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Nute burn....or Nute deficiency??? NEED ASSISTANCE!

ok here is the deal. i have been having leaves die left and right. at first it looked like nute burn so i have been watering with fresh phed(6.5-6.7) water, and still my leaves are dying.


How long has this problem been going on? bout 3 weeks
What STRAIN are you growing? bubbakush, pure kush, unknown(problem plant)
What was the establishing technique?
(seed or clone?) seed/ bubba clone
What is the age of your plants? planted may 8th, 2009
How long have they been in the soil mixture they are in now? since june 3rd
How Tall are the plants? 18 inches
What PHASE (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? veg
What Technique are you using? (SOG, SCROG etc) excuse my ignorance..
What size pots are you using? (Include how many subjects to pot) i think 2 gallon
What substrate/medium are you using? What brand of soil mixture are you using?(percentage of perlite, vermiculite...etc?)FFOF and 2 part perlite
What Nutrient's are you using? advanced nutrients micro and bloom
How much of each nutrient are you using with how much water? *Knowing the brand is very helpful* 2/4
How often are you feeding? it was every other water, they have not been fed for 2 waters
If flowering, when did you switch over to using Bloom nutrients?
What order are you mixing your nutrients? (example: veg nutes 1st, bloom 2nd ect)
What is the TDS/EC/PPM of your nutrients used?
What is the pH of the "RUN-OFF"?
What method of pH test was administered? Using Strips? pH pen? ph pen
How often are you watering? 3-4 days
When was your last feeding and how often are you feeding? 2 waters ago, every other water
What size bulb are you using? 400HPS
What is the distance to the canopy? 12-13 inches
What is your RH Factor? (Relative Humidity) 49-51%
What is the canopy temperature? 74-77 f
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include fluctuation range) 74-76 f
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.) 2 fans and AC
Tell us about your ventilation, intake exhaust and when its running and not running ? Small fan, tall oscillating fan, AC
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? when it turns their direction
Is the grow substrate constantly wet or moist?
Is your water HARD or SOFT?
What water are you using? Reverse Osmosis (RO)? Tap? Bottled? Well water? Distilled? Mineral Water?
brita filtered water
Are you using water from a water softener? no
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned or pinched? nope
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so what and when? nope
Are plant's infected with pest's? nope






any help i could get would be AMAZAZING



Active member
they need water in the morning and at night. and the plants are suffering some heatstress.have a fan blowing on the tops from the side.

not enough water and some heatstress combined is whats making the leaves turn yellow.



Overkill is under-rated.
2 gallon pots, run 8 gallons of water through each, the tips curling down is either too much nute AND too much water or just too much nutes. Back off your concentrations by about half until they get back to normal, will take a couple weeks. Keep and eye on the color of NEW growth to see how it is responding.


im having a similar problem with my plants - all watered with a brita filter. at first i thought it was a cal mag def so i added cal mag, nothing changed. now im thinking its nute burn, although im in soil and fert with organics - so i just flushed all my plants. now im thinking it might have to do with the brita filter. the brita site says something about it being a temporary softener? and it uses potasium in the filter.

from britas website faqs:

# I am on a potassium restricted diet, is filtered water still suitable for me?

Brita cartridges contain potassium partly due to the production process and partly from naturally occurring potassium in the activated carbon. This potassium is gradually released into the filtered water over several litres; the rate of release depends on the hardness of the water. The higher the hardness the faster the potassium is washed out.

Potassium is essential for many functions in the human body, especially for cell renewal. As it is considered to be such a beneficial mineral, there is no maximum limit for potassium in the drinking water standards. The amount of potassium in Brita water is negligible and not relevant at all for people with normal health.

Individuals with kidney disease or those who have to monitor their potassium intake should be aware of the possible increase in potassium in the early litres of water filtered through each new Brita cartridge and may wish to discuss this with their doctor. Contact BRITACare Customer Services for further information.

shit so could it be too much potasium?

Potassium (K) Toxicity:
Usually not absorbed excessively by plants. Excess potassium can aggravate the uptake of magnesium, manganese, zinc and iron and effect the availability of calcium
Thanks to everyone who has stopped by and put in their 2 cents.

Here is what my other plant is looking like, same specs as the one above, but leave are significantly different than the others. I have seen some improvement in the new growth of the plants since i have backed off nutes completely. I have increased the circulation by adding another fan now there are 3+AC.

here are the fan leaves off the PK. None of this has spread to any of the undergrowth. I just cant seem to win.

And again thank you to everyone who has come on and helped out!

