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Gringo Guerilla Grower in the heart of S. America


SB, every 21 days shouldn't hit her too hard. I did chemo for a year, once a week shots and everyday pills. It was like having the flu everyday for a year, but since hers is every 3 weeks it should be alot easier.

My greatest comfort was having friends and pets there for me, it made a big difference.
wow Socachi. thanks for sharing. this makes me feel alot better. when you were taking the Chemo where you able to eat? and did you smoke while taking theropy?


I was able to eat a little, made sure I ate 3 squares a day though, but I couldn't stomach the site of raw food, so I bought pre-made stuff. I wasn't smoking then, didn't start till recently with the pain and tired of the crap the VA pumps into me with all the messed up side effects.

Like Barlett says stay strong, stay strong for Abuela. Be there for her, be a friend. If she likes to talk, talk, if she likes to read, read to her. This is a great opportunity for you, learn more about her, her childhood, marriage, her kids, siblings. I'm guessing she's in her 70's, learn about her past.


Forgot to mention my gf's bro is going thru chemo and radiation, I gave him some edibles that helped with his pain. The pain wasn't from the chemo it's from the surgery, they removed a piece of bone.
Thanks alot Socachi. I wish I could come across some good quality Cannabis. I'de make some cannatreats to ease her pain. Today she comes home from treatment. I'll make sure I'm by her side as much as she needs me to be.

Today I'll be heading out to Rio de Amigo to trans plant the S.S.H. and EQ x Shit's into 1ltr milk bags. And I'll veg them in the bags for another 3 weeks before moving them to there seperate locations. tomorrow I'll have to get into the yard to check on and H2O the JF's.
Hello to everyone. So I went to take a few bags of soil and supplies to transplant seedlings. And about a mile into my trip I blew out a tire on Trusty Rusty. I blew out the tube and tire. Not sure what it was but it took a chunk out of the tire. So I walked home droped off bike and waited till a few hours before dark and walked the supplies to Rio de Amigo. Not an easy task when the trip is 3 miles and I had about 40lbs of soil and supplies to carry. While there I could hear people swimming on the other side of the path. so it took me a little longer than I had planed. But I finally got it done. And I must say they look really good in the 1ltr milk bags. I'm guessing they double in size in the next 10 days. Man do I really enjoy every aspect of growing. I enjoy the location hunting, the spot preping, the being quite as a mouse and watching where and how the area is set up. I enjoy watching the plants grow, every last detail truley turns me on about growing Cannabis. Even the heart pounding "what the f*ck" moments. everything except the trimming. thats when I enjoy having the friends enjoy Cannabis. lol. Hopefully I can make some friends this year I can trust to help out with the trimming part. Well i dont want to count my eggs before they hatch.
Hopefully I have a good number of sprouts when I check the JF's tomorrow. This will be my high light. until next time. Bueno
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Hello and peace to all. I hope your holidays are blessed.

Abuela is back from chemo and looking better than I thought. she looks alittle weak but she and everybody are glad she is home for the holidays. :xmastree: :pie:


She may feel like she has the flu for a few days after each chemo injection, but it will pass. May you both have a blessed Holiday.


Pans of beer work for slugs and maybe snails also..they get drunk and fall in and drown...


Contact your family.There will be no support for you if you do not ask.If nothing else, ask the Great Spirit of Life for help. You need no audience. You'll know you are in his presence when you call and then feel his warm breath on your body. Sometimes it is like a warm light breeze and sometimes it is a warmth on your feet or hands. I have no other explanation for this idea but became aware of him when I was smoking in the Colorado mountains while contemplating suicide after having a reaction to antidepressants in 1991 or so. I have experienced many miracles since then including financial and healing. I mostly do not even speak about this but you seem to be in need of a friend there. Be careful what you ask for because in my experience, I usually get it! And I think religion sucks personally. I tried those church things and never got good results for the most part. Happenstance mostly. Unhappiness mainly. But to each his/her own. Too bad I can't smoke anymore because I miss the walks I used to take when I could speak with him in private. Honesty is required. Money is not.
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SB - You need a working knowledge of Spanish in order to improve your living conditions in Uruguay. You don't need money, just motivation. Suggestion: purchase two books. Book #1 would be a basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary text. Spend some time every day learning the basics of commonly used words and grammar. Book #2 get a Spanish/English dictionary. Use it to look up words you don't know and expand your vocabulary.

