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Brittney Murphy died?

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I saw a picture of him (Simon Monjack) in todays paper, All i'll say is if that fat bastard can get a hot woman like here there is hope for us all.... Just dont tell my wife!

Also said that he didnt want an autopsy? very strange indeed....

Also very said....


Well, i wouldnt go out there claiming that he had something to do with this just because he initially denied an autopsy, consider it if your wife died, would you want someone to put her naked on the cold table and cut her up? He later tho has changed his mind because he really wants to find out what has happened.

And who are we to judge anyone about drug use? this very forum is based upon it. Im sure they had some adventures into the other side, but no more than us. Its a tragic event, but there are millions of people dying every fucking day, save your blame for when your time to experience this shit is due.


Blame should be towards the Dr's not the husband imho...........

Paramedics who were called to Murphy’s house on Monday found a nightstand covered with pills.

"A check of the nightstands revealed large amounts of prescription medication in the decedent's name,” the coroner’s notes said, according to TMZ.com.

“Also noted were numerous empty prescription medication bottles in the decedent's husband's name, the decedent's mother's name and unidentified third party names."

TMZ listed the medications as Topamax, used for seizures and migraines, Methylprednisolone, an anti-inflammatory, Fluoxetine, for depression, Klonopin, for anxiety, Carbamazepine, which treats diabetes and bipolar symptoms, Ativan, for anxiety, Vicoprofen, a pain reliever, Propranolol, for hypertension and heart-attack prevention, Biaxin, an antibiotic, and Hydrocodone, a pain medication.
Wow I can't believe how many of you have this all figured out..... So many of you acting as if you knew what her life was like or what kind of problems she had.....Judge people much?!

It's just as bad as when people think all MJ growers are lazy, violent druggies, huh?!

RIP from whatever caused her death....


Active member
Well, i wouldnt go out there claiming that he had something to do with this just because he initially denied an autopsy, consider it if your wife died, would you want someone to put her naked on the cold table and cut her up? .
If my wife was 32 and dropped from a heart attack out of the blue and I didn't know why?
Then yes, absolutely I would, I think it's strange that you wouldn't want to know.


If my wife was 32 and dropped from a heart attack out of the blue and I didn't know why?
Then yes, absolutely I would, I think it's strange that you wouldn't want to know.

Strange that you cut out my last part of that sentence, that exactly explains your question.

He later tho has changed his mind because he really wants to find out what has happened.

Its a valid first thought to preserve your loved one and really not want to release her from your love and accept her death.


I was saddened too hear of her passing. I enjoyed her early movies the most, back when she was heavy. She went through an amazing transformation from dumpy to hot. Check out girl interrupted and freeway 2.

RIP Brittney


stoned agin ...
TMZ listed the medications as Topamax, used for seizures and migraines, Methylprednisolone, an anti-inflammatory, Fluoxetine, for depression, Klonopin, for anxiety, Carbamazepine, which treats diabetes and bipolar symptoms, Ativan, for anxiety, Vicoprofen, a pain reliever, Propranolol, for hypertension and heart-attack prevention, Biaxin, an antibiotic, and Hydrocodone, a pain medication.
well that answers how she died. can you say "drug-to-drug interaction"?
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