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F*** these spider mites! I feel violated! Azotrol? Organocide?


I bought some azatrol, but after reading all the caution statements I am leery of using the stuff. They give very specific specifications for protective gear. That's enough to scare me away. Yet, it's OMRI listed. What gives? I used Organocide before semi-successfully, but the bastards are back with a vengeance. I'm wondering if just a kick-ass humidifier would help. I never had spider mite problems before when I used a cheapy Wally World humidifier that raised the RH appr. 10%.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
mite-rid ..... the stuff has just been launched in the US www.mite-rid.com

I've just have my first year indoors free of the little bastards since I started indoors over 20 yrs ago

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
The most important thing about battling spider mites is to seek some kind of therapy. No seriously, it's much more frustrating to imagine that SM's can actually be defeated, which is what we all start out believing but soon learn better. I think it's more realistic, and more sane, to think of them as something that can be endured as long as they can be battled down to an acceptable population level.


Active member
Just use it.... or use floramite. Just be smart when handling and spraying. since the government got involved in chemical registration, the cautionary shit is overboard. If it doesn't have a skull and crossbones on the label (Category 3 material), just use it. It's like our fucked up government telling us we have to wear helmets to ride our bicycles. Fuck the government and use common sense. Most chemicals are so safe it's pathetic, but they need to include the disclaimers so they don't get sued in our sue happy country. Plus, it gives the government more control over our lives, like this health care bill will.
Just Spray it and save your plants. Wash you hands afterwards and that's it. Been handling chemicals my whole life. No problems.
I f eel for ya friend. I ALWAYS have friends in the garden as preventitive maintenance. I got them in the wild but you can order them online. I'm tellin ya they work before there is an issue.

Hash Man

use the azatrol at 1 oz per gallon and hit the plants every 3 days for 9 days. should solve the problem, or at least back it off. next time you should spray the azatrol as a preventative measure. dip the plant when its small, and keep up with the spray til budding begins. i have found the pyrethrum bombs to be effective with no burn(when applied correctly) in flower when my prevention has slipped.

if you cant kill them with what you have, maybe they are resistant? and then you would have to consider changing it up.

cannabis has been used to actually suck up toxins at different chemical plants in past history, and with those no pest strips,they are sucking up a lot of toxins... i would be weary of them, although they do work when used correctly.
Step 1 hot shot no pest strips. 1 for every 4m2. If that doesn't work get floramite and/or forbid on ebay 10z=$15. Alternate between forbid/floramite so they don't build resistance.


Active member
Hey everyone. I figured I would ask here instead of starting a new thread --

What kinda damage are spider mites capable of? Will they rot the inside of the bud??

Ive been battling spider mites for like 2 weeks which seems like years because everynight I hand pick these mites off for like 2+ hours at a time with a little cold water and Q tips, as well as a shop vac.

Tonight I went in there, after the whole family gig, to realize they're covered in webs once again.

I dont have the time to pick them off tonight as I am exhausted and I know its gonna look twice as bad tomorrow, but tomorrow I can run the shop-vac and actually concentrate on what I'm doing. I ate a bunch of cookies/brownies tonight and am really feeling great, actually .

So with spider mites, what is the worst that can happen. I noticed on some plants I recently chopped, the spider mites went to the very end of the stem when hang-drying, and I could shopvac them up. I couldnt even find any left over mites after this.

But, im tired of this, this pot is taking much longer then expected, and im getting concerned...what is the worst that is going to happen?

Hash Man

they can make your crop look awful.

sometimes its no big deal, but you sound like you have an infestation on your hands. what stage of growth are they in?

to answer your question... they can hurt your crop or kill it. and the leave a bunch of crap all over your once virgin trichs. nothing like smoking some nice mite crap in the morning. i think bubbleman posted some pics of mite dung in hash.
They are just the worst. They make my skin crawl....and itch. To pick off that leaf, put a scope up to it and look at them crawling around and see all their eggs, yuck. They are so ugly and gross. Then to think they are crawling all over your girls and in the buds. Then when it comes time to harvest you are smoking mites, eggs, webbing. Mmmmm, snap, crackle, pop....

One thing is for certain. Man rule amendment proposition: If a grower has mites (or any bug/disease/infestation) in their garden, and they KNOWINGLY trade/sell/distribute clones, they should die by firing squad. Do I hear a motion to second?


if your right up against harvesting just clean em as best u can, ( vacumm, wipe em. spray em w/ water to knock em off being carefull for obvious reasons. ) but if caught before of on mothers, veg, ect. try a product called judo sold by a shop called evergreen? i think. it is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. knocks em out completely and UTTERLY!

good luck


Active member
Ive kept them under great control until tonight. I can't stand seeing it and tonight really made me mad.

I can't wait to get these bitches cleaned up and out of my room. Gonna be doing some major cleaning from here on out..

How sad :(


Active member
I'm not sure what Floramite is, so I just chopped everything down pre-maturely.

Sad way to watch them go, after 74 days of flower..

Oh well..better luck next time.

What can I do to bug-bomb this room?

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
In what kind of application and dilution rate do you use this product if I may ask Bush Dr?

5ml/2 litres ...... plants fit for consumption in 7 days, only have to spray the tops, not crawl around trying to get to the undersides

Hot shot pest strips are just a temporary solution, they get immune to them



My 2 cents.
spider mites can lay dormant for a very long time, no food, freezing temps - you name it, they can survive for many months.
I've found the use of CO2 treatments very efficient, and I'm a sucker for beneficial bugs.
If you buy a bug like the "phytoseiulus persimilis", and then raise the RH, the predators will multiply fast while the SM's breeding rate will go way down. It can save a grow, but I would still clean the cab real good before I grow on.

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