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IGT's 2000w+ Perpetual Hydro Garden


gets some
dam...very nice//spp how long are those fence post? and are you havin gthe water 24/7 running on that top drip system..what size pump do you have for how many sites? lasty..what were the starting and finishing hieghts of the flowering plants?
keep it up..

Thanks for the kind words. Im pretty proud of the progress. Now Im at the point of figuring out the last tweaks to maximize yield and hit 5lbs.

Posts are 6.5 feet long, approx 14" apart. The right side has 6 plant sites per post (though I only use 5 of them), the left has 7 and I use all of those. I've found it easier to monitor the drains for root clogs if I leave the front site empty and just train the plants to cover the empty area. Pump is a 1060gal ecoplus and yeah it runs 24/7, covering all 39 sites. It is a top feed/NFT hybrid and it works great!

Im not sure what you mean by starting height? I veg only about a week from rooted clone. They're still very small when I hit 12/12. Finished heights are 30"-36".


gets some
Hey MB, welcome back.

Res temps vary by season of course but mid to high 70's is the summer average. I broke 80 on a few occasions due to my dehum being right next to my res. Not a problem tho since the water is highly oxygenated and always full of beneficial root zone bacteria to keep away any root rot. Im trying "Great White" beneficials for the new crop instead of AquaShield. It wasn't cheap but its a got a big variety of beneficial bacteria and fungi.

For anybody interested, my nute recipe for early flower is:
(Veg in DWCs for a week under 400w MH, Floranova Grow and beneficials ONLY, then transplant into main HPS room)

Floranova Grow/Bloom in a 20/80% ratio with starting ppm of around 600 (.5 conv), ph around 5.5. Don't adjust ph for 5 days.
Whatever beneficial bacteria/fungi Im using at the time
Cal-Mag+ 3ml/gal
Fulvic acid 5ml/gal
Floralicious Plus 1ml/gal
Hygrozyme 3ml/gal
Note: I add these progressively, NOT all at once to a fresh res.

Mid and late flower:
Floranova Bloom, max out ppm at 1000-1100 (.5 conv) (make sure to get ph up to 6.0 around day 25 and leave it there for at least 2 weeks)
Koolbloom liquid starting day 15, half label strength (don't overdo it!), then switch to KB Powder around day 35 also half label strength
Carbo sugars starting day 35.
Hydroplex 1ml/gal once at day 35
Flora+ still at 1ml/gal

Around day 55 I stop adding nutes, water addbacks only. Nice, gradual flush without stressing the plants too much.

I went to the hydro store yesterday and it's amazing how much *stuff* there is now. I don't mess with all the new fangled nute regimens. Stick with what's proven and what works! GH and Botanicare for me tyvm.


St. Elsewhere
20% FN Grow/80% FN Bloom? Hmmm... Interesting... Might have to give that a try. Bit more nitrogen for early flower.

Did the Aquashield treat ya right? Considering doing a light of NFT, just not trying to buy/power a chiller ATM.

Thanks for the response!


gets some
20% FN Grow/80% FN Bloom? Hmmm... Interesting... Might have to give that a try. Bit more nitrogen for early flower.

Did the Aquashield treat ya right? Considering doing a light of NFT, just not trying to buy/power a chiller ATM.

Thanks for the response!

Yeah 20% Grow, 80% Bloom. Indeed a little more N, plus the extra Cal-Mag N puts it where it needs to be without overdoing the N and stretching the plants too hard. I got too much stretch last crop by using too much Grow (40%) and adding too much Liquid Karma early. Im ditching LK this crop and sticking with Flora+ only for kelp. I want to keep my plants a bit shorter this time. Gotta experiment with what your particular plants like best though.

AquaShield is good stuff. Same as the old Hydroguard. It does work but there's a lot more beneficials to take advantage of too. I'll update with my thoughts on this Great White stuff as the crop progresses. $40 for a 4oz jar of it. But you'll be happy with the AquaShield and strong oxygenation if your res temps are too high. I throw a frozen 2liter bottle in there sometimes too.