Watch a lot of Spanish TV and let it gradually sink in. Most importantly, get out and speak the language! Communication with others is the most expedient way to strengthen your skills. Make some friends who are patient and will help you. There is a large expat community in Uruguay. Your goal should be to speak only Spanish.

Understanding Spanish will enable you to find the good deals around Uruguay, and should improve your situation dramatically. You would be surprised how much even a little Spanish will help. And fortunately, Spanish is not a very difficult language to learn.
Grease horse thanks for the motivational kick in the ass. It is hard. sometimes I can go with the flow and know that I just need to restart life. (mostly when I have a joint to smoke) other more negitive and recent thoughs are to just take that one step into the path of the local train as it passes by. luckly the train hasnt passed by when these thoughts come over me. anyways..... Im doing the best I can in these hard times.

6 pack. I have a spanish /engilsih dictionary. And it has helped me alot so far. And I do agree that the best way to learn a language is to jump right in and join the comunnity. I do work shoulder to shoulder with the locals but im just learning it slowly. Im at the point where I can understand alittle bit of whats being said but cant reply back.


Bueno hinted that his internet may go out for a while a few days ago. I hope you are back sooner rather than later, holmes!! :D Sendin some positive vibes. :D
hello to all. sorry about the negitive vibes I spoke about my last post. I was feeling lost and confused over a few things. all is well and im out of my slump. ive been very busy the past days working on a small farm. alot has been looking up for the kid. i have been blessed with my own very small house. no lights or water yet. but as time passes i will build myself here. im working with the the farmer to plant lots of veggies for us and the animals we will raise. we have done lots the past week and it is statring to look nice. the farmer and his family are very nice and helpful where they can. i will get back to my plants and how they are doing my next visit. hopefully i will have put the door on my house by then. be back in a few days. Bueno


Active member
Glad to hear that Señor Bueno.

Aprenderas facil el español viviendo entre uruguayos.

Uruguay must be beautifull to live, i'm close here in B.A, i'd like to visit it soon.

Gkn, Uruguay is a beautiful Country indeed. Even the people are well worth shouting about. Most Uruguayans may not have anything in there pockets but they sure do show alot from the heart. I'm falling more in love with this country every day the sun rises and falls.
I have power in my house now. Next i'll be working on the door. I have a door but it is to big. so I need to cut away some of the concrete wall and build new frame to hold it. The plants I have planted are now starting to sprout and grow. Now we have 15 chicks. 10 for meat and 5 for eggs. and every month we plan on getting 10 more chicks to keep the freezer full. The chicks for meat (broilers) are the same age as the egg layers but are growing at a much faster rate. the broilers look like turkeys they are so fat. and man do they eat. right now we are buying food but we have a test plot to grow the food for the animals to keep the cost way down. We also have 5 rabbits to raise for meat. The rabbits are great because I dont need to buy much food for them. I just need to make sure I collect enough food for them daily. Really looking up for the kid.
Abuela, has gone for 2 Chemo shots so far. And going for number 3 in a few more days. She has lost all of her hair but I must say she is a good looking bald women. She is doing pretty well too. lots of smiles and more energy. I'm glad she is doing better.
I've also been thinking about my thread title and it really doesnt have to much to do with where i have been going. So im thinking about changing threads. Bueno


SB glad to see things are looking up for you. Grow those birds nive and fat so there's plenty for all. Have you ever plucked a chicken before, it's easy once you get the hand of it. Don't know if you have a camera or not but would like to see some pics of you ladies.

Happy to hear Abuela is well also, keep those positive vibes flowing for her and you.

So what are you thinking of changing the thread title to, White Boy in Uruguay LOL. Peace

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