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Michigan to Host "Caregiver's Cup"


Active member
Michigan will soon host the first "Caregiver's Cup", a competition among growers to see which genetics work best for which illnesses.

The 100 caregivers entering the contest are asked to provide 2.5 ounces of marijuana to the panel of 140 judges. They'll ingest, smoke or vaporize the pot in designated areas in or outside the hotel that are open only to patients.

Judges will be grouped according to their recognized illness, with the purpose of allowing doctors to examine them and ask questions about the effects.
Note: This event is being sponsored by the Michigan Marijuana Chamber of Commerce. And it's supported by local law enforcement AND THE DEA!!!

This represents a whole new level of public acceptance of Medical Marijuana in the USA...

The event will be held at the Ann Arbor Marriott Ypsilanti at Eagle Crest Jan. 30-31


For more info on the event go here:

Care Giver's Cup Website said:
Anti-Prohibition activists and educators will offer information and discussion concerning the possibility and conditions of “Amsterdam” style districts in some municipalities, full legalization with regulation, the potential economic impact, and offer further education on recreational use, particularly how it compares to already legal substances.
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its the michigan marijuana chamber of commerce. just a play on names. i am in michigan and most are skeptical on if its legal. there is alot of info that doesnt make sense according to our law and caregivers n patients.


Active member
its the michigan marijuana chamber of commerce. just a play on names. i am in michigan and most are skeptical on if its legal. there is alot of info that doesnt make sense according to our law and caregivers n patients.
thanks for the correction! Missed that! :)

Yeah, I kinda wonder about the legality cause I've been thinking a lot about these canna events and how to keep them legal...


and they got his name wrong its stavros and he wants to regulate and inspect my personal med grow. wtf


ICMag Donor
i wouldn't expect a lot of entries for this one. 2.5 ounces is about $1000 in the michigan market for a caregiver. plus a $100 entry fee for caregivers. ouch. that's a lot of dough you're giving up to hype your medicine. $250 for a judges pass too. all seems like a scam to me.

i do like their examination and testing approach. should be some good medical data coming out of this.


Active member
wow total scam with those prices. first off, why 140 judges? and why 2.5 ounces. why entry fee and 2.5 ounces for caregivers, and why would judges have to pay $250.

sounds like a scam compared to any of the other cups. most cups have one ounce entry fee and not a 140 judges.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
they're trying to prove that weed and events like these can stimulate the state's economy! its actually a really small price to help the "movement"



Active member
wow total scam with those prices. first off, why 140 judges? and why 2.5 ounces. why entry fee and 2.5 ounces for caregivers, and why would judges have to pay $250.

sounds like a scam compared to any of the other cups. most cups have one ounce entry fee and not a 140 judges.

Looks to me like they're going to have judging categories according to medical diagnosis. So once you take those 140 judges and break them down by diagnosis, you'll have quite a number of categories.

Then out of 100 caregiver samples, probably only a small # will be recommended and used for any particular diagnosis, so any judge might only get 10 or so samples to try for their particular situation.

If those 10 samples are each around two grams, that would amount to 20 grams for the $250 they paid out. Not a bad price for good medicine!

That's just my guess at how they're seeing event this play out.


2.5 oz = ???

2.5 oz = ???

sounds like :xmasnut: fun, but my patients come first. would love to enter my cured chem dog !!!

mabye next year...........:tree:.......after an outdoor harvest


In theory it would be a great thing but all those fees and shit sound horrible. Anywho somehow someone should make a good less fee'd version of this more for the medical benifits chyea know

Owl Mirror

Active member
I believe this is a scam, don't trust these folks.
First of all, NO caregiver in Michigan owns the marijuana therefore by them giving away 2.5 ounces of product will be coming out of some patients grow and, I don't know of any patient that can afford to simply give away 2.5 ounces of med just to promote a caregivers services.


Richard is correct. And I want to know how to volunteer to be a judge................

Owl Mirror

Active member
If the DEA part of the statement is trure, that's great. Now the rest of law enforcement needs to stop the stupid expensive war on drugs. If they did they can go out and destroy anhiliate alqueda and taliban and real terrorists. Kill all those scumbags their families, friends, desecrate the graves of their families and leave no trace of the terrorist scum. Instead of they the DEA being terrorists to the law abiding peace loving American marijuana users. The money they save from persecuting law abiding peace loving American marijuana users can be used to acomplish the anhilation of alqueda and taliban and real terrorists.

Hm? How is it that any "peace loving" American can call for: "Kill all those scumbags their families, friends, desecrate the graves of their families ..."
Kind of an Oxymoron, NO?
I do agree the funds could be better spent and, I am one of those peace loving American marijuana users. Personally I can not call for harm to come to another as a replacement for harm done to my fellow "peace loving American marijuana users".


My Gut Says SHADY!

My Gut Says SHADY!

"and they got his name wrong its stavros and he wants to regulate and inspect my personal med grow. wtf"

Yeah when anyone wants to take control like that it can't be a good thing.

Fledgling industries like ours are ripe for the picking . . . and the vultures come out of the woodwork!​


If this is a beta run of what could happend in our states it shows it might be a disaster with laws with tons of loopholes and being someone who depends on Med MJ for Chronic Pain & Nerve damage sometimes things are to good to really be true and big brother is always watching so even though I live back east this smells funny and has disatser written all over it! :no:


Captain Expando
here's another first... billboards ~



do not want

do not want


There is a reason the DEA and law enforcement support this! This group and it's sponsors are trying to reverse the law that we voted for.

They want to prevent patients and caregivers from growing their own, and be forced to buy from them. A select few CG's growing for the entire state.

To quote one of the heads..
"“If you’re in a neighborhood, would you want your neighbor’s house full of weed? Probably not, but that’s what’s going on,” Stazros said. “We are 100 percent pro-marijuana, but we do need to think there needs to be regulations involved.”

They are also making up stories about old women being raped, and saying that events like these are "common"

The ICMAG community should be aware that this is NOT an event that the recreational or medical users in Michigan support. We in Michigan do support dispensaries and co-ops as a public option for patients to acquire med's, but we voted for the right for a patient to grow their own, or to have a caregiver grow it for them..

This group is doing everything they can to take it all away, and undo the years of blood sweat and tears of the MMJ community..
