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Bump this thread if you've never been so high before and you think you're dying...


^^That's rough. I can't finish smoking half a gram of good weed in one sitting, much less 5. Strong smoke hits me fast; I just go catatonic and stop moving after so many big hits in a row.

Never thought I was dying, despite experiencing the racing heart and 'noia from too much sativa. Always felt better when I got up and ate something.

"We all have it coming" - Unforgiven


i havent read the whole thread, but this is 1 of my experiences

it was a weekend and i just got some thai/jamaican cross from an outdoor grower in the hills. this guy is a personal friend, who's opinion i greatly respect.

but looking at this baggy, i wasnt at all impressed. it was somewhat squashed to fuck, and 1 thing i hate is squashed ganja. plus it didnt smell so sweet, like the previous gifts this guy had given me.

my friends and i were going to a party. i was a teenager, so 15 years ago (maybe more)

at the party the group of us were comparing our smoke, and i didnt show my mates this bag because i was quite ashammed of it, and so i pulled out some of my cali orange x b52 i had grown myself.

we all rolled up and lit up the joint.

i wasnt even halfway through when my head starting spinning big time. i must have gone all pale, and i couldnt even speak. the words i got out were slurry.

my mates started taking the piss, saying i couldnt handle my own grow. i tried to tell them it was this other stuff thats fucked me right up, but like i said, my words wouldnt even come out my mouth.

i was head down in the passenger seat of this car thinking whens this buzz gonna let me go, as i felt it had my balls in a vice and wouldnt let go.

the buzz got more intense, and i felt i was dying. my god.

by this time my mates were starting to panic.

not sure on the time scale as i was so out of it, but it felt like it lasted a lifetime.

damn, i thought i o.d'd on 1 joint.

carnt remember anything else about the night


Active member
i had a friend who would sometimes pass out when smoking a blunt.

i also knew a girl who we smoked out and she had a panic attack.

shit happens...


ive seen a girl curl up in a fetal type position on an outdoor lawn chair and start moaning...first time taking lots of strong marijuana......was odd...to say the least.

that video was AWESOME!

nah, ive been some sort of sick, but never anything that bothers me. my friends keep recanting times where ive eaten a bunch of edibles and staying fairly coherant when others are falling over themselves sleepy and stupid.. id like to get a huge harvest so i can just roll around in the pot, take a handful and smoke it in a massive pipe. One day ill think im dying...but i havent.... yet..

just tolerance i think

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I'm very high right now......and realize that I am dying slowly from an affliction called 'life'......

Ce's t La Vie.......


Autos are for pussies!
lmao.. I remember being like 12 years old and smoking some lime green Mexican weed. Man, I was riding a bike and felt like with every push of the pedal I was flying higher. The heart racing didn't help either. I thought I was gonna croak!! lol


My wife ate a whole cookie when I just wanted her to taste it. She got so blazed she kept trying to walk it off in the bedroom.

She started her will but the only thing she could get out was "it's not his fault" over and over for like 40 mins or so. I tried to calm her down and 10 mins later I heard her snoring.

I was relieved. She was shell-shocked for almost 3 weeks, it was a really scary bad trip for her. Now she won't touch any edibles and uses our Volcano.


yeah edibles can fuk you up for sure. i have had that one bite too much and you go into the uncomfortable zone for a half hour or so...i usually feel like i'm gonna hurl...then i come out of it and its all good. now i know to start off real slow.

Number Six

Seriously scared during more than two hours with a ( too big ) Bhang made from Peak 19 trimming leaves.


weed fiend
Been there, done that. I was 12, had smoked Mexican a couple of times. Pipe, joint, seeds, stems etc. Never got any buzz to speak of.

Two bong hits of Colombian Thunderfuck changed all that. Sent me past the line, beyond the pale and into a place I've never returned for 35 years. My heart rate was going so fast I thought I was gonna die. Classic case of hyper-paranoia but I wasn't worried about getting caught. I thought I was ready for the defibrillator, lol.

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