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Holiday Weed Traditions...Post Yours!



Hey all, Happy Holidays!

Just thought I'd share some cannabis related holiday fun. Feel free to share your memories and traditions.

When we were younger and still at home/dorming, every Christmas morning my 2 brothers and I would take a drive to "go get flowers" or some other dumb excuse. Of course nothing was ever open or selling flowers on Christmas morning, but we would drive around anyways just tokin away. We would always come home empty handed like "yeah, nothin was open" and the parents would always look at us like we were morons. haha.

This year, I grew a plant specifically for gifting. I harvested at the end of November so it's well dried and decently cured. I then bagged 7 grams, a joint, and a pack of matches for immediate enjoyment. I wrote and designed a little holiday greeting, then sealed it off and personally delivered them.

Here's a pic of the final product. I only made 5 this year. Next year I hope to have more to gift.



How do you celebrate the hectic holidays? Any cannabis mistle toe or special cookies?

Let's hear 'em!

Happy Holidays!


That is really neat! I plan on gifting a little home grown happiness for
Christmas myself. (Nobody ever returns weed!)

Merry Christmas.


thats epic, id love to get that, is also a great gift because you made it and didn't just buy some crap.


Active member

The BEST Christmas on my list got to be dec 2001........... me in my second year in college.

It was Dec 15 to 28th...

I was living in these massive super cool student halls.

On 15th most other students fucked off back to their homes up and down the country. Only international students left...

Week b4 that i was lucky to score a bag with 5 grams of some quality coke for the holidayz...

I remember sitting in my room drinking cranberry and vodka and playing CS

Then i remember taking a shot glass of vodka + cranberry outside into the yard.. and thats where i met this Jap. chick... i gave her a drink and pulled out a J.. we smoked it..

the next few days we spent in her flat railing coke line after line....

Then boxing day we met with a bunch of ppl on this bus down the country going to this nighclub, spent the night dancing and getting high... one of the best Xmases on my memory

Door man / porter in the halls starte calling me "Amphetamin" after that Christmas


Aww, ain't that sweet, snorting coke and hangin with Japs for Christmas. You have a way with words.... :)


Snow Bongs

Snow Bongs

:elf: SNOW BONGS !! :elf:


:xmastree:happy holidays!

i know i know,, i need a new slide for christmas,,,i got one, pic was cuz my uncle and i talkin about snow bongs and twist tie slider holders, i had both....Peace on Earth and good bud to all.


Active member
i usually have a little cannabis cup with my bro sampling each others herbs and spreading some Christmas cheer.


Mushroom bowling and snow bongs! Sounds fun!

There's got to be more though...

Come on ICMaggers. It's almost the big day!



Captain Expando
I baked cannabrownies last night and it'll be cannacookies tonight and cannafudge tomorrow night... happy holidays ~