be able to start directing her branches. Ive about made up my mind that once i can get her branches started in the right direction and i can see where things are going, ill flip to 12-12...so that will be happening in the next couple of days. I assume that ill be able to use some of the initial stretch to finish filling the screen. ill also keep the Eye hort BLUE m\h on for a couple of weeks into bloom to try and keep things from getting out of control. I hope this will keep things compact and limit the stretch a little bit first round. Im not sure when ill switch to my Eye hort super HPS? Ill have to time this just right so that i dont end up with way too much stretch. I know that the plants will want the red orange spectrum, as well as added lumens during budding, but the question im left with now is when is the right time to go hps! Just a thought...my MH blue puts out only 29000 lumens, the super hps puts out i think 56,000 lumens! big difference! but the blue is doing what it needs to, and if you cant tell...its done a great job so far! I was thinking that ill keep my T5's and CFL's in the 6500K spectrum even after i switch to hps...Maybe this will givea slight ballance to the light? couldent hurt. (any suggestions?) Guess thats the plan? at least as of now.

alright then currently My PH is at 5.6 and my EC is at 1.3, or 610 PPM The nute solution temp is as always 68 degrees F.
....My auto topper is off again, but just long enough to figure out what strength to mix the nutes in my rez to...I was thinking 400 PPM might do it. wish there was an easy answer to this, I guess i just have to keep trying and keeping track of what works for my system? any better ideas out there?
...............alright, that should be it for now, im looking forward to comments, so feel free to post!
...............Peace, Skunk..............And I hope everyone has a happy new year!


Looking great Skunk, nice and green and lush...
I switched my MH for HPS after the first week of 12/12, next time I will keep the mh in until week 3. Mine stretched crazy after the switch :(
Keep it green,


Active member
'Looking Good Buddy',
Looking like it's time for the bloom phase,i know your about to flip so G'Luck dude,
I hope they dont stretch too mad long for you.


Blue, Thanks for stopping by and posting! Feel free to leave any comments suggestions or anything else you feel relevant.
Peace, Skunk


Hey Skunk, I`ll be hanging around,Gonna be popping in on as many scrog grows as possibe. I`m about the same as you, just switched to 12/12 on the 29th on my larger scrog and facing same issues of how best to fill the screen. Drop in and take a look see, links in my signature.

All looking good there, I`m feeding mine at EC16, but I`m gonna check the run off during the next few days, but I`m in coco and they`re fed run to waste.

Cheers Toke


toke, thanks for stopping by! Ya, It seems that figuring out when to flip is a big part of scrogging...it appears that it could very easily get over packed with growth if even left to go a little too long. This is something that will have to be learned through experience i do believe. I have an awesome mentor helping me through this scrog, but im still having my difficulties! today was the last day of 18-6, tomorrow lights wont be back on untill 5 pm...im a little worried about where the stretch is going to put me. Alot of the screen is full of leaves..i keep as many bent down and under as i can but its crazy trying to controll them. I guess im able to take 1 leaf off per node where necessary. Underneath the screen is a mess yet, I just started to clear it out a bit and have about 2-3 weeks from now to have it cleaned up...a little every day saving the big fans for last. I counted the main bud sites, atleast a close count and was between 40 and 50, thats not counting the new nodes on the main stems that follow along under the screen. No doubt pleanty of those will become nice colas as well.

I must admit this first stretch has me a little worried! Im going to use the few days that the plants stall before the growth spurt to try and get everything positioned well and cleaned up as nicely as i can. with all of the leaves its hard to tell where im trying to lead my main branches at times. Im sure it will become more evident as time passes and the stretch begins! Ive decided to keep my MH blue eye hort. bulb on through the stretch and change to my hps in about 3 weeks...hopefully this will controll things a little bit, only one way to find out!

well toke, i stopped in on your grows, looking like things will work out! There is alot more to it than throwing a screen over some plants and letting them grow huh? Ive found there is alot more work involved than meets the eye, but hey..its worth the added weight, and if you dont mind working with the plants, its the way to go "IMO" you are going to have alot on your hands bro, wish you lots of luck with this grow! Ill be watching for sure! If you come up on any tips or suggestions, feel free to post anytime!
Peace, Skunk


Yeah sure will mate, I have one or two comments on the work side of things. I`ll drop back in later and post, I`m only just getting up at 2.30pm and need to clear my foggy head after a late night, lol.



coming soon!

coming soon!

First day of 12-12, Ill have new pics posted by tomorrow morning! this time ill take them before i move things around so its easier to see what im seeing....so if it looks a little more of a mess and some arnt as level, this is why! i usually take the pics after..Im just trying something new, so stick with me and we will see what pics look better..before i tuck, bend, and Manipulate the branches, or after..basicly you will see the work complete from last night...Trust me it usually looks alot better.

well since im typing..Its 1-2-2010 and my EC is 1.2 or 570 PPM, and my Ph went up to 5.8.....This may be an indication that i need to give them a slightly stronger nute solution...I may make a slightadjustment but wait until i change out the complete rez, controller and buckets before making the final adjustment. The Girls look better than ever, absolutely no defeciencies of any type at this point...I think they will be ok for a few days untill the rez is empty and i change out the whole system!
Stay tuned...new pics soon!


Active member
Good luck bro. I hope its the perfect guess for you and you guess the stretch somewhere near,.Dont push them too hard though, that Blue EyE Hort is gonna keep things a bit more controlable on the stretch.

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