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CT Scan!?? yoU THIEVING Bastards



Get Off

Get Off

The juice---You'll live longer, I promise. BTW did I see you in the movie, "Hangover".lol:elf:


I love my life
Being drunk doesn't get you a head CT, being passed out on the street does though.

And if you died a few days later from some head trouble the hospital would be worried about a lawsuit. Crazy drunk guys aren't know for having insurance or cash to pay their bill so they probably ran the scan as a cover their ass measure. I'm glad you are all right.

On a weird note the book "SuperFreeKonomics" has a great few pages about how much more deadly it is to walk home drunk v. drive home drunk.

Again glad you are safe.

Peace, :joint:


Active member
god damn man vodka and tacos at 10am you are a savage hahaha. but passing out black out drunk in a snowstorm you must have been blitz.

i try to moderate now too, it also helps that i mostly drink beer and after 8 or 9 beers its usually bed time.


Patient Grower
For people like me there is no such thing as moderate alcohol usage. We either keep the BAC at 0 or it goes over 0.2%.

OP, you might be really shocked how well you can feel if you stick to cannabinoids only. I'd also like to add that AA did help the first few months after I quit. I had to give that up too after my brain ceased being addled by alcohol, but while it was addled it was a boon. As they say, take what you need and leave the bullshit behind. Particularly the bullshit that equates cannabis to alcohol.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
You're pissed to be alive? Drunks fall down and hit their heads all the time. It's what they do. Checking for damage from same is the only reasonable option the hospital can take.

Pete Conrad, the 3rd human to walk on the moon, took a little tumble on his motorcycle one day and, manly man that he was, refused help. Next day he was dead. 30 minutes in a hospital, a couple of quick scans, Pete would still be riding his bike today.

thats what i was gonna say. as far as the $3000, just consider it your "on the wagon fee" if anything. but remember there are those that passed on never got a chance to pay anything, but im sure they would have if they knew it would have kept them here. . . . .around their families and friends. . . .breathing. . . . . . . able to smoke another day. . . . . . . .getting through yet?
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