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What are these disgusting things eating my leaves?


Im on day 37 flower.

And NPS are "No-Pest Strips" The kind that emit a gaseous insecticide, not the sticky kind.

Ive used them to annihilate spidermites.


Hmmm Whats a smoke bomb? Seriously?

And... I think my answer seems to be something with Spinosad in it... It seems to be natural and wont risk the taste/smell of my harvest.

Where could I find this stuff?

And how do I apply it?


Well, to be perfectly honest you're kind of in no man's land...you're either in the middle of flowering or towards the end, which means your looking at buds which cannot be sprayed...that sucks...looks like you're going to have to ride it out...thrips hate being misted...they hate high humidity...those pest strips should work well for when they drop to the soil...I'd daily blast them off the leaves (thrips are most active at mid-day), which could be a rather big pain depending on how many plants you've got going and how many are infested...Thripsticks reportedly work very well, but I'm not sure where you would find those...sorry...I'll check one other resource to see if I can find anything that will help you...people mainly make tobacco/nicotine sprays, but I don't think you want to do that...especially not as far into flowering as you are...I'll be back in a minute...going to grab the Indoor Bible...jay:)


OK...you asked for it...so I'll lay it on you...the choice is yours...:D

Sprays: Homemade sprays (tobacco/nicotine base), pyrethrum, synthetic pyrethrum, insecticidal soap. Apply 2-4 times at 5-10 day intervals.

Source: The Indoor Bible


Thwart thrips with tobacco tea or nicotine. Cherian (1932) repelled thrips with a mix of fish emulsion and soap sprays. Yepsen (1976) concocted a thrips-repellent spray from field larkspur. Metcalf (1962) eliminated thrips with sabadilla dust, or a mix of diatomaceous earth and pyrethrum. Spraying a slurry of clay microparticles may work. Sprays and dusts generally require two or three applications at weekly intervals. Apply at mid-day, when thrips are most active. Be sure to treat the undersides of leaves. Imidacloprid (a synthetic nicotine) and spinosad (a fermentation product) kill thrips. Meier & Madiavilla (1998) eliminated thrips with Cymbush (permethrin). Thripsticks (polybutenes mixed with deltamethrin, a synthetic pythrethrum) can be applied to plastic around the bases of the plants, so when thrips drop to the ground to pupate, they die.

Source: Hemp Diseases and Pests


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Sorry man, just see your rep message now.. I was monitoring here

OK, what I would do:

First I would want to get my RH as LOW as you can provide, then lightly mist the plants. I would NOT directly spray anything onto them as it will get deeper into the buds and potentially cause mold/budrot.

You basically want a fine mist to coat the whole plant. Spray over the tops and let it "rain" down onto them. Try to get undersides of leaves and not too much on the buds. It will be similar to a light sprinkling/shower on outdoor crops.

If you can drop your flower room RH to say 20-30% and crank up all fans to assist in drying, I doubt you'll see any issues mold-wise. In fact, I did something similar with Green Cure throughout my last flower cycle trying to keep PM at bay to finish out the run. Hindsight being 20/20, if I had to do it again, I'd dump the run when I saw it first and start over considering how early it started and how bad it got even with the Green Cure product basically eliminating the PM each time visibly (eliminated the Hyphae, the spores don't die and it comes back worse from inside the buds)

Now recognize: Although the Green Cure did not eradicate or control the PM well enough to really salvage the run IMO, I NEVER saw any other type of mold or bud rot.


Hey thanks buddy...

See thats exactly what Im saying when I say I dont wanna spray the plants. ha

I dont wanna have to battle PM and thrips, My plants are otherwise awesome but i know these thrips if left untreated will diminish my growth and potential yield.

I think Im gonna go to the hydro shop and see if I can find something with Spinosad in it, hopefullt that stuff you mentioned.


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Hades, I only had to fight the PM because I allowed it to start in the first place. My point was I was spraying every 5 to 7 days to address the issue. From about week 4 till completion of the cycle (10 - 12 weeks on most)

By dropping the RH% to such a low level and cranking up the fans, the Green Cure did it's job and the low RH and fans dried the plants phenomenally fast which prevented further issues such as bud rot.

The PM got as bad as it did because I did not pressure spray the buds to get rid of all the hyphae/spores that made their way INTO the buds. It also did not help that I had 2 or 3 extremely PM susceptible strains in there.

I do not feel you will cause yourself a problem, my plants in this scenario were COMPLETELY dry within 10-15 minutes and room RH levels stabilized within the hour after spraying.
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whoever's recommending those NPS piece of craps for mites/thrips is hallucinating...
for thrips = spinosad. for mite PREVENTION = neem oil, for KILLING = floramite (or so ive heard)


ok so you have a heavy thrip infestation and you dont want to spray your plants ? ok .. get some predator bugs ... but you will need quite a good load!


Definitely thrips. Either use a synthetic pyrethrum, or insect soap. You can put up some cheap sticky traps to catch the flyers that don't get the soap. My buddy kills all his bug problems with a tobacco/nicotine spray, just a pain to make.

Just spraying with water jacks them up pretty good. They can't move through the mist/water an atomized sprayer makes.

I have wanted to make that spray for quite some time but, you're right. It is a pain and I really don't want to take the time to do it. Truth be told, I'm just too lazy, and I don't smoke ciggs.

The water spray does a pretty good job alone, but you have to be diligent. I grow another type of similar plant as well and mites/thrips LOVE those things. Bad part about those is that neem/Safer/anything really, burns and kills the leaves. This is what has made me a big advocate of plain water, but you really have to get in there several times a day. Safer is great on Cannabis.

Also, you may want to invest in "mosquito dunks". You can just put them in free standing water, or you can water/top feed with them. They aren't specifically for your problems, but it can't hurt and they're cheap.


Where do you live btw? Anyway you can order ladybugs online tho im not sure when they would arrive. Progrow sells em atleast(uk).


Okay guys, I got some of the Monterey Garden Spray... (spinosad)

I was going to wait until tomorrow morning to spray them... I should do a light top mist correct? Im at week 4 flowering. Dont spray under the leaves?


Active member

It comes in a variety of brand names.. Google it for the brand names to find online or at your local nursery..
use nicotine in form of smoke, burn 1-2 cigarettes per 1 square meter with ventilation off for like half an hour to hour, then back on...also do this when lights are off or just before they go off...it is the most simple, least expensive way, and smoke is everywhere and it cannot miss any part which is possibility if you spray...


There are FOUR lights!
Just Spray em good with the spinosad! Either an hour before the light comes on, or
better yet, just after lights out. Spinosad works best when it's wet.
Don't worry, it kills them all. And it's organic!