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Growing Chillies in your grow room/cab


Hello all

just wondering if anyone grows chillies in their cabs? I've just started to germ a few chilli seeds (about two weeks ago) but had no sprouts yet!? I know chillies can take up to 4 weeks to germ, but has anyone got any tips or advise to speed this up?

I just sowed the seeds in the kit it came with, perlite/compost mix with 20 seeds in sheeting. Kept moist but they are drying out too quick. Any good germinating techniques? Do I soak them and use paper towel method like canna seeds?



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
start the seeds in compost/sand mix. 1:1 ratio. depending on how many you want, you can start them in plastic party cups.

keep warm when germinating. its the heat they like. but keep wet, even soaking wet is better than dry.

good luck nothing like growing fresh peppers. what variety are you growing?


New member
Actually I got some jalapenos under a CFL in my room at the moment and some different sorts of chilis such as Bhut Jolokia and Naga Jolokia, also known as the worlds hottest chili.
My jalapenos is flowering at the moment and some has already tossed the flower leaves and beginning to get larger.

I didn't do anything specific when germing them, just keep soil wet (not too wet as it makes it more difficult to penetrate the earth for the sprout), but it took some time but suddenly they started popping up


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I have grown many of chilies, and have some right now in my cab ( I like to keep them bonsai for say and grow small peppers off them, also good to get to know your soil / nutes as a small pot will require way more regulation then a huge pot, and they don't take up much space..

-germing, keep them very hot ( heat mat / dome ) , this speeds up the process 100 fold.
-they like lots of P and K


i got 2 bhut jolokia peppers in my veg box right now in a small hydro setup. i have a love for growing any plant!


Soul Feeder
Go with the same concepts/tech used for mj germ :)
Keep warm and moist using a dome or a plastic cover.
Jalapeno is nice!




in the thick of it
Go with the same concepts/tech used for mj germ :)
Keep warm and moist using a dome or a plastic cover.
Jalapeno is nice!



I agree 100%.
I start my peppers in perlite/vermiculte 12oz. cups and put them in a dome, water about 1oz. regular water every day....sprouts will be up in a week or so. I keep mine under 24 hours of t5/250w and they do great!
I finish my peppers in waterfarms under a 1000w hps, but will be switching to a 1000w dual arc tube within the next week or so. I'd like to see if this will help my tomatoes a bit more.


Active member
Peppers can take a long time to germ. I've got two of six I planted in my grow closet. I started them inside because all my little ones outside got eaten by something. Seems like they sprouted within 2 weeks.


Thanks for all the info guys. I have loads of seeds to use, Twilight, De Cayenne, Peach Habanero, World Pepper and Corno de Torro Rosso to name a few.
Going to use the same method that I use for cannabliss seeds and leave them in wet paper towel in plastic bag filled with co2.

Can anyone tell me how much light I need to give chillies/peppers, should I put them on 18/6 or 12/12?



follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ I'm not sure about the paper towel method, as pepper seeds take a long time to germ

are you growing them in soil? if so just plant them in there home, alot easier, just water then leave under a dome till they sprout

also, I suggest you pop the twilight as it's a ornamental, also check out some others as they stay small , are breed for small containers, and yield alot of peppers, the bigger ones depending on space you might have to bonsai them, as in cut there roots, and pinch them back to keep them controlled..

this is my recipe for success with growing peppers along cannabis:
-keep them in solo size containers to 1 gallon max, they will grow smaller peppers, once peppers grow out, cut most the root mass back, pinch off alot alot of growth, and re-plant, they will recover very quick and will learn by there small container size, nutrients and the sort.

light does not matter, they will flower when there ready, if there small, pinch off the flower so it will re-direct energy to growing leaf

cool link


Thanks habeeb, great link man. Like I said I have plenty to play with so ill try a few different methods.

Just wondering how fast from when they sprout until harvest. Reason being, I am growing in a PC case at the moment but I am slowly but surely making a bigger grow space.



ahh insparation im gunna grow me some peppers.i do every year,but ive not thought to grow indoors dont ask why


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
Just wondering how fast from when they sprout until harvest.

it's hard to say, I think 2 months to eg ( not sure never write anything down ) and with "flowering" time, depends on strain

lets just say it will be a while, but once you have the plant keep it around


Active member
I've been growing two pepper plants indoors. At first under a 1000 watt hps and now under a 400. I popped the seeds in coco/perlite in a six cell starter. Then I put them right into 1 gallon pots and I was vegging under the 1k so that's where they went. They are kicking butt.

The variety is simply called Negro, or black. They should make black chiles that are mild. (I have had enough hot peppers in my life). I got the seeds from nativeseeds.org they sell seeds that have been grown by the Indians of the SouthWest US for centuries.

Anyway, they're blooming and i should be seeing peppers soon. The first bloom has fallen off, so peppers are close behind.

I think I started them about mid October, they sprouted around Nov1.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
how are you liking the seeds from native seeds hazy, i was going to get some for next year. i love the varietys of squash and watermelon they have. as well as the native wild chili peppers.


Active member
Hey jaykush, I like, no love, Natives Seed/SEARCH.
Everything I planted outside came up. Squash, chiles, onions, beans.

I'm getting ready for the Spring season and have a sweet corn that's red, that's been grown not too far from here forever. Also got a yellow meated watermelon that's from around here, and everyone who's tried it (from tribal sources, I haven't grown it yet) loves it. I have some black eye peas and greens and some other stuff. I hope to have a desert hardy garden.

My squash is Cucurbita argyrosperma grown by the Tohono O'odham (Pima). It says it's a summer squash if you pick them young a winter squash if you let them go long.

Back to the OP seany was it? Here's some pics of my chiles. They've been going 2 maybe 2 1/2 months.
You can see some nice chiles on them.
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Active member

For anyone who's interested.
a little over 3 months old and looking great.

I won't do it again. Taking up my ganja space! I just wanted to see them grow since I knew the freeze would kill the ones outside. Pretty cool though.


Active member
My sickly looking 2 year old habanero and a few harvested veggies.


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Active member
peppers are not photoperiod-sensitive so give them as much daylight as you can. the flower and fruit set is determined by average temperature, and modern hybrids are less sensitive to cool temps.

there is no need to keep them in the flowering cabinet. they'll set fruit just fine in the mother room or veg zone.