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Red_Greenery's Handyman's DIY Grow Tub


guest 77721

I went and deleted my account so all my posts show up as guest. I'll still anwer any question.

Hey what happened to the Rubbermaid club?

I'd like to see you guys try the 3oz challenge for under $100. Just ask I2KanGrow, Subnoise and Lifeless. It can be done!!!


whats the 3oz challenge

I went and deleted my account so all my posts show up as guest. I'll still anwer any question.

Hey what happened to the Rubbermaid club?

I'd like to see you guys try the 3oz challenge for under $100. Just ask I2KanGrow, Subnoise and Lifeless. It can be done!!!


Well-known member
Heres my tub, I just got an invite to join the thread.. this is the rubbermaid club thread isnt it? lol ...

Anyway Im using 2 x 20 gallon rubbermaids.

3 x 42w cfls up top with a glass heat shield and a 31 cfm pc fan exhausting it.

Down below in the grow compartment I have 2 x 23w cfls to help with some side lighting and a 78 cfm 120 MM PC fan pulling through a flat, sterilite container scrubber like RG's. Only I used only a single run of dryer ducting (4").

Two blueberry cross females, currently at 13 days into flower. Going well temps were 71 deg and since I added the side lighting they are around 75 deg.

This is my first grow ever!!



Well-known member
Everyones different of course, but I dont need stealth, not super duper stealth anyway. The whole thing sits in a closet in a spare bedroom. No worries at all ... the only thing is I dont want the room stinking at all and the scrubber has done the job perfectly so far.


Active member
You should check out the super simple stacker thread. There is a pic of the containers I make that fit in your bin and hold 3 times the soil you got there.

Round pots are wasting your space.


Well-known member
I hear ya MJ - For this grow though, maximizing space isnt an issue, these two plants, and whatever they end up producing (even in these 1 gal pots) is completely sufficient. For future reference however Ill most certainly look to using those containers .... this was a first time, learning curve type grow which is going well.

Ill be relocating soon after this grow, and at that time will be switching to a full cab with either a 250 or 400 hps (I own both).

Thanks again for all your help you have been great!


how many five gallon smart pots do you think could fit in a 20 gallon tub? I've never used those, but i think that could be a good way to go too.


that's about what i thought. i would hope two, but i have never put them in there to try yet. i bet you could fit even more three gallon bags in there, which oughtta be ok for flowering in something that small.

guest 77721

When I built my first tub, I wanted to start two plants and sex one and finish it in the largest pot that I could fit in the tub. So I go into Crappy Tire, select a tub from the homewares section then head over to the garden section and test fit the pots. That way I picked two 8" pots and one 10" pot for the 18 gal Rubbermaid.

Here's another trick. If you need to measure stuff, head over to the tools and find a tape measure that is unpackaged and use it in the store then put it back when you are done.

My Dad taught me the trick of buying tools and parts and doing a repair in the parking lot and returning the tools at the end of the job. LOL


Ok I have some questions

1) how do I attach the lexan or the heat shield to the inside of the tub? I was going to use that spray in foam stuff to air and smell proof it, but do you think that would work alone to support the clear heat shield?

2) how do you change the bulbs once the heat shield is in place? Reach in thru the passive intake?


I figured out the top box. Are the intake holes for the bottom box 5" x 5" or the size of the dryer ducts? Thanks
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New member
On the matter of CFLs...

If you get the ones that have replaceable plug in bulbs on an edison base, it doesnt take much to extend the plug part of them so you can have the bulb itself inside your grow area, and the screw in ballast outside, eliminating that source of heat altogether

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