Highvibes:smoweed: :rasta:


did we ever figure out if it was nute burn or heat stress. This info would really help, myself and others, who read this thread in hopes of finding an answer. I went thru the same thing, and I can't seem to beat it either. My light are 1-600 watt air cooled about 18" away from canopy, and canopy doesn't get above 81 f, and a 400 watt about 1 foot away from the other reflector, at about 12-14" from canopy. It started with the fan leaves, and now has burnt my fan leaves and is burning my canopy. I also did a feel test, and it's cool to my hand. I also have a powerful oscillating fan blowing right in between the canopy and light. I just flushed 2 of my plants,4 days ago, for the 2nd time since thanksgiving. I and I fed them 2day at 800 PPM. My last 2 feedings were at 1100 PPM, and maybe that was too high, though my nute chart says to feed the 1500 PPM. I never had ANY nute def. in hydro. I might have had root issues, but never have a nute def issue. When people say soilless/soil is more forgiving, they are lying LOL. How van soil be more forgiving than Hydro???? Hydro u simply flush and change solution to lower PPM. The problem is corrected immediately. So if u can clear this up for me I would be grateful. Was it heat strees or nute burn??? Peace, Love , Unity, Respect.


I would probably say the potassium in the brita stuff is part of the problem. Do you have a good salt meter? I would flush with store bough distilled water, you can get a 5 gal thing for like 5-6 bucks! Decrease how close your lights are for a week or two, and try to increase your RH just a bit, maybe in the 55-60% range. Plants seem to heal better in humidity, I think because they can breath in some water vapor to help the stay moist and continue functioning. Def would NOT add CalMag, no need unless you are using RO water with hydro or your soil has no perlite/vermaculite in it. You need to get a good salt meter and get an idea, maybe keep a log, of your ppms of what you are pouring in, and what is draining out. Also, you want to know the ppms of the brita water (or any water you use) before you mix your nutes. Anything over the 1600 range will seriously kill your plants. If you are mixing brita water with already a very high K, and then adding full strength food, you are really getting way too high. You may want to look into a plant food that has a lower K, if you plan on continue using the brita filter.


I would probably say the potassium in the brita stuff is part of the problem. Do you have a good salt meter? I would flush with store bough distilled water, you can get a 5 gal thing for like 5-6 bucks! Decrease how close your lights are for a week or two, and try to increase your RH just a bit, maybe in the 55-60% range. Plants seem to heal better in humidity, I think because they can breath in some water vapor to help the stay moist and continue functioning. Def would NOT add CalMag, no need unless you are using RO water with hydro or your soil has no perlite/vermaculite in it. You need to get a good salt meter and get an idea, maybe keep a log, of your ppms of what you are pouring in, and what is draining out. Also, you want to know the ppms of the brita water (or any water you use) before you mix your nutes. Anything over the 1600 range will seriously kill your plants. If you are mixing brita water with already a very high K, and then adding full strength food, you are really getting way too high. You may want to look into a plant food that has a lower K, if you plan on continue using the brita filter.
I'm not sure if u were talking to me but 1st, I do have a TDS meter. 2nd I DO NOT use a brita filter. I use a Pur 3 stage carbon water filter, and it removes 99.9% of pharmaceuticals impurity, along with other stuff. I think 1600 PPM of my nutes would KILL my plants. I haven't even been able to go above 1100 ppm so far, in its 6th week of 12/12. My 600 w is 18" away and my 400 w is 12" away. Also my canopy temp is no more than 80 f. And the room itself is at about 72-73 f. And an oscillating fan in between the lights and the canopy, If I raise my lights any more, they'll be 2 far, I would think. Here's a pics of what they look like. I do highly doubt it's heat stress. It never happened when I was growing in Hydro, So why would it heat stress now? Also as u can see in the pics, it's not the canopies, it's all over the plant.
DSC03619.jpg DSC03621.jpg

DSC03622.jpg DSC03630.jpg


It looks like nutrient burn, but I can't say for sure! Sorry, my reply was addressed to the original poster, not your situation. Does the Pur 3-stage filter de-chlorinate also? Does it have a softner in it also? How many ppms does the water come out of the filter? You are still getting flouride in there, btw! Only RO or distillation gets rid of that!

Dr Greeenthumb

New member
I seem to be havng the same problem with my 3 uk cheese although it isnt as advanced as yours seems to be. Im a first time grower so im not sure what the problem is, ive searched numerous sites and have still not come up with a solution. I will be watching this thread with anticipation hoping for a remedy :) If it is nute burn or overfeeding would it be ok to flush my plants? today is the beginning of week 5? thanks for the help and sorry to hijack the thread!!
On the Ionic bottle of nutes I have says the ph should be 6 and the EC @1.8.

PH can really screw with things and make it hard to find out what the plant really needs. Get a good meter for PH and a PPM meter if your not running Organics. at least mine won't give me good reading on Earth Juice's


Um, if you salts are too high, you can flush anytime, in hydro at least, not sure about soil. In hydro, I would just run pH'd water for 1-2 days, then slowly work my way back up to full strength over a 1-2 week period, depending on how far along the plant is of course, and what it looks like! Your old leaves that have nute burn won't get better, just watch for new growth that looks good!
Check your roots there are lots of nasty root diseases, I fucked around for 2 years trying to find out what was causing my problems and it was some type of root rot, yes the plants had deficiencies even though I was giving them plenty of food it was because the roots couldn't take up the nutes.