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Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
BAM BAM BAM BAM! 12:39am. I peeked out the top story window and saw 2 cop cars One at the end of the road, one in front of my home blocking the street, aimed at my front yard. Two cops are on the driveway below me, More knocking on the door. 3 persistant rounds of heavy raps. I kept the lights off. So what if I have a card? Shit can happen. My cell phone is ringing in the other room. Wandering blindly in the darkness

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
I get to the phone

I get to the phone

its a family member warning not to answer the door. They jump a 7 foot gate and search my property with flashlights, enter my greenhouse, no doubt see 3 large plants in there, they did shut the door when they left, and jumped back over the fence.
Im glad I didnt answer the door, and I hope they dont come back. You can smell bud outside, even with a carbon filter.
Man I need some straight indica right now. Ive gotta turn this light off.


dude i would stop moving. sit down or lay down. and be calm.



BAM BAM BAM BAM! 12:39am. I peeked out the top story window and saw 2 cop cars One at the end of the road, one in front of my home blocking the street, aimed at my front yard. Two cops are on the driveway below me, More knocking on the door. 3 persistant rounds of heavy raps. I kept the lights off. So what if I have a card? Shit can happen. My cell phone is ringing in the other room. Wandering blindly in the darkness

are your numbers good? why might they be there? i see you added the #2 post. they have probable cause except for the fact that they trespassed. now anything they get should be in admissable due to illegal search and seizure. well..... maybe not were they there because the smell you said you could smell? nieghbors complain?


Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
COPS searching inside family homes without warrants!

COPS searching inside family homes without warrants!

The cops entered the next door neighbors and searched with dogs. They were looking for a car jacker fugitive. Shit, Ive gotta roll a fat one. Im glad that i wasnt high on Haze when this happened!

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Yeah cause it wasnt at your house Cyber. Im kinda laughing too, but thats not slowin down my heart rate. Im not going to sleep tonight.
And Ohgee: There not real bad numbers, just not your perfect roll of the dice.

cyber echo

Hehehe... got some indica around ?

I would've shat bricks myself friend =P


Glad ya weren't the one they was after!

Now MAKE SURE your details, #'s and stuff are all correct and up to date!...if they saw ya girls, they may come back to check ya later...

Get it all in order and you will be prepared...



Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Ill be on the phone to budies in the morning, They have grow permits i can post here as well. When you clone,and keep mothers, you know how it is.
You are right I do have to get prepared right away!
Those two guys scaled the 7 foot fence, with smooth side facing out and no exposed beams.


Active member
my friend was woken up by k9s, a chopper, and like 10 squad cars outside his house at 3:00 in the am... lucky for him they were there for the carjacker who jumped his fence and was stuck inside the yard who they picked up on infrared and not the 100+ 15K grow in the basement; played it cool and all was well.... his house is set up with a fat gate and wall; you can get in but you can't get out :)

good to hear all is well


Let us know if they come and 'inspect' you paperwork...;)

If they can scale your smooth 7' wall...put unsteady, sharp and hard objects {Sharp,large rocks, broken bottles or metal scrap} @ the base of the wall...something th@ may not be construed as a 'deliberate' attempt to harm. :)



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
phew - a close one.

dr P. - if you are lucky enough to be able to grow legally i would try and work out a way to keep the numbers correct. if this scare is what prompts you to make sure of that then it's probably done you a favour ;)

stay safe



Active member
That's what I thought it sounded like, a search for someone.
Believe me, if they wanted in and could legally do it, there would not have been all that knocking.