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Electric smoking contraptions?


Gene Mangler
Hey all, need some advice.

I tried a Volcano for the 1st time last night, was a fun change. :)
It seemed to make all the flavors taste the same tho, or was it just me?

Are there any electric bowl pipes?
I'm picturing kind of a hybrid, as in a normal pipe with an electric bowl, so you could get rid of the lighters etc. It seems an electric hybrid with a more vape like burn would be nice hitting utensil ;)
Do vapes with whips smoke like this?
Could you crank up the heat to get it to burn more like a normal bowl would?

Thanks :joint:


u mean something like this?


U can turn vapes up so high that they will ignite the material in the bowls. However, the whole point of vaping is to avoid combustion.

You can convert soldering irons into electric matches, if you're trying to avoid butane or whatever.


Gene Mangler
Cool, thanx ;) That SS looks nice.

I understand why you vape, but I seem to be miss the unique terpenes & cb*'s compared to normal smoking tho. I was wondering if there's a happy middle ground?
The vape seemed to give me a scratchy throat too, something I didn't expect. Something no other method has ever done before.
Need a few more soothing oils from a full bodied/fuller burn smoke maybe?

I noticed a vape will turn a face hammer indica into a more up/spacy sativa stone too, from the missing cb*'s I assume?

Thanx for the input ;) any more post it up!


I understand why you vape, but I seem to be miss the unique terpenes & cb*'s compared to normal smoking tho. I was wondering if there's a happy middle ground?

It's suprising to me that you find smoking more flavorful. I find it to be the other way around.

I don't use a volcano though. I use a heat gun on low setting and a bong. Works great and the taste is intense juniper and pine needles.

A lung buster hit of vape will make you cough for about 5 minutes though.

If you were to get an adjustable temperature heat gun, you could play with the temperature so you get smoke and vapor mixed together. Using a heat gun, the bowl takes time to heat up, all the while you are sucking in vapor. But once you get the bowl really hot it will ignite the weed so you'll be smoking.

If you time it right you'll get the best of both worlds in one hit.


Now in technicolor
There's a lot of flavor when vaping. The vapor tastes like the flowering plant instead of smoke.

You can probably use an e-cigarette to vape a pot tincture (hash oil, thc oil, w/e) but not just grinding up weed and putting it in the e-liquid.

Grateful D

had one that blew smoke in your mouth for you, you still had to light it but it forced the smoke so you didnt have to really pull for it, we used to stick blunts in it