Happy to help.


gets some
Happy holidays to all my IC friends (and IC haters, you know who you are).

Thought Id drop a quick update on the new crop. Today is Day 9 of flower. So yeah Im really liking this Great White beneficial bacteria powder. My growth rate so far has been spectacular and I think the additions of Great White and a fulvic acid are taking my girls to the next step. I also added two brand new Solarmax bulbs over the right side system. Can't get much better than that!

Check it out! Look at em go...


36 plants again, same strain. Shooting for 5lbs this go round and getting closer to that 1gpw mark. I think Im going to buy a new camera soon and yall will get to see them in hi-fi! Stay safe and enjoy your holidays. :tree:
I'll update again after they start budding up.


Active member
Wow you've got this system really dialed in! :respect::respect::respect: I'm planning on doing c02 in my 3k perpetual room after I get a couple crops in. :party:


New member
IGT great job on all of your grows. I've lurked since you started on icmag. I was wondering how you seal your end caps on your chambers. What product you use etc. thanks for your help in advance.


gets some
Thanks Stuntin.
The caps are sealed on the lower half with regular PVC cement from Home Depot. After it is thoroughly dry I run a leak test and then seal the entire joint with aquarium silicone also from Home Depot (in the glue section). It does take a little while (and some clean up!) to seal up ALL the tiny leaks in a hand built system but it's worth the effort.

Im on day 32 of flower right now. The colder weather is kinda messing up my room though and I don't like it. The cold is bringing humidity way down, but I have to run a heater in there and that makes it even drier. My plants don't like it. Not much I can really do about it though...been playing with the environment controls but I end up with either the room too cold overall (71 or so) or warmer but 87 or so in the light hot spots. I think Im just going to stick with cooler room temps and shut off the CO2.

I definitely prefer my basement grow room in the summer than in the winter.
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gets some
Been awhile since an update!

So I found out Ive had a root aphid problem in my garden and not known it. A random post in the Infirmary tipped me off to some stuff Ive been seeing in my garden. Im adding some pesticides to my garden for the first time. Bayer Advanced Treatment (IMID systemic product) and a BT supplement. Neither are harmful but will hopefully keep the aphid problem from recurring.

I realized I havent shown my veg area. This is how I veg my 36 plants. 3 10 gal rubbermaid DWCs. Clones directly in hydroton and 3" net pots. Floranova Grow and Fulvic under a 400w MH.

Root growth is nice with beneficial bacteria and stuff (Great White is the shit!). This is 7 days of veg and they'll go into my main room under my 2400w of Solarmax 12/12 brilliance in a couple more days.

Be safe friends. :)


gets some
39 total spots but I only use 36.
Im on day 22 of flower on my current round and things are looking GREAT! Ill throw up some pics in a couple weeks once they start packing the buds on.


Active member
Beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful BEAUTIFUL.

Fantastic! I love your descriptions of your learning process... and am jealous of your initial saavy in strain selection!

Your room is a gem, might you have time for an update?


gets some
Thanks bs0. I'll get an update put up in a couple weeks. Im currently around day 9 of flower on a crop and have been working on dealing with the bug problems that have been holding my yields back and have added a bunch of new toys to my room. Glad you've enjoyed my thread.


sup igt, just checking in with your great thread! hope you're doing great as well! Looking forward to seeing any new updates you can share. Take care!


gets some
IGT, Looking forward to updates!

This will probably be my last post on this grow thread. I have moved and now have a whole basement to play with ;)

Ive switched to a recirculating DWC tree setup, 3800w vertical, flipped into two flower rooms for 7600w total over a 24 hour period. Im currently on the first run and am learning and dialing things in. Once I get it dialed Ill put up a fresh diary thread. I still use the fence posts once in a while to supplement yield.