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By year 2030: Microscopic robots in your bloodstream that fight and cure disease.


Im watching a show right now that says were currently working on the technology that by year 2030 will be able to inject microscopic nano-bots (robots) into your bloodstream. These nanobots can do so many things its unreal. One of the things they can do, is make these robots seek out and kill cancer cells and other bad cells to cure disease and fight colds. Anything such as the common cold and flu will be non-existant. This will make human beings part biological, part non-biological (part robot). This is amazing new technology and should really give you guys something to think about.

It just makes me think. If all the time spent playing video games like World of Warcraft and Call of Duty was spent on advancing a technology such as this imagine where we would be.


I don't think the general population really appreciates just how INSANELY, RIDICULOUSLY, INCREDIBLY complex we are.
The chemical and biological world is fucking crazy! So many interactions every fraction of a second you can't even think about them all!
We've probably scratched less than half a percent of the capabilities we could have with engineering our bodies like this. There'll be downsides :( but it's still cool!


Active member
This is already reality. Of course, Im not uptodate, but bots is in use. Maybe not as advanced as they will be in 2030. There are also non-nanobots carrying around medicine, vitamins ect in thwe bloodstream.

I hate thinking of what can be done with this tech, imagine a country with a population of lets say 50 million , where maybe 20-30% or 70-80%(?!) gets these nanobots in fear and anxiety of getting sick ect...
Now to the Hollywood scenario>>maybe these little suckas can be interfered with by some sort of electrical wave, frequency, or other kinds of waves, maybe even intentionally. To promote aggression, fear, apathy and so on (so powerful people can manifest situations that tip in their favor).
This is one of my major concerns. A more propable scene, would maybe be, if these bots would to fail in the bloodstream, creating all kinds of havoc. Especially if "research" and other bs shows they are "totally safe". Never trust something thats safe haha :D

I don't like engineered things i my body. Who knows what kind of company made them. What their interests are besides making money and so on.
I'd rather live healthy, be more active in terms of bettering my health, than the drive to the doctors to get some nanos injected... But, a lot of people are terminal or something like it, maybe the bots will help them, who knows... Good for them if they do!

Nanobots replacing neurons


Active member
I'll believe it when I see it.
50 years ago they said we would have flying cars and all kinds of other stuff by the year 2000, hmm, it's 2010 and I'm still waiting for my flying car.


Active member
Many people have forgotten, or never knew(!), we can heal ourselfes. Of course, if you live pain and agony and don't do something about, it'll be harder to heal yourself...

But this change of perspective, to the nanobots, the cells, neurons, blood, ect, is the wrong way of looking at our body and how it works. We should focus on our bodily balances instead. Every organ in us has a special frequency, a special aura, forcefield or what you'd call it. Nanobots can't tend these fields, only our will can.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i swear that these shows tape recorded me and my friends during shroom/smoke sessions when i was in high school, and stole all my ideas!



Can anyone say 'EUGENICS' here? The possibility for the ultimate state of control is
in the nano-tech medicinal research work.
Should 'THEY' arbitrarily decide for whatever reason that you are a 'useless eater', then
you are history.
'bots can be programmed for a multi-variety of functions, not just healing...but also
killing, transmitting, recieving, genetic alteration....getting the pic?

Nano-bots = real bad news
:biglaugh: Already the conspiracy theories arise.

This is interesting technology. I'm never sure what to make of these predictions that we'll have access to this technology in 20 years time though. Were these the same people that said the internet will never catch on? Or that said the personal computer may be so small that people may even be able to fit them inside their house by the year 2000?
I read an article in rolling stone about this awhile ago. I think it was called the singularity theory or something like that. Basically a religion with the beliefs that man will advance technology to the point that man and computer are one and can live forever. Creepy shit.

If anyone wants to read more google Raymond Kurzweil
im an atheist but when bullshite scientist talk about the butterfly effect or nonsence like this i in my adult years i laugh, the future of health is in turning off nano bactera from calcifiying are cells and making a coral reef in are bodies, this and only this is were things are going, and its a natural approach, u can start by never taking calcium supplements, not dependence on a group of idiot savants and there false hope-or technology that still doesnt remove the cause, because if u remove the cause u remove the economy of sickness being lucritive. sorry not buying it. the current sickness of man corresponds with the economic sickness of man both mental n physical, this is the last year in mayan time of the age of 'ethics' were power is over taken n world structures crumble, do u really think in the future sickness is going to be 25 pecent of the gross national product of nations like it is today with interest form credit card usery being 41%?? the charade is over, better start your gardens folks, take what youve learned here about growing and heal yourselves, monsanto n the medical industry are in the last days-


Domesticator of Cannabis
Fantastic Voyage

Fantastic Voyage

Bong Voyage


New member
The possibilities are endless. Imagine if nano "machines" aided red blood cells in carrying oxygen. Being able to hold your breath for minutes on end would be pretty cool, no? And think of the lessened stress on your heart.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
You'll me hear mention nanotechnology here and there. I'm not engaging in hyperbole when I say social paradigms are going to shift considerably once it becomes the norm. I didn't think we would see anything by 2030. It will change EVERYTHING. LOL